Nephilim (Wing Commander)

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The Nephilim is the name given to an ancient race within the Wing Commander universe.


With a gateway between dimensions established, the Nephilim began the process of forming a permanent entryway into the Kilrah system. Through this, they would begin their invasion of the worlds of the universe.

They conquered the former Kilrathi outpost on Dula Seven and deployed a Centrax at the location.


The Nephilim spoke in a clicking insectoid language though it was able to be translated into English. They possessed six limbs, two of which served as legs whilst the other four acted as arms. A membranous type wing was also noted as being present on their backs and two antennae stood on the top of their triangular heads with two black eyes which provided them vision. Nephilim were easily capable of walking on walls and cielings allowing them to ambush their enemies by dropping down. They were notably larger then a Human and even a Kilrathi.

The race apparently believed greatly in the concept of honor and dying as warriors as well as believing that it was their destiny to be conquerors by destroying all other races. When killed, they often stated that they would go into the blackness. Pilots who were killed in combat often stated that the Queen Mother would avenge their deaths.

They were noted as taking prisoners in their ways who were captured in large numbers before the rest were destroyed as was the case on E'loy. In addition to the Kilrathi, they also took Human prisoners who they referred to as the Unaligned and dissected them for study.

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