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Mindgate, also known as Project Mindgate or as the Mindgate Corporation, was a government organization that featured in Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy.


Project Mindgate was one of many worldwide government attempts at exploiting the use of paranormal abilities to create a successful PSI-Operations. The American PSI Program became known as Mindgate and eventually came under inquiry when a leading operative known as the General began to use his agents for unplanned actions. The public outcry at the loss of tax dollars on psychics and witch doctors made the program lose its funding which in turn caused it to be shut down.

However, while the government officially complied with the public, unofficially the Mindgate organization continued with a crack team of psychics at its call. However, its past history with the General led to a number of PSI-Operatives going rogue where they followed the General in forming The Movement. In order to combat this threat, Mindgate memory wiped agent Nick Scryer's mind so that he would escape the Movements psychic probes after which his memory would return allowing him to take on the terrorist organization.

Unfortunately, Mindgate itself was wiped out by the Movement who staged a large scale attack on the facility to retrieve a psychic artifact as part of their plans for world domination.

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