Misplaced Optimism (Hardwar)

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Misplaced Optimism is a city that features in the video game Hardwar.


Misplaced Optimism was originally known as Optimism and was a mining outpost created on Titan, a moon of Jupiter in the Sol system at some unknown point in the future. Though once it was a profitable enterprise, the corporations in charge over the freezing moon backout and left their staff as well as the colonists behind to fend for themselves which consisted of 20,000 beings. This led it to being known as Misplaced Optimism. In the aftermath, several factions formed with distrust leading to inter-corporation warfare as power was kept in the hands of the elite. The military and political environment had greatly changed where trade of scarce resources were used to survive whilst any weakness was watched over in order to shift the balance of power. Furthermore, centuries following the initial colonization led to interbreeding and mass cloning whilst genocidal class cleansing, sterilisation and other such operations being conducted. This left to a rabble bunch of beings that were loosely described as being called Humans. Following two centuries of isolation, the inhabitants had become corrupt on both a genetic basis and morally. There was little to motivate the inhabitants of Misplaced Optimism beyond the simple desire to leave Titan.

It was in this environment that two corporate powers emerged namely the Lazarus faction who were considered in charge of Misplaced Optimism and their rivals known as Klamp-G. Unknown to many, a group of extraterrestrial aliens had crashlanded on Titan and began to secretly trade with the inhabitants; requiring Human bodyparts in exchange for fusion and nuclear material. This trade was because the profitable Bodyparts business was required by them in order to repair their technology and leave the moon which they did so by twisting the bodies to suit their purpose.


The settlement itself was established within a series of craters and was stated to be the last city left on the moon. There were some unconfirmed reports that indicated that Optimism was actually co-joined with a second city called Hope though its not known whether it still exists and any references to it led to it being renamed as Lost Hope. Among the eight craters and two caves that created the outpost, each were connected by tunnels and linked to by either by railway or moth. The craters themselves were designated as; Alpha, Downtown, Gamma, Highrise, Mines, Port, Reservoir, and Riverside whilst the two caves were named Haven and Midway.

The only productive form of business that remained was the refinement of varous goods which mostly consisted of weapons or vehicles such as moths that was considered more lucrative compared to the mining industry. Food was grown in large Macro-climate domes and was the most widely brought item on Titan and sold everywhere. Pure water and chemicals taken from polluted water as well as atmosphere were also widely used in production. However, the chief commodity in the business industry was drug production with the narcotics beign the most profitable item on Misplaced Optimism. Transportation was achieved through the use of mass drivers that sent individuals back and forth between the surface and other locations along with their cargo to orbital stations. However, this system was badly damaged when the corporations abandoned the colony centuries ago though the Lazarus faction did make attempts to repair them which were not entirely successful.

Control over the settlement, craters and caves was divided between the two main power blocs as well as the gangs or affiliates linked to them. The Lazarus faction controlled the Highrise and Alpha craters, as well as the Island in Reservoir and the northern area in the Mines. The Skinner gang was allied with them and also the Police with Misplaced Optimisms Finance being associated with them. The Klamg-G group were meanwhile headquartered at the Riverside crater and controllws Gamma, the southern area of the Mines and the eastern area of the Reservoir crater. The Scrubber gang were allied with the Klamp-G group.

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