Grays (Deus Ex)

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The Grays are an alien race that feature in the Deus Ex video game universe.


The Grays whilst appearing as an alien species were actually a genetically engineered race created by the corporation known as VersaLife. This company established a facility in Antartica where they tested the reactions of the newly developed Grays in extreme environmental conditions. These Grays were members of the next generation of project experiments that was originally launched in Roswell. This batch were intended for use as unstoppable ground based shock troopers that were unaffected by either cold or radiation. Other members of the race were meant to be harvested for their DNA which was to be used for biomodification for humans that would allow them to survive in the event of nuclear war.

When JC Denton arrived many years ago, he came at a time when the VersaLife facility had gone silent. This left the Grays alone and JC decided to look after the genetically engineered race which led to them being grateful to him. In return, they began to look after his habitat located near their ice colony whilst he slept. This was part of an initiative where they awaited the ApostleCorp's masterpiece to emerge with the arrival of the "key"; individuals that were grown from JC's genetic material. This led to the creation of the Plan which involved Paul arriving with the perfected genetic code with JC awakening to witness a new age. However, instead, Billie Adams along with the Knights Templar arrived where they disrupted the Plan. The Templars in the mean time only brought destruction to the Gray population in Antartica where they threatened, captured and murdered the transgenics. This prevented them from fulfilling their maintenance duties of the habitat nor did it allow them to awaken JC. At least one Gray was captured by the Templars who were trying to learn more about the species in gravely vicious ways. The fact that they were unable to reproduce meant that their population was in great peril from the Templars as they were all that remained of their kind.

Afterwards, Alex Denton arrived at the Antartica base which led to him/her meeting a Gray Leader believed this to be a further deviation in the Plan as there were now two "keys" with no Paul in sight. After explaining the situation, they asked Alex if he/she could rescue their captured comrade from the Templars.


Similar to their name, the Grays resembled the Roswell Grays by appearing as a gray-skinned humanoid race that looked completely alien by appearance. Theur bodies were completely hairless and they had enlarged heads with solid black eyes. They tended to wear no form of clothing and had a hunched appearance with long hangling arms as well as legs. Technically, they were genetically engineered beings that fell under the category of being transgenics and were created without the capacity to reproduce in order to prevent them from potentially overpowering their masters. All Grays were not engineered in the same manner as different strains were cultivated for different purposes. This allowed some members of their kind to be adept in either verbal communication, battle or being leaders.

Grays held a great deal of reverance for JC and willingly aided him in his endeavours as well as sought to protect him. His actions led to them maintaining his Antartica facility and seeking to ensure his survival during the merger attempt wtih the Helios entity. Another impact JC had on the race was on the different breeds which was only amplified by his meeting with their race. Their transgenic nature meant that they were reviled by the Templars and the Grays referred to them as the "Hateful Ones".

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