Sharlin class

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The Sharlin class warcruiser are a type of starship class that features in Babylon 5.



Several such cruisers accompanied the Army of Light in the first major offensive against the Shadows at Sector 83 where they deployed telepath's for use against the enemy vessels. In the battle, Sheridan took command of a warcruiser where he commanded the allied forces against the Shadow fleet. During the engagement, a single Sharlin cruiser was destroyed by a Shadow warship though ultimately the Army of Light proved to be victorious in the engagement. (Episode: Shadow Dancing)


Tactical centers within the ship allowed commanding officers to keep track of battles through holographic display screens. It also provided communication with allied ships thus allowing orders to be received by other vessels in the fleet. (Episode: Shadow Dancing)

The vessel's fuel systems contained a residue that was toxic if directly exposed to it. (Episode: Rumors, Bargains and Lies)

Known Ships

  • Dogato : flagship used by Delenn and Sheridan in the first major offensive against the Shadows at Sector 83. (Episode: Shadow Dancing)
  • Enfili : a cruiser that participated in the battle against the Shadow's at Sector 83 where Sheridan ordered it to protect the Drazi ship's that were surrounded by the enemy. (Episode: Shadow Dancing)
  • Takari : a cruiser belonging to the religious caste where Delenn sought to meet Neroon of the warrior caste in order to help end the hostilities in the civil war that erupted among their people. (Episode: Rumors, Bargains and Lies)


  • Babylon 5: "Shadow Dancing"

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