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Dated Events

  • Real World: March 10. Napoleon Bonaparte is defeated at the Battle of Laon.
  • Real World: March 31. Paris is occupied by anti-Napoleon troops.
  • Real World: April 6. Napoleon I abdicates the throne in favor of his son. His conditional surrender is not accepted by the Allies against him.
  • Real World: April 11. Napoleon I abdicates again, this time unconditionally.
  • Real World: May 30. The First Treaty of Paris is signed- France's borders are reverted to those in 1792. Napoleon Bonaparte is exiled to Elba.
  • Real World: August 24. British troops sack and burn Washington, D.C.
  • Real World: December 24. The Treaty of Ghent ends the War of 1812.

Undated Events

  • Star Wars, Indiana Jones: c. 1814 (1 BBY). In an alternate timeline, after making a random jump into hyperspace, Han Solo and Chewbacca crashland on Earth in an old forest. Solo dies after being attacked by a band of Native Americans, leaving Chewbacca alone and stranded. (Star Wars Tales #19; 126 years before the alternate Indiana Jones finds the Millennium Falcon in 1940. Solo does not appear to be affiliated with the Rebel Alliance, but is on the run from Imperial forces, so this can be placed (somewhat arbitrarily) a year before A New Hope.)



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