Baka (DC)

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Baka is a male comic character that features in DC Comics.



Baka was a male inhabitant of Imperial Subterranea where he was a Prince with him living much of his life underground and had been cared for by Ukur the Beastlord of Subterranea. (Action Comics v2 #29) One day, upon reaching the surface, he arrived in Calle de los Olvidados, Venezuela where he went on a rampage and nearly killed Lana Lang when Superman arrived on the scene. He initially battled the creature but came to realise that he did not have hostile intentions and was in fact friendly. However, a drone strike from the mysterious agency known as the Tower arrived which sought to eliminate what they perceived was a rampaging monster. The attack caused Baka to become violent and in his rage he was attacking anything around him. As a result, Superman tackled the beast and took him into orbit giving the appearance that he had killed the monster. In reality, he had taken him to the Fortress of Solitude where he was shocked to see that the beast transform in his cell to that of a young blue skinned child. (Action Comics v2 #26) In his young humanoid form, he freed himself from his cell and went around the Fortress as he became curious about his surroundings with his only words of response being 'Baka' causing Superman to give him that name. During this time, Lana contacted Superman to inform him that she had discovered some ruins at the site Baka had first emerged and was going in to investigate. This led to Superman and Baka going to the scene to save her as numerous monsters attacked Lang. Whilst battling the beasts, Baka transformed which caused an accidental cave-in with Superman and Lana encountering the Beast-Lord Ukur who revealed that the monsters protected the world from the threat from Imperial Subterranea where he showed the underground city to them. (Action Comics v2 #27) Once there, they encountered the beasts of legend from that land that included small diminutive seemingly harmless lemur-like animals. Whilst there, they encountered Queen Kokya who ruled Imperial Subterranea who revealed that her kingdom was trapped behind a seal countless centuries ago until then. They took the visitors from the surface to their kingdom where Superman witnessed the Subterraneans draining the life-force from the lemur-like beings and using the energy to create power sources that they used. Superman opposed this and stopped the act whereupon with Baka along and Lana Lang as well as the Ghost Soldier they fled to the surface during the fight with Ukur. However, once on the surface, one of the freed lemur-like creatures succumbed to a monstrous transformation upon exposure to sunlight and the Ghost Soldier betrayed Superman by stabbing him with a phased blade to his back. (Action Comics v2 #28) Baka attempted to stop the lemur-like creatures but Superman did not want the wild beasts to be hurt. However, the Ghost Soldier then killed the remaining creatures causing Superman to go into a rage and froze the Tower's operative. He then intended to confront the Towers commanders directly and wanted Lana to stay with Baka to ensure he did not get attacked. Ukur then arrived with a warning about the lemur-creatures but saw that they had been killed. The Beastlord did not desire further conflict but stated that he had come for Baka as he did not belong on the surface and that Ukur intended to continue his duty to look after the prince. A reluctant Superman then parted company with Baka with the young boy hugging the Man of Steel as he with sadness returned underground. Half a mile underground, Superman then heard with his super-hearing Baka was sobbing out of sadness for being parted with Kal-El. (Action Comics v2 #29)


Personality and attributes

In his transformed state, he resembled a large four-legged monster with blue scale skin and a tale with increased strength in this form. (Action Comics v2 #26)

He was shown to have a playful personality as he brought a truck back to Superman that was thrown at him. (Action Comics v2 #26) Normally, he responded with the words 'Baka' but he was capable of speech both in his native language and in others such as English. (Action Comics v2 #27) Baka was shown that he wanted to help such as aiding Lana Lang by putting her on his head in his dragon form. (Action Comics v2 #28) He also listened to Superman such as when he attacked a group of Subterranean creatures that went rogue but halted from harming them when the Man of Steel told him to stop. Baka also trusted Lana Lang and was said to listen to her as well. (Action Comics v2 #29)

Powers and abilities

As a shapeshifter, he was able to shift from that of his young humanoid form with a tail to that of a hundred foot-long electric electric dragon with increased strength and durability in that body. He was able to naturally generate electricity from his body that could short out machinery. Baka was shown to be strong and had greater than human durability with electrical attacks tickling him. (Action Comics v2 #27) In this state, it was said to weigh up to six tons. (Action Comics v2 #29)


  • Baka was created by Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder where he made his first appearance in Action Comics v2 #26 (February, 2014).


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