Hal Jordan

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Hal Jordan in Green Lantern v5 #21.

Hal Jordan is a male comic character that features in DC Comics.




Newly inducted Green Lantern Hal Jordan in Showcase v1 #22.

He later joined the Air Force to become a pilot like his father with this driving a wedge between his mother and him as she did not want that life for her son. Hal instead continued on the career path with his mother cutting ties with him and not speaking to him again. (Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps v1 #12)

Whilst at Ferris Aircraft Company, he operated as a test pilot in a trainer of his own design when the machine was taken the crash-site of Abin Sur's vessel who had used his Power Ring to select a worthy replacement. Upon gaining the ring, he decided to use its power to become a superhero but decided to keep his true identity a secret. (Showcase v1 #22)

Green Lantern




The New 52

Renegade in Green Lantern Annual v5 #4.


Personality and attributes

Different incarnations of Hal Jordan in Green Lantern: Rebirth v1 #3.

His choice to become an Air Force pilot drove a wedge between himself and his mother with him never being able to reconcile with her as she died and this being a regret in his life. (Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps v1 #12)

Powers and abilities

Upon being given the Power Ring, he could achieve anything that he could will to happen though a yellow impurity meant that he initially could not affect objects that were coloured yellow. (Showcase v1 #22)

One construct he used to communicate with comrades in space was a headset that latched onto the ears and Hal called greentooth. (Brave and the Bold v3 #2)

At one point, he had trained his Power Battery to come to him when he called for it. (Brave and the Bold v3 #1)

For a time when he was a renegade, Jordan took the Power Gauntlet of Krona that had the combined strength of over 10 Power Rings. The gauntlet responded to his thoughts allowing him to create extremely powerful constructs. However, its interface was sensitive and even reacted to the most stray of thoughts that came into his mind such as knocking someone that he did not like but did not intend to hit.

During a brief moment, Hal Jordan became a god-like being following Darkseid's death when the Mother Box that guided the Parademons sought a new master to wield it. Jordan accepted leading to the Box merging with his Power Ring to create the Mother Ring as he became the new god of light. With his new powers, he reversed time to prevent Oa's devastation and the deaths inflicted by the Parademons whilst even going back in time to his childhood in order to console his younger self after the death of his father. Jordan, however, removed this newfound divinity and returned to being a mortal once more. (Justice League - Darkseid War: Green Lantern v1 #1)


  • Hal Jordan was created by John Broome and Gil Kane where he made his first appearance in Showcase v1 #22 (October 1959).

Alternate Versions

  • In Justice League America v1 #72 (1993), Hal Jordan as Green Lantern appeared in a dream-world setting crafted by Doctor Destiny where the Justice League imposed their totalitarian rule on the world. Jordan was manoeuvred into the position of Vice-President in the United Stares government and took control from the President in this world.
  • In Superman & Batman Generations III (1999), Hal Jordan operated in the 1980s where he became President of the United States of America and had married Carol Ferris. During his term in office, he ordered the deployment of Kryptonite against Superman after he witnessed him killing Lex Luthor though the sample was taken by Bruce Wayne, Junior who operated as Batman. In 1997, Sinestro began targeting all Green Lanterns for elimination and pursued Alan Scott along with his successor Kyle Rayner on Earth. During the battle, Jordan took Rayner's Power Ring and overcame fear allowing him to defeat Sinestro. For his actions, the Guardians of the Universe made him a member of the Green Lantern Corps. In 2008, as Green Lantern he participated in the battle against Metallo who held the transplanted brain of Lex Luthor.
  • In Superman: Red Son v1 #3 (2003), Hal Jordan of Earth-30 was a decorated United States Air Force pilot who fought in the Cold War and was caught by the Soviets in the battle in Malaysia. After returning, he was selected by President Lex Luthor's Project: Green Light where he became part of the newly formed United States Green Lantern Marine Corps against Superman.
  • In Countdown: Arena (2007) parallel versions of various characters were taken by Monarch to fight one another in order to develop an army to serve him. Among them included Hal Jordan of Earth-5 who was his Captain Marvel's worlds version of Green Lantern. A further one was Hal Jordan III of Earth-12 who was the grandson of Hal Jordan in the future in Batman Beyond.
  • In Injustice: Gods Among Us v1 (2013), a prequel of the video game series showed the rise of the One Earth Regime when the alternate world's Superman accidentally killed his wife Lois Lane along with their unborn child. Hal Jordan was the Green Lantern of this alternate universe where he sided with High Councillor Superman in order to bring order to their world. The authoritarian and near tyrannical rule of High Councillor Superman provoked the Guardians of the Universe and Green Lantern Corps into defeating the One Earth Regime. During the battle with Ganthet's forces, Hal Jordan was stripped of his power ring and instead got a yellow ring from Sinestro making him into a member of the Sinestro Corps.
  • In Justice League v2 #26 (2014), the New 52 version of Earth-3 showed a version of the character known as Harold Jordan. He was shown as being a coward who desired power but was scared of everything and lacked any willpower. Jordan worked at Ferris Aircraft where he spied on Carol Ferris as he desired her but was discovered by Carl Ferris who was ready to beat him to death when Earth-3 Abin Sur arrived on Earth. Sur's arrival killed Carl Ferris and Abin Sur offered the Ring of Volthoom that gave ultimate power to Harold Jordan. He would take it only to learn that the ring was cursed and that the dying Abin Sur gave it to him in order to free himself. Jordan became the supervillain Power Ring whose emotions were regularly fed upon by Volthoom with Harold becoming part of the Crime Syndicate that escaped the destruction of their world to the mainstream Earth. He was killed in a battle with Sinestro and the Ring of Volthoom passed to new a bearer named Jessica Cruz.
  • In Green Lantern: Future's End v1 #1 (2014), a possible future had a war fought when the survivors from Earth-2 came to the main Earth bringing a conflict with Apokolips that saw thousands killed. During this time, Hal Jordan's mother was killed and he decided to abandon his role as leader of the Green Lantern Corps as he did not want to leave Earth unprotected again. He lived a seemingly bachelor life when he was visited by his father in an undead state who warned him that the dead Krona had taken over the Black Lantern Corps. Hal thus broke his vow and took the battle to Krona with the help of Relic with the fight taking place at the Source Wall. Relic channelled the Emotional Spectrum into Jordan to defeat the Black Lanterns but this comes at the cost of his life with his body turning into stone as it came into contact with the Source Wall.
  • In Convergence: Green Lantern v1 (2015), the Zero Hour Parallax featured who was the corrupted Hal Jordan with his timeline city being abducted by Brainiac and placed on Telos. Within the city, he reverted to being Hal Jordan and remained in prison with Kyle Rayner visiting him. This was until the Convergence when his power was restored and he sought to defend Coast City from Electric City where he destroyed it despite Rayner attempting to stop him. In Convergence v1 #8 (2015), Parallax killed the supervillain Deimos that had kept the various cities hostage and travelled back in time with a number of superheroes to avert the Crisis of the Infinite Earths thus changing the timeline. In Green Lantern v5 #48 (2016) Parallax was shown to be in the current universe where he sought to prevent the tragedies of his timeline such as the destruction of Coast City with him deciding to eliminate the Hal Jordan of the main universe.

In other media


  • In Justice League Unlimited, the character was introduced into the DC Animated Universe where he appeared in part of the episode "The Once and Future King" and voiced by actor Adam Baldwin.
  • In Green Lantern: The Animated Series, the character was one of the primary characters where he was voiced by Josh Keaton.


  • In the live-action Green Lantern, the character was played by actor Ryan Reynolds.
  • In Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, the character appeared in the animated movie where he was voiced by Nathan Fillion. He was among the Justice League members that responded to the Flash's distress signal and arrived at the Flash Museum to help disarm Professor Zoom's future technology bombs that were implanted on the Rogues with the devices threatening to severely Central City. Similar comic storyline, a separate reality was accidently created as a result of Barry Allen going back in time to save his mother. In this altered timeline, Hal Jordan was a pilot in the United States military who never became Green Lantern. He was called by General Sam Lane to his facility in order to pilot the deceased Abin Sur's starship that carried a nuclear weapon which was intended to be deployed against the Atlantean armada. Hal was onboard the refitted ship that was heading towards the Atlantean flagship when the Aquaman of this world summoned a sea monster that swallowed the craft causing it to explode prematurely thus killing Jordan.


  • In Injustice: Gods Among Us, the character was playable in the video game where he was voiced by actor Adam Baldwin.
  • In Infinite Crisis, the character appeared as one of the numerous Protectors available to the player where he was played by Adam Baldwin. Alternate reality versions of the characters were playable as well that included Atomic Green Lantern from a post-apocalyptic radioactive wasteland and Arcane Green Lantern that resided on a mystical Earth.


  • Showcase:
  • Green Lantern:
  • Justice League:
  • Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps:

External Link

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