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The Grineer from Warframe.

The Grineer are a human civilization that features in Warframe.




In time, their vast numbers allowed them to expand their empire from Earth outward to all sectors within the solar system. At some point, they would rediscover cloning technology allowing them to take control of Earth through sheer numbers.

As part of their offensive against the Corpus, they began construction of Fomorian class starships.


Similar to most living organisms, the Grineer required water in order to survive.

The Grineer were cloned from a genetic pool of 'Originals' but their genetic material had degraded in time with the original human stock that they were derived from being lost. To stave off this genetic deterioration, they had been forced to use technology as a crutch to combat the damage done to their bodies. The Grineer were able to extend their lifespans through recycled cloned parts and made use of haphazard repairs on their bodies. However, this led to them appearing deformed and they tended to have a number of skin diseases. Only through decades of service could the Grineer elite afford to use cybernetic augmentation to cover the expense of removing their flawed organic parts. Strict laws on organic engineering placed considerable mental and physical health limitations on Grineer labourers. It was for this reason that a compliant and high-performing variants were made that were provided extended lifespans beyond their typical few decades of operational life. Every once in a while, mutations in Grineer genetics code produced an individual that refused to follow the orders of their superiors. Most such individuals were destroyed though a few managed to escape.

This led to the Grineer empire's sprawling ranks to consist of the decaying hordes of clones that aimed to claim the remains of the Solar System thus leading to short and violent lives. Space exploration efforts were primarily driven by the need for new discoveries or finding ancient tools of war that could give them an advantage over their enemies. It was for this reason that they deployed numerous forces in finding new territory and on command finding new unexplored regions of space.

Their civilization had adopted a ideology of hatred and discrimination towards the Tenno that drove them forward in their expansion. Grineer made us of slave labor in order to construct their Gulags.

One branch within their military was the elite Nightwatch Corps.

The Grineer were not celebrated for their ingenuity or craftmanship with them being noted for their violence along with military proficiency. However, they had been shown to be quite inventive and able to develop their own technologies with them using machines for research, manufacturing and warfare.

Grineer had rediscovered cloning technology allowing them to produce vast numbers of soldiers for their armies. However, continuous use of the process began creating defective clones with distorted features. One project saw them developing artificial genomes that restored broken links in their DNA sequences to produce stronger clones in greater quantities. They would also develop the Cicero Toxin that was a deadly pathogen able to destroy the fast growing hyper-evolved trees of the Forest of Earth.

Among their starships built by the Grineer were the newly developed Fomorian class vessels. Another type of spacecraft was the Grineer Galleon where fleets of such ships kept watch over mining operations.


  • Vor : a male Captain who was noted as the favorite lieutenant of the Twin Queens and was dispatched to eliminate the Tenno.


  • The Grineer were created by Digital Extremes and featured as one of the antagonist faction in the Warframe universe.


  • Warframe:

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