Cyclone (DC)

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Cyclone is a female comic superhero who features in DC Comics.



Maxine Hunkel was a female human born in the modern age where she was the granddaughter of Ma Hunkel who was the first Red Tornado. (Justice Society of America v3 #1)

One day, she decided to test her abilities again by falling off a roof whereupon she manifested her control over wind to fly in the air. It was then that she met Power Girl and Mister Terrific with the pair offering her membership into the Justice Society which she happily accepted. (Justice Society of America v3 #1)


Personality and attributes

After the incident with T.O. Morrow, it was noted that Maxine began to suffer from atypical depression. (Justice Society of America v3 #1)

She was noted to had been the biggest fan of Stargirl. (Justice Society of America v3 #1)

Powers and abilities


  • Cyclone was created by Mark Waid, Alex Ross, Geoff Johns and Dale Eaglesham where she made her first appearance in Justice Society of America v3 #1 (February, 2007).

Alternate Versions


  • Justice Society of America v3:

External Links

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