Jacob Kell

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Jacob Kell is a male film villain who features in Highlander.




Jacob Kell was a clansman of Connor's and his childhood friend. He was also a latent Immortal. He had been adopted by priest Father Rainey and grew up to be a religious man following his father's footsteps. When Connor came back to life after his death in the battle against the Clan Fraser, Kell believed Connor had been possessed by the devil and wished to burn him. However, Connor was just expelled from the clan. Years later, he was part of a group that planned an ambush on Connor luring him to Glenfinnan to save his mother, Caiolin who had been sentenced to be burned alive for giving birth to the devil. Ignoring Connor's pleas he incarcerated him and burned his mother. Enraged, Connor escaped and killed Father Rainey and Kell. Kell would later come back to life and start a personal vendetta against Connor, killing Rachel Ellenstein along the way. He gathered a group of followers (Faith, Jin Ke, Cracker Bob, Winston, Manny and Carlos) who started breaking the rules of The Game (such as one-on-one combat). Due to this he became, according to The Watchers record, one of the most powerful Immortals alive. In 2002, after finding Connor in The Sanctuary, he told Connor his next target: Duncan MacLeod. Neither Connor or Duncan were strong enough to win on their own, so Connor ordered Duncan to take his head (and therefore his power and wisdom). After a lot of reluctance, Duncan was forced to kill his teacher and friend and challenged Kell. Kell, on the other hand, killed all of his followers (except Faith in the Producer's cut). In the final battle, Duncan (with the help of Connor inside of him) was able to defeat and behead Kell. During his Immortal life he beheaded 665 Immortals.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Jacob Kell was portrayed by actor Bruce Payne.


  • Highlander: Endgame:

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