Amorpho (Quality)

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Amorpho is a comic character who features in DC Comics.



Amorpho was a extraterrestrial being of unknown origins who was a shapeshifting protoplasmic mass. After leaving his native planet, he had a strict salt ration and travelled to various worlds to consume the mineral. One day, his vessel landed on Earth where he became interested in the dominant life forms of the planet. Initially, he encountered a squirrel and adopted its shape with him abandoning this in favour of a dog that came upon him. It was then he was found by Woozy Winks and determined that this was likely the dominant race of the world and took a form based on him. Whilst wandering around, he came upon a food warehouse and began to gorge himself on a supply of salt with the guard unable to stop him. Afterwards, Amorpho intended to consume even more salt but could not fight a group of warehouse workers moving sacks of the mineral around. The shapeshifter then turned into a bag to trick the workers into depositing the salt directly into him and he consumed a great deal of the material before wandering away. This act led to the workers contacting the police with Plastic Man investigating the matter. Plastic Man attempted to capture Amorpho as the alien was in his sack form thus forcing him to flee and assume another shape to evade his pursuer. With his pursuer gone, Amorpho became fascinated at Plastic Man and the human's own ability to alter his shape. Thus, Amorpho decided to adopt the form of Plastic and started stealing salt in the night whilst using the identity of the superhero. This attracted the attention of the police with the villainous shapeshifter dealing with them whilst he looked for a place to gorge on the imported salt. These activities brought the attention of Plastic Man again who confronted his doppelganger with the two doing battle using their respective shapeshifting powers. Despite his talents, Amorpho was defeated and he accepted the loss where he requested to return to his rocket ship to depart for another world. Plastic Man escorted the alien back to his vessel with Amorpho taking his original protoplasmic shape as he departed for a new world in the hope of finding more salt to sustain him. (Plastic Man v1 #21)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Amorpho was a shapeless, featureless and indefinable mass of protoplasm. His abilities allowed him to adopt a wide range of forms. (Plastic Man v1 #21)

He was shown as being intelligent as he was able to determine a species capacity for higher thinking. Ultimately, he was only obsessed with finding salt as it was a food source for him. (Plastic Man v1 #21)

Powers and abilities

Amorpho was a protoplasmic being that had the ability to change his shape and mimic the appearance of other life forms or even objects. He was able to adopt a shape instantly where he was able to take the form of animals to humanoid beings. Alternatively, he could take the form of inanimate objects such as sacks though his shapeshifting allowed him to sprout legs in this form and arms. Typically, he used these forms to hide from his enemies whilst he took living forms to fight his enemies. (Plastic Man v1 #21)

In terms of sustenance, he was known to consume large quantities of salt with it being a delicious life-giving mineral. (Plastic Man v1 #21)

Amorpho was able to travel across space and to other worlds on a tiny rocket ship. (Plastic Man v1 #21)


  • Amorpho was created by William Woolfolk and Jack Cole where he made his first appearance in Plastic Man v1 #21 (January, 1950).


  • Plastic Man v1: (1950)

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