Military Armament Research Syndicate

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The Military Armament Research Syndicate is an organization that features in G.I. Joe.



The Military Armament Research Syndicate (M.A.R.S.)


In appearance, the Military Armament Research Syndicate (M.A.R.S.) was one of the largest manufacturers of state of the art weapons which they sell to various customers.

M.A.R.S. Troopers provided security for the corporation with them operating as a quasi-military force that guarded the company's interests. These troopers were highly trained in combat tactics and equipped with advanced weaponry along with equipment provided by the mysterious weapons firm. Members were recruited for their aggression, loyalty and military skills with them performing any act ordered of them. M.A.R.S. Officers were responsible for commanding troops that guarded M.A.R.S. Industries with it said that they were trained by James McCullen himself. Recruits were selected for their leadership ability, loyalty and ability to comprehend as well as apply military strategies. These officers were also trained in espionage techniques allowing them to discover corporate spies within their ranks and to uncover information that would benefit the company's interests. They were known to use advanced helicopter drones to patrol the corporation's buildings and attack intruders with weapons equipped to the machines.

A commando unit were the M.A.R.S Iron Anvil paratroopers that were part of an elite airborne division. These wee deployed when brute force was deemed necessary in order to secure a victory for the corporation. The Iron Anvil were specialised assault troopers sent ahead of the main ground forces where they were tasked with overwhelming enemy defensive lines. Their primary mission was to subvert major economic and military installations either by capturing or destroying them. As paratroopers, they were typically dropped anywhere on the battlefield that gave these airborne troopers a distinct tactical advantage. In terms of equipment, they were self-contained bio-suits that protected them with layers of composite and reactive armor that served as a shock absorber in hard landings. Once on the ground, they used their hand-to-hand fighting skills to engage the enemy in close-quarter combat as they took prisoners who were to serve as slave labor in M.A.R.S. newly acquired facilities.

M.A.R.S. Annihilators were another elite airborne assault troopers that could be deployed by air, land or sea via use of a mini-turbine heli-packs on their backs allowing them to descend on their targets. Such troopers were recruited from the ranks of the Iron Grenadiers who had an affinity for three dimensional thinking. They were able to perform a wide array of advanced aerial manoeuvres and often combined this with group tactics to swarm their targets. Their heli-packs were designed to operate in almost any weather condition and were strong enough to carry up to two people in terms of weight along with leaving no traceable heat signature. Indoctrination into the Airborne Corps required recruits to be apprenticed as hard-sell telephone solicitors where they procured sales for the M.A.R.S. Corporation. This not only increased the profit for the company but also reinforced their tenacity and ruthlessness. Service as an Annihilator was hard work with a great deal of dexterity and finesse required for assignments with them not receiving any medals of success but do get active shares in M.A.R.S. allowing them to profit from a sharing plan.

Creations of the company included:

  • AGP :
  • M.A.S.S. Device :
  • Parasite Matrix :


  • Destro :
  • Dr. Mindbender :
  • The Doctor :


  • M.A.R.S. was created by Hasbro where it featured in the setting of G.I. Joe setting.

In other media


  • In G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, M.A.R.S Industries appeared in the setting of the live-action film. The origins of the Syndicate were tracked to the Scottish McCullen clan which had for centuries entered the business of creating weapons and trading it to both sides. Centuries ago, the head of the clan was caught selling weapons to both the French and the English during the war leading to him being captured and tried as a traitor. Rather than be killed, he had a molten mask burnt onto his face as punishment for his crimes. Despite this act to dissuade others from engaging in such behavior, the McCullen clan continued their black market operations to the modern age where they formed the Military Armament Research Syndicate. At this stage, they were responsible for the development of 75% of the worlds arsenals and consisted of two branches; the Sword which creates weapons and the Shield which creates defensive technology. By the 20th century, the Syndicate was a highly powerful business empire that had links with the military as well as NATO. Led by James McCullen, the Syndicate also did secret experiments in Nanomite technology in Africa as part of a plan by McCullen to gain control of the world.

Video games


  • G.I. Joe:

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