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Oggar is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.





Oggar was a being who hailed from Egypt around 3,000 years ago where he was a powerful sorcerer. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61) Around 3000 years ago, he was captivated by the beauty of Circe in Egypt and wanted her to be his queen when he ruled the world. However, she refused his advances and in anger he cursed her with immortality but one where she would live forever but grow old in the process with her beauty disappearing over the centuries. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #66) In time, he became the pupil of the great wizard known as Shazam who taught him the arts of magic. (Captain Marvel Adventure v1 #61) Shazam was actually the leader of a band of seven heroes in the ancient world that included Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, Mercury and Oggar. He drew upon their power and was known as Shazamo with his name stemming from the first letter of each of the heroes. Together, they lived in splendor and acted as gods of the world in their era. With their aid, Shazamo called upon them to help the mortals of the world and on one occasion he sensed danger to a small kingdom from a powerful warlord. Thus, he commanded Oggar the Mighty to aid the nation from the invaders but the immortal being rebelled as he refused to be commanded anymore and claimed that Shazamo should not lead them anymore as he was old and weak. Instead, he sought to claim leadership himself and stated that rule needed to fall to the young. Shazamo thus challenged Oggar to a battle but the immortal failed in defeating the ancient wizard who held a hidden strength. For his rebellion, Oggar was banished to the mortal world as he could not be killed due to being a god but exiled to wander the Earth for eternity. However, Oggar vowed revenge stating that he would find a way to destroy Shazamo and rule the Earth. Due to Oggar's actions, the wizard struck the villainous immortal's letter from his name and became known as Shazam. Meanwhile, Oggar wandered the Earth where he decided to bide his time as he believed he could not defeat each of the heroes so instead would wait until they passed on their power to a champion in several thousand years time. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #62) Thus, Oggar became known as an evil immortal god who was the enemy of civilization. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61)

In the 20th century, he surfaced once more where he began building a temple that was to be the first of many as it was time for the rise of the Cult of the Curse. His activities on the mountain top attracted the attention of the owner of the land who was Olaf Jansen that demanded Oggar pay the rent but the immortal killed his donkey before throwing him away. Jansen later attempted to enlist the aid of the police who suggested that he call upon the aid of Captain Marvel. Olaf late met Billy Batson who was skeptical about the old man's words but followed him where they found the temple again with Oggar throwing the pair to the side. This forced Batson to become Captain Marvel with the two doing battle but were evenly matched. As a result, Oggar sought to find a means of defeating his foe and cast a protective shield that kept Captain Marvel away from the temple. This led to Captain Marvel going to consult the wizard Shazam who revealed only part of Oggar's origins but the spirit said that it was written in prophecy that Earth's Mightiest Mortal needed to find the rest himself though did state that their foe had a singular weakness before disappearing. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61)

Trapped as a boar, he remained immortal thus surviving his plunge from the cliffs but was powerless in this form. This was until Mister Mind in the body of his Invincible Man emitted stolen energies that helped restore Oggar back to his old form. He then came to join the Monster Society of Evil where they made a new plot to destroy Captain Marvel. It was decided that the first strike against the hero was to be by Oggar and Black Adam who managed to ambush Billy Batson. With his power, Oggar managed to make Billy mute thus leaving him helpless whereupon they turned their attention to Mary Marvel. Unable to harm her directly, the villainous Oggar called forth lightning to erupted from his hands but Mary tricked him into striking Billy thus turning him into Captain Marvel. Together, the two battled the villains with Oggar's inability to directly harm a woman led to him using lightning on everyone around him. Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel managed to evade this attack but it struck Black Adam who was lifting a pyramid to throw at the heroes at the time. To save Black Adam and others, Captain Marvel along with Mary Marvel moved to put the pyramid back in its place. This distraction allowed Oggar and Black Adam to escape before the heroes could apprehend them. (World's Finest v1 #264)


Personality and attributes

He was known as Earth's Mightiest Immortal and even referred to himself as Oggar the Mighty. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61)

As represented in his temple, Oggar had his own Seven Deadly Enemies though these were not the dark vices but rather the great heroes that empowered Captain Marvel. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #62)

It was said that he wished to destroy civilisation and recreate the ancient days of slavery. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #66)

Powers and abilities

According to the wizard Shazam, Oggar had a mortal body but an immortal spirit. As a result, he was an immortal and could not die. His strength was evenly matched to that of Captain Marvel. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61). Similar to Captain Marvel, he could also fly and stated he could accomplish the same feats as Earth's Mightiest Mortal. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #62)

He had a range of magical powers at his command and with a gesture could command magical lightning capable of killing living beings. This power when used on Captain Marvel simply reverted him back to his child form. Oggar could also cast an invisible shield over his person that was a magical protective shield that repelled even those with superpowers. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61) He could also cast spells that banished people to other parts of the world. Through his enchantments, he could make treasures appear such as gold with but a gesture. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #62) With a word, he could command a person to become mute and unable to speak. Oggar could also call upon the power of the Snout of Set to summon a legion of warriors composed of sand. (World's Finest v1 #264) Oggar was shown to be able to summon weapons in his hand such as a magic spear. He could also curse people with immortality where they did not die but aged over the centuries. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #66)

At his command was a group of followers that he called the Cult of the Curse. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61) His magic came to be powerless against women and he could not harm them directly. (World's Finest v1 #264)

It was said that a weakness in his power was that he could only use certain spell just once. (Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #66)


  • Oggar was created by C.C. Beck and Otto Binder where he made his first appearance in Captain Marvel Adventures v1 #61 (May, 1946).

Alternate Versions

  • In Convergence: Shazam! v1 (2015), the Pre-Crisis Oggar was on Fawcett City that had been abducted by the Planet Incarnate Telos who had similarly bottled numerous cities from across the Multiverse. Within the city, Oggar was among other the villains that included the Monster Society of Evil who intended to get their revenge on Captain Marvel. Oggar was instrumental in this goal in infiltrating the Marvel Family by using the curse of IBAC to turn Sivana into Dudley and IBAC into Morris. However, at that moment, their city was taken by Telos and Oggar was unable to reverse the curse leading to IBAC turning the immortal wizard into a bronze statue.


  • Captain Marvel Adventures v1: (1946)
  • World's Finest Comics v1:
  • Convergence: Shazam! v1: (2015)

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