Skeleton Crew (Marvel)

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The Skeleton Crew is a comic supervillain team that features in Marvel Comics.



The Skeleton Crew were a team of super-powered mercenaries that worked for the Red Skull and were headed by Crossbones. (Captain America v1 #369)

Crossbones brought together the team for a mission for the Red Skull that involved a raid against the Hellfire Club to free him from their clutches. Failing their mission, they were forced to escape where they were confronted by the Black Queen Selene leading to a battle between them though the Crew managed to knock her out briefly. Their fight was then interrupted by the arrival of Captain America and Diamondback Rachel Leighton. Mother Night then used her abilities to make the Skeleton Crew invisible so that they could enact their escape and leave Captain America to fight against the Hellfire Club's mercenaries when they came upon the scene. (Captain America v1 #369)


Members of the group were said to be expendable. (Captain America v1 #369)


  • Crossbones :
  • Mother Night :
  • Machinesmith :
  • Voice :
  • Sleeper :


  • The Skeleton Crew was created by Mark Gruenwald and Ron Lim where they made their first appearance in Captain America v1 #369 (April, 1990).


  • Captain America v1:

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