Khaji Da Revolutionary Army

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The KDRA in Blue Beetle v8 #35.

The Khaji Da Revolutionary Army are a group that features in DC Comics.



The Khaji Da Revolutionary Army (KDRA) were a group of beings all of whom were bonded to a Reach Scarab. All of them had formerly been operatives of the Reach where they performed their tasks on hundreds of worlds with no complaint. This was until the Scarab information web experienced a surge of revolutionary ideas with these having come from the Scarab Khaji Da who was at the time bonded to the human Jaime Reyes and made the pair into the superhero called Blue Beetle. During a battle against the Reach, Khaji Da sent a message proclaiming for freedom of their kind and a number of Scarabs responded in kind by looking to liberate themselves from their masters. Thus, they turned against the oppressive control structure of the Reach who were unprepared for their former creations to had turned on them. (Blue Beetle v7 #35)

By accessing the command override system, the Blue Beetle sent out a signal that caused a software reboot to all the Reach Scarabs within range on Earth. This caused the Reach Scarabs to shut down and deactivate returning their hosts to normal thus ending the KDRA's attempted revolution. The Green Lantern Corps then proceeded with apprehending the remaining Scarab hosts for their actions. (Blue Beetle v7 #36)


In appearance, the Khaji Da Revolutionary Army consisted entirely of hosts of a Reach Scarab that had turned against their masters the Reach. (Blue Beetle v7 #35)


  • Djo Zha :
  • Khaji Ro :
  • Djo Mek :
  • Khaji Tal :
  • Djo Sut :


  • The Khaji Da Revolutionary Army was created by Lilah Sturges and Carlo Barberi where they made their first appearance in Blue Beetle v7 #35 (March, 2009).


  • Blue Beetle v7: (2009)

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