Kakashi (Kamisama Dolls)

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Kakashi are artifacts that features in Kamisama Dolls.




Kakashi (Japanese: 案山子, lit. Scarecrow) were living wooden constructs created long ago that came to reside in the remote Karakami Village located in the outskirts of Japan.


In appearance, the Kakashi were wooden constructs that came in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. They were made of wood yet their interior was similar to that of an automaton.

The person that controlled a Kakashi was an individual that was called a Seki. These individuals were able to control the Kakashi allowing them to direct the entities movements. Seki were even able to see through the eyes of a Kakashi.

During the bonding ceremony, a prospective Seki was within the room with the Kakashi whereupon the monks drew blood from a cut on their hand and placed it within the wooden god. The parts of the Kakashi were then soaked in a special formula called Kami no Chi, or Blood of the Gods.


  • Kukuri :
  • Kurumitsuha :
  • Uwazutsu :
  • Takemikazuchi :
  • Magatsuhi : a kakashi of the Hyuga clan whose Seki was Mahiru Hyūga who was the heir apparent of the family.
  • Amaterasu :
  • Kamotaketsuno :
  • Mikumari :
  • Kagutsuchi :
  • Tokodachi :


  • The Kakashi were created by Hajime Yamamura where they featured in the setting of the Kamisama Dolls universe.

In other media


  • In Kamisama Dolls, the Kakashi appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation.


  • Kamisama Dolls:

External Links

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