T'au Empire

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The T'au Empire is an empire that features in Warhammer 40,000.



The T'au Empire was an intergalactic empire founded by the Tau and was based on their homeworld of T'au that was located in the Ultima Segmentum near the Eastern Fringe. During their prehistory, the Tau lived in tribes on the desert plains where they hunted and gathered their food. In time, their race matured and expanded to every corner of their world where they adapted to each environment. The Tau on the plains came to be strong and skilful hunters with them being both larger and stronger than the rest of their kin. Meanwhile, those Tau that resided in the mountains developed the ability to soar high above the deserts on thermals. The Tau by the river valleys developed agriculture and metallurgy leading to them forming the first true settlements. The development of settlements led to a need for trade with the wandering Tau beginning to negotiate and mediate between the different tribes.

Afterwards, the Farsight Expedition was launched by the empire with this force being led by Commander Farsight. They came to engage the Orks along an asteroid belt when the entire fleet came to vanish. Following the campaign, Farsight continued his advance despite orders for him to return to T'au space. He was noted to had encountered an unknown enemy at Arthas Moloch after which he established his own regime separate from the empire with these being known as the Farsight Enclaves.



In appearance, the T'au Empire was an interstellar civilisation founded by the Tau species that was centred on their homeworld of T'au in the Milky Way galaxy.

Leadership of the empire was centred around the Ethereal Council that consisted of members of the ruling caste with the head of the group being the Ethereal Supreme.

A central tenet of the empire was that of the Greater Good (Tau: Tau'va) which was the founding principle of their society.

Air Caste pilot.

T'au society was divided on caste lines that included:

  • Earth Caste :
  • Fire Caste :
  • Water Caste :
  • Air Caste : Originally, they had wing membranes that allowed them to fly but over time their bodies gradually evolved after living in low/zero gravity environments for so long. Vestiges of these membranes remained with the Air Caste possessing hollow bones along with tall, slender physiques compared to the other T'au. Long term exposure to lower gravity meant that they had developed a superior depth awareness along with a greater acceleration and gravitational tolerances when compared to other races. These traits made their pilots physically better suited for the rigours of air-to-air combat when compared to humans. Traditionally, they served as messengers with them becoming the sole source of pilots and ship crews of the T'au Empire. As they lived almost exclusively off-world in orbital stations or in space transit they tended to be referred to as the invisible caste as they were rarely seen on the ground.
  • Ethereal Caste :

The empire consisted of a number of member races that included:

  • Vespids : Within the empire, they served in the auxiliary forces and operated as a mobile cavalry for the T'au.
  • Nicassar :
  • Demiurg :
  • Kroots :

A key body within the T'au Empire was that of the Shas'ar'tol that was the High Command of the Fire Caste. It operated under the oversight of the Ethereal Council and was responsible for all strategic planning.

In battle, the Air Caste was responsible for bombarding the enemy from the sky and providing air superiority for the ground forces. In addition, they worked alongside the Earth Caste and Ethereal Caste in developing new aircraft along with policies that ensured victory for the T'au Empire.


The Empire made use of AI-controlled Drones that performed a variety of civilian and military roles for the Tau.

Vehicles used by the Tau forces included:

  • XV25 Stealth Battlesuit :
  • Crisis Battlesuit :
  • XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit : a huge and deadly battlesuit that was near undetectable that was a display of formidable T'au war technology. A single hand-picked T'au warrior piloted the Ghostkeel who could appear out of nowhere and unleash its firepower at a target before disappearing into the chaos of the battlefield. They were equipped with advanced countermeasures that made it invisible to enemy sensors preventing enemies from getting a weapon-lock on it with any that did fire having their armaments being disrupted by flares and electronic countermeasures.
  • KV128 Stormsurge : a extreme heavy-weapons platform piloted by graduates of the Ves'oni'Vash. Not as manoeuvrable as a Riptide, the Stormsurge instead relied on thick armour and devastating loadouts allowing these hulking, squat ballistic suits to change the course of a battle in seconds with a decisive volley of astonishing firepower. Thrusters were fitted to counter recoil with the suit bristling with pulse weaponry and missile pods making it the T'au Empire's Titan-killer.
  • KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armour :
  • Piranha Skimmer :
  • Drone Harbinger :
  • Hazard Close Support Armour :
  • Devilfish :
  • Sun Shark :
  • Swordfish :
  • Razorshark :
  • Tiger Shark :
  • Hammerhead Gunship :
  • Sky Ray Gunship :
  • Remora Drone Stealth Fighter :
  • Barracuda :
  • Orca Dropship :
  • Manta :

The Tau fleet was known as the Kor'vattra that was responsible for the empire's defensive and expansion.

Classes of ships used by the T'au Empire included:

  • Or'es El'leath Class Battleship :
  • Gal'leath Class Battleship :
  • Il'fannor Class Cruiser :
  • Il'Porrui Class Cruiser :
  • Nao'Sak'Oraes Missile Cruiser :
  • Kir'la Carrier Escort :
  • Kass'l Class Gunship :


T'au Expansions.

The T'au Empire was located in Ultima Segmentum, near the Eastern Fringe and based around the homeworld of T'au.

It consisted of many worlds that was known as a Sept where each maintained their own cultural identity and history.

Planets held by the empire included:

  • T'au :
  • Vior'la :
  • Dal'yth :
  • Ral'eth :

Located in deep space, the T'au maintained Fortress Stations (Tau: Ta'shiro) that were positioned between Septs where enough thrust was used to maintain their permanent position and resist drift. These continent-sized cities were operated by the Air Caste with several patterns being used by the empire.


  • Aun'va : a male T'au Ethereal known as the Master of the Undying Spirit who had counselled the greatest leaders of the empire for longer than any can recall and whose hand can be seen at work behind much of the T'au history. He was the most senior Ethereal upon T'au, sitting upon the councils that rule not just the sept but the entire empire. His word was heeded by every member of his caste for his counsel had ever proven wise and true.
  • Aun'shi :
  • Farsight :
  • Puretide :
  • Brightsword :
  • Shadowsun : O’Shaserra was a female Tau who was a superlative warrior and a masterful tactician with her being a undisputed master of Kauyon. On the battlefield, she wore a cutting-edge XV22 battlesuit and was accompanied by a MV37 Advanced Guardian Drone and MV62 Command-link Drone.


  • The Tau were created by Games Workshop and featured in the setting of Warhammer 40,000.
  • Early development of the Tau came from Gav Thorpe as detailed on his blog where he intended to create a science fiction counterpart to the Lizard of Warhammer Fantasy. Initially, they were referred to as the Shishell that were divided into five castes based on the elements namely Earth, Air, Water, Fire and the final one being Spirit with the species led by Psykers. Eventually, the idea led to the early creation of the Tao with the name then changing to Tau.
  • At the time, their chief designer was Andy Chambers who intended for the Tau, "to be altruistic and idealistic, believing heartily in unification as the way forward." He also described them as, "their proud, quiet but determined character [developed] to the point where they actually became a rather likeable, if slightly naive addition to the cosmos." Writer Graham McNeill was then responsible for much of the background material produced for the Tau and developed the concept described by Andy Chambers.
  • Upon the release of the 8th Edition, the Tau faction were rebranded as the T'au Empire.

In other media

Video games

  • In Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior, the Tau Empire featured in the setting of the video game. Players took the role of Fire Warrior Shas'la Kais who was dispatched to rescue the captured Ethereal Ko'vash from Imperial Governor Severus.
  • In Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War – Dark Crusade, the Tau Empire appeared as a playable faction in the setting of the video game. The Tau Commander Kais led their forces on Kronus where he worked under the Ethereal Shi'Ores in quelling the strife on the planet.
  • In Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War – Soulstorm, the Tau Empire appeared again as a playable faction in the setting of the video game. The Tau Commander Shas'O Fal'shia Or'es'Ka led their forces in the Kaurava system under the direction of the Ethereal Aun'Ro'Yr. From the moon of Orridune, they established a fortified position and created a massive artillery emplacement known as the Ar'Ka Cannon that could fire at targets anywhere within the system.
  • In Battlefleet Gothic Armada, the Tau appeared as a playable faction within the multiplayer mode of the space-based strategy video game.
  • In Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2, the Tau appeared as a playable faction in the setting of the space-based strategy video game sequel. Their fleets were divided into two sub-factions which were the Protector and Merchant Fleets.


  • Warhammer 40,000:
  • Codex: Tau:
  • Codex: T'au Empire:

External Links

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