Centaurians (Marvel)

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The Centaurians are a species that feature in Marvel Comics.



Centaurians were a blue-skinned race that were native to the world of Centauri-IV. (Marvel Two-In-One v1 #5)

Many years ago, the Centaurian homeworld was visited by an advanced crystalline alien race called the Syneca. They offered their advanced technology to the Centaurians which included their FTL communication ansibles in an effort to make the natives part of the galactic community. However, the death of elder Chonu at the hands of Yondu Udonta resulted in a breakdown in peaceful relation between the species. This resulted in the Syneca departing the Centaurian home planet and returning to space. (Yondu v1 #4)

The Bahamut crime syndicate led by Skreet threatened the Centaurian people in order to get Yondu to hand over the Herald's Urn to her. (Yondu v1 #5)


The crest on their head was referred to the Tahlei. (Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #24)

A rite of passage by Centaurians was the habaktuah whereupon they went on the path to adulthood and could learn the whistle that allowed them to manipulate Yaka Arrows. (Yondu v1 #4)

One practice by the Centaurians was sukah-waygah that came to be regarded as a barbaric and cruel custom which came to be outlawed. It was enacted when a great disgraceful act was done by a Cenaturian. This resulted in the tribe severing the offenders fin and banishing them from the people with them no longer considered even Centaurians. The community in an act of preserving the kala burnt the offenders belongings as a ceremonial act of returning to Antos. Exiles were no longer allowed in their settlements and if sighted then they were executed on sight. (Yondu v1 #4)

Among these Anthos worshippers, a religious leader was known as a Habaktu ("warrior holy man"). (Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #16)

Those Centaurians who did not follow the Circle of Life were known as Akuun to the more religious-minded Centaurians because they were considered to be "ones-without-faith". (Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #16)

The sacred moon of Centauri IV was named Anthos after the Centaurians god. (Yondu v1 #5)

Centaurians' language could be written in runes. (Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #4)


  • Yondu Udonta :
  • Yondu Udonta :
  • Oola Udonta :
  • Chondu :
  • Chandra :


  • Centaurians were created by Arnold Drake and Gene Colan where they made their first appearance in Marvel Super-Heroes v1 #18 (January, 1969).

Alternate Versions


  • Marvel Super-Heroes v1: (1969)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy v1:
  • Yondu v1: (2019)

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