Shaddam IV

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Shaddam IV is a male literary character who features in Dune.




Shaddam Corrino IV was a male human of the Old Empire who was a scion of House Corrino. He was born in year 10,134 A.G. in the Imperial Palace on Kaitain as the son of 80th Padishah Emperor Elrood IX. As the Imperial Crown Prince, he was the heir apparent to the Golden Lion Throne wherein his childhood he came to be close friends with his maternal cousin Count Hasimir Fenring.

Eventually, he came to ascend to the throne as the 81st member of House Corrino to be Padishah Emperor.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Shaddam IV was a male human with a slim and elegant form that had red hair, a thin face, and cold eyes. It was remarked that he had the same look of the predatory bird. He was noted to had looked 72 years old yet looking no older than 35.

It was shown that in his youth that he was eager to succeed his father Elrood.

He came to be wed to a Bene Gesserit of Hidden Rank wife named Anirul Sadow-Tonkin where she bore him five daughters named the Princesses Irulan, Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa, and Rugi.

One of his closest friend was the assassin Count Hasimir Fenring who was a cousin and childhood companion.

Powers and abilities


  • Shaddam IV was created by Frank Herbert where he featured in the setting of the Dune universe.

In other media



Video games


  • Dune: (1965)

External Links

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