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The Chiss.

The Chiss are a species that feature in Star Wars.



The Chiss were a race of blue-skinned humanoids from the galaxy far, far away that lived on their home world of Csilla in the Unknown Regions.


In appearance, the Chiss were a race of blue-skinned humanoids that had distinctive red eyes.

Chiss are taught to approach their areas of specialization with intense focus and harsh logic, driving Chiss culture to suppress emotion and avoid hasty emotions such as anger, fear and revenge. From this emotional coolness, and despite a socialist economic model, Chiss culture stresses individual responsibility and self-discipline. While this might seem to make them ideal Jedi for their emotional restraint and responsibility, very few force-users have ever been reported in their culture.

Within Chiss society, children matured very quickly, never truly having an adolescent period before becoming adults.

The concept of open aggression was not seen as utterly alien to the Chiss. They simply view it as a flawed strategy which is more likely to result in the conqueror being the conquered.

Chiss must be approached from a position of strength and respect. One must have strength, for the Chiss will deal only with those capable of keeping their promises. One must have respect, for the Chiss must believe that those promises will be kept.

The native tongue of the Chiss was Cheunh that was a complex and creative language with an intricate syntax involving compound words made from a relatively small core of primary words, and the Chiss used detailed ideograms to represent concepts and combinations of images to represent complex ideas.

They were noted for their lack of droids, or any kind of artificial intelligence.


  • Mitth'raw'nuruodo :
  • Mitth'ras'safis :
  • Irizi'ar'alani :
  • Chaf'pri'uhme :
  • Elod'al'vumic :
  • Evroes'pu'titor :


  • The Chiss were created by Timothy Zahn where they featured in the Star Wars universe.

Alternate Versions

  • In Star Wars Legends, the Chiss made their first appearance in the setting of the former Star Wars Expanded Universe. They were shown as being natives to the world of Csilla that was located in the Unknown Regions. Their government was the Chiss Ascendancy based in the Unknown Regions around their homeworld of Csilla with their military being the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. Leadership was held among the Chiss Ruling Families consisting of Aristocra whilst defense of the individual colonies was held by the Colonial Phalanxes with the military headed by figures holding the position of Syndic.

In other media

Video games

  • In Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, a Force-sensitive Chiss named Sev'rance Tann appeared in the setting of the strategy video game. She operated as a General in the Confederacy of Independent Systems and served under Count Dooku.
  • In Star Wars Galaxies, Chiss appeared as NPCs in the setting of the MMORPG video game.
  • In Star Wars: The Old Republic, the Chiss appeared as a playable race for the Sith Empire faction in the setting of the MMORPG video game. They were said to be a remote and secretive race from a remote and distant star system. These blue-skinned humanoids evolved an advanced civilization known as the Chiss Ascendancy. They maintained strict controls over its dominion and the civilization prospered both socially and technologically in isolation for thousands of years.


  • Star Wars: Rebels:

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