Uncle Marvel
Uncle Marvel is a male comic superhero who features in Fawcett Comics|DC Comics.
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He later established Shazam Incorporated that was based on the 13th floor of the Greeley Building and he intended to use as a means of earning a profit from the heroics of the Marvel Family. (Wow Comics v1 #18) Uncle Dudley later built the Shazam Robot for the company with the help of the Marvel Family to aid them in manual tasks. (Marvel Family v1 #5)
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Dudley H. Dudley
The wizard Shazam summoned the Marvel Family after Doctor Sivana had challenged them to stop his villainous plans for the country. He then assigned Dudley to serve as a Mentor to Billy Batson similar to that of the figure in Greek mythology who was friends of Odysseus and was a teacher to his son Telemachus. (Shazam! v1 #26)
Dudley kept an eye on Billy Batson, covering for him when he was late or absent from school while fighting crime as Captain Marvel. He learned where Billy lived, and introduced himself to his landlord as Uncle Dudley. Dudley told Billy they had an important talk to have, but he suffered a heart attack before he could finish. Billy changed into Marvel, and flew him to the hospital. The half-conscious Dudley called him Billy, and Marvel finally realized why Dudley kept sticking his neck out for him. (The Power of Shazam! v1 #1)
Dudley showed up with groceries for Billy, and told him they had to talk, because he knew his secret. Billy didn't know he was referring to the fact that Billy lived without an adult guardian, and blurted out that he was Captain Marvel. After explaining that he changed by magic, he begged Dudley to keep his secret. Dudley said he would, and offered Billy a place to stay if he ever needed it. Dudley wondered to himself if he could keep such a monumental secret all to himself. (The Power of Shazam! v1 #4)
Dudley found a Mr. Tawky-Tawny tiger doll in the subway, and the doll came to life. Tawny had guided Captain Marvel s career, as well as Mary Marvel s. Dudley went for drinks with Tawny, and everyone but him saw a crazy old man ordering drinks for a doll. Tawny sent Dudley, now alcohol fueled and courageous, on a quest to help Mary Marvel rescue the wizard Shazam. Dudley found the subway that led to Shazam s Rock of Eternity, and told Mary, who d found a resurrection spell, to use it on the occupant behind an ibis icon. She smashed it, revealing a sarcophagus hidden inside. With Captain Marvel fighting Neron during the Underworld saga, Mary took it upon herself to find Shazam. She hoped Mr. Tawky-Tawny could help, and when she returned home to retrieve him she heard her parents talking to the police, worried about nice, innocent Mary out all night. She understood the seriousness of the situation, but giggled when her dad suggested she was with her boyfriend Billy. Tawky came to life, and guided her to the subway that accessed the Rock of Eternity. Using the wisdom of Solomon she found the entrance, but Tawny couldn't enter the magical realm and turned back into a toy. Mary found Shazam's Rock a mess, and a spell book open to a spell of resurrection. Tawny was found by Billy s friend Uncle Dudley, and he sent him to help Mary. Dudley showed Mary an icon of an ibis, and told her it was what she was looking for. She smashed it, revealing a sarcophagus hidden inside. (The Power of Shazam! v1 #10)
Black Adam followed Mary, Dudley and Tawny into the subway, and Ibis tomb. He ripped the Tawny doll to shreds, Blaze was under the impression that Tawny was helping them, but his good nature only let him aid the Marvel Family. Mary cast Shazam s resurrection spell, bringing Ibis the Invincible, a powerful magician under Shazam s protection, back to life. He banished Black Adam to Hades, and the heroes had to respond to an attack on Fawcett by the Seven Deadly Sins. Captain Marvel, newly returned from the Underworld Unleashed affair, lured the Sins into leaving the civilians alone, and taking residence in his powerful body. Ibis managed to free Captain Marvel of their influence, and make them solid, but he knew they d need help to drag the Sins back to the Rock of Eternity. He gave life back to Tawky-Tawny, gave Shazam powers to Uncle Dudley, and summoned Captain Marvel, Jr. and Bulletman to their side. After an intense battle they returned the Sins to their prisons, and Tawny was delighted to be alive, asking Ibis to make his condition permanent. The heroes asked for Ibis help in freeing Shazam from Blaze, but just then the Rock of Eternity shook, as Blaze was trying to free Shazam's old enemy the Three Faces of Evil. (The Power of Shazam! v1 #11)
Ibis, already tiring of being awake, made a plan to end Blaze's villainy. He sent Captain Marvel and Mary to Hades to free Shazam, and sent Cap Jr. and Bulletman outside the Rock of Eternity to delay her from freeing the Three Faces. The Marvels freed Shazam, and Sarah Primm, breaking Blaze's hold over Black Adam. Shazam and Ibis cleaved the Rock, freeing the Three Faces, and at Shazam's command Black Adam battled it. The Marvel Family forced the Rock back together, trapping Blaze alongside the Three Faces and Adam. Dudley was changed back to normal, and invited Tawny to live with him. (The Power of Shazam! v1 #12)
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.
Personality and attributes
He was not above using superheroics as a means of earning a profit with him looking to charge a fee for any activity by the Marvel Family. (Wow Comics v1 #18)
Powers and abilities
- Uncle Marvel was created by Otto Binder and Marc Swayze where he made his first appearance in Wow Comics v1 #18 (October, 1943).
Alternate Versions
In other media
- In Young Justice, Uncle Dudley appeared in several episodes in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Corey Burton. He was shown as being the guardian of Billy Batson and was aware of his alter-ego as the superhero Captain Marvel. Billy regularly told him of his adventures when he returned home.
- In Justice League Action, Uncle Dudley appeared in the animated television series episode "Captain Bamboozle" where he was voiced by actor John Astin.
- In Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, an alternate evil version of Uncle Marvel appeared in the setting of the animated film where he was voiced by actor Bruce Timm. According to the credits, he was named Uncle Super who was a member of the Crime Syndicate with him being a henchman of Superwoman.
- Wow Comics v1: (1943)
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