Scalphunter (Marvel)

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Scalphunter is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.




John Greycrow

He fought in World War II for the United States of America, but was executed for murdering his fellow officers. He was shot by a firing squad and was believed killed. However, because of his regenerative powers he survived and became a mercenary. (Weapon X v2 #14)


In Los Angeles, the Marauders led by Greycrow attacked the Morlock Tommy, killing her friend and Hellfire Club agent Richard Salmons, and letting her escape, only for her to involuntarily lead them to the Alley, the Morlocks' secret home in the tunnels beneath New York City. After finding the Alley, Greycrow shot Tommy, and the Marauders entered the tunnels. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #210)

He was also tasked with the assassination of Polaris alongside Arclight and Sabretooth. Destroying her house and tracking her, they were unsuccessful in eliminating Polaris, as she was already possessed by Malice who used the magnetic powers of her host to defeat the three Marauders. Taking the leadership of the team from Greycrow as Sinister intended, she also revealed that the mission was only a test of her power. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #219)

Later, the Marauders were chastised by Sinister, as Madelyne Pryor wasn't dead, and he threatened to kill one of the Marauders if the mission was not accomplished. The Marauders consequently assaulted the San Francisco Memorial Hospital, and Greycrow headed to Madelyne's room where he killed a nurse but was stopped in his execution by Rogue. Pryor used that opportunity to fight back, long enough for Dazzler to hit him with a blast thanks to Psylocke's telepathic monitoring. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #221) Following that brawl, both X-Men and Marauders scattered across town. Greycrow took position on the Golden Gate Bridge, intending to shoot down Rogue, but was stopped by Longshot and Wolverine. He was quickly backed up by Scrambler and Sabretooth, and the two X-Men fell from the Bridge. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #222)

Clones of the Marauders later clashed with the dimensionally-displaced young mutant known as Nate Grey after they attempted to assassinate Sinister's former servant, Threnody. Greycrow's clone was killed in this conflict, as X-Man telekinetically pulled the trigger of his gun, killing Prism and wounding Riptide, before being killed by the explosion of his munitions, again caused by X-Man. (X-Man v1 #13)

House of X

Following the establishment of Krakoa, the living island came to be regarded as a homeland for all Mutants with Scalphunter coming to reside there. However, his actions in the past led to the Morlocks gathering to get revenge on him for his past crimes. Thus, he was forced to attack them and it led to his eventual arrest where he was brought to trial before the Quiet Council. Ultimately, it was decided that he would be placed on a team of other Mutants that were struggling to live on the island where he helped keep the likes of Wild Child in line. (Hellions v1 #1)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

His healing factor sufficient enough for him to recover from gunfire, even after death. (Weapon X v2 #14)


  • Scalphunter was created by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri where he made his first appearance in Uncanny X-Men v1 #210 (October, 1986).

Alternate Versions


  • Uncanny X-Men v1: (1986)
  • Hellions v1: (2020)

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