Kaori Kanzaki

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Kaori Kanzaki is a female anime and manga character who features in A Certain Magical Index.



Kaori Kanzaki in A Certain Magical Index v1 #4.

Kanzaki Kaori (Japanese: 神裂 火織, Hepburn: Kanzaki Kaori?) was a female human born a Saint in the modern age that made her tremendously gifted from childhood and chosen to be the Supreme Pontiff of the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church. She showed the uncanny ability to succeed in no matter what she does though she realizes that when something fortunate happens to her, something unfortunate happens to others in turn. However, those people who are unfortunate, still admired her regardless, and through hither, Kanzaki became disillusioned with her sect, blaming herself for their misfortune. This led her to despise the concept of luck and fortune as her fortune in turn only bring misery to those around her from what she can see, as it has been mentioned in the novels she no longer wants to see innocent people rushing to protect her, dying in the process, and saying with their last breath that it was alright as long as she was fine.

Three years ago, Kanzaki defected from the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church to the Anglican Church, where she became a part of the Church of Necessary Evil. Whilst there, she came to meet Tsuchimikado Motoharu who was responsible for teaching her proper English. In this time, she came to meet Stiyl Magnus and Index where the three of them came to be become good friends. She was later told by the church that Index needs her memories erased once a year, since her mind has been overloaded by too much information since she only has 15% of the brain left for the rest of its functions. Having found no way to have Index preserve her memories, she opted to take pictures of them together one last time. Both Kanzaki and Stiyl are later persuaded by Laura Stuart to erase Index's memories, weeping by her side and giving her the pictures that they took in memory of the time they spent together. Even then, both of them tried to create new memories with Index, but later grew weary of the process of trying to make new memories with her and the fact that Index was often pained when she realized that she would forget them again, because of this they gave up, and allowed Index to believe that they were enemies of hers and were after the Grimoires.

She first appears alongside Stiyl, observing Index and Touma's condition. Here, it is revealed that she has investigated Touma, and confirmed to Stiyl that he is a level 0 esper - someone with no powers. She later comments on how the Board of Directors are currently alright with people disappearing, and later replied to Stiyl on how he was in the same position as Touma right now with Index, as he bemoaned the fate of erasing her memories. They later prepare a trap for Touma, and successfully catch him in it. Here, Kanzaki introduces herself to him, and explains to Touma that they set up a rune to remove people in an area, allowing only Kanzaki and Touma to be in that area. During this time, Kanzaki asks Touma to hand over Index and attacks him every time he shows defiance, however, Touma refuses to give-up regardless and questions her on why she hadn't killed him yet even with so much power. Touma confronts Kanzaki on what she is using that power for, which forces Kanzaki to reveal her past with Index and why she thinks of them as enemies. Touma, defiantly tells her on how they were selfish and chose the current misunderstanding with Index as it was convenient for them, and never thought about Index at all. He continues that they should have assured her that even if the memories of her friends were being erased, she will always have new memories of them in the next. Eventually, Touma succumbs to the attacks he sustained after being overwhelmed by Kanzaki and collapses. She stops her attacks, though it is quite apparent that Touma's rebuttal to her explanations had affected her. Touma managed to send Kanzaki flying together with her sword with just a single punch just before he collapsed. At the time, Touma could barely stand and his fist did not even have the physical strength to push away anything. Thus is likely that Kanzaki got blown backwards due to her own indecision, and being overwhelmed due to the difference in their conviction. After Touma collapsed, she didn't deal the finishing blow. Three days later, they arrive at Tsukuyomi Residence to pick-up Index, but was repelled by the pleadings of Index to leave Touma alone. Because of this, they allowed Index to stay with Touma for a while, and waited to arrive at midnight to erase her memories and collect her. She later becomes sympathetic to Touma's despair over not being capable of saving Index, and allows Touma some time alone with Index to say his farewells to Index. They later return however, after hearing an explosion from the apartment and discovers that Index can actually do magic. Touma explains to them – while blocking Index's attack - that the church was lying to them all along about Index's condition, that she will die if her memories are not erased once a year. Kanzaki is then forced to aid Touma in returning Index to normal, and recites her Magic Name for the first time. Her actions caused Index to lose balance misdirecting her attack towards space - destroying a satellite in the process. When Stiyl and his Innocentius also provided help, Touma sees an opening which allowed him to cancel the effects of the Collar on Index, restoring her to normal from being John's Pen Mode. Kanzaki and Stiyl however, realize that one of the feathers of the after-effects of Index's attack hits Touma on the head, causing him to collapse. Kanzaki is later seen with Stiyl outside the hospital where Touma is staying. It is revealed by the Heaven Canceler that, they were the ones that gave the explanation to him on why Touma is currently in this condition – though apparently they were unaware that Touma has lost his memories at the cost of preserving Index's.

Convinced that Touma was the culprit behind Angel Fall, Kanzaki arrived at his location and proceeded to shake some answers out of him. However, Touma tells her that he’s an esper and had no knowledge of magic; as such he cannot possibly cast any sort magic. Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who arrived earlier, however states that Touma has the Index Librorum Prohibitorum with him, which doesn’t clear Touma of Kanzaki’s suspicions just yet. Touma glared at Motoharu for this, and hastily brought up the notion that espers will be injured if they use magic. This force Kanzaki to strip search Touma for any injuries related to magic use, touching him in various places and making Touma react badly to it which Kanzaki mistakes as Touma hiding his injuries from her. Kanzaki backs down from searching Touma ‘completely’ after noticing Touma was on the verge of tears. Touma later crouches down on the sand and starts writing 'I'll sue you people' due to his embarrassment. Touma is then conscripted into handling this incident by Motoharu, saying he'll be protected by him and Kanzaki from other magicians thinking Touma is the real culprit, in exchange for helping them finding the real culprit behind the grand magic. Since the beginning of the Angel Fall, Kanzaki’s form has been that of Stiyl Magnus, which consequently gives an air towards people. Because of this, people call the authorities whenever she tries to go to the girl’s bathroom or when she gets on a train, which causes her a large amount grief. Touma’s family is no exception, as they have remarked Kanzaki as someone who speaks fluent Japanese surprisingly well, but with ‘a bit’ of a feminine tone to it and her movements. This shocks Kanzaki, feeling a blow to her self-esteem as a woman after hearing that she was only feminine ‘a bit’. Touma tries to intervene, thinking that they may notice that something is off with her, but didn’t chose his words carefully, saying that she is not at all feminine at the least. Hearing this, Kanzaki drags him away, where he fears that he will be subjected to waterboarding torture similar to what prisoners of the United States have been said to be subjected to. Kanzaki later asks Touma to stand guard while she takes a bath; however, he is accidentally pushed into the baths by his mother and cousin, just when Kanzaki is coming out of her bath. Because of this, Kanzaki attacks Touma with her sword sheath after giving him time to explain himself, which he fails on doing.

Kanzaki was later seen talking with Motoharu, where she rules out Touma as the mastermind behind Angel Fall. Motoharu later taunts Kanzaki about how she’s considering not to repay Touma for saving Index after he saw her naked, much to her chagrin. Touma later gets attacked by Hino Jinsaku, but is rescued by Sasha Kreutzev of Annihilatus who plans to torture Touma for information, but is saved by Kanzaki and Motoharu. They later assume that Jinsaku is a suspect for the Angel Fall, as ordinary people – in this case a shop employee with Misaka 10032’s form – sees Jinsaku in the same way they do. The following day, they discover that Jinsaku has barricaded himself in one of the houses in the nearby suburbs – which coincidentally turns out to be the residence of Touma’s parents. They sneak into the neighborhood, while Kanzaki setup a magical spell where the police to mistake someone else’s house instead of the intended house. While going through, Touma says a few times on how unlucky he is, which forces Motoharu to talk about Kanzaki’s background. Touma and company successfully broke into the house and finds that Jinsaku has released a gas that would cause an explosion if a spark where to occur. Jinsaku uses this to his advantage, as so other people will not use any metallic weapons when they confront him. After being subdued, they discover that Jinsaku isn’t the culprit, and Angel Fall is still affecting him; they only sees him as the same person because Angel Fall simply swapped a split personality within him. It is later revealed that Touya was the cause of the Angel Fall, which makes Sasha pursue him and everybody else to get into a taxi to get to the hotel where Kamijou Touya is. It was later revealed that Sasha holds within her the angel that has fallen from due to Angel Fall. Kanzaki then fights the 'Power of God' in order to buy time for Touma and Motoharu to stop Angel Fall before Archangel Gabriel unleash ‘The Sweep’ that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Kanzaki took this role since there’s a 99% chance for Touma to be killed – where the remaining 1% is Gabriel being utterly destroyed by Imagine Breaker – and she refuse to let anyone unable to be saved. It's revealed here she chose her magic name as she wants to save everyone – even those who are not chosen by God to be saved when the end of days come. Later, Motoharu visits Touma in his hospital room and tells him that Kanzaki is tired but unharmed as a whole, then left to allow Index to bite Touma’s head intensively for ignoring her throughout their trip.

Later on, she tried to help her friends, the Amakusa Christians, but since she is no longer their leader she decides to defeat the English knights who were sent as backup and stayed out of the fight to see how her old followers would turn out to be. The English Knights were planning on just erasing the Amakusa Church along with the Roman Catholics to solve the problem, and leave the fall-out for Laura to deal with as that's what the Anglican Church was supposed to do when it was first established - deal with the Roman Catholic Church while the rest of England runs things. Tsuchimikado Motoharu also asked her just what is she trying to achieve coming to Japan, and after hesitating while thinking about it, she replies that she doesn't really know. As the Amakusa church fought with the Agnese Forces, Kanzaki looked on from a farther building, glad that her previous followers did not stray from their original path. Motoharu then shows up and informs Kanzaki the Book of Law was never in Japan to begin with, it was all an elaborate hoax set up by the Roman Catholic Church to get rid of anyone that could decipher the Book of Law. Motoharu then makes fun of Kanzaki that deep down she still cares about her old group, since otherwise why would she be holding those bandages? She must be planning to go down there after everything is over and just bandage them all up while they are unconscious and then leave. Motoharu then quickly interjected it was just a joke and he can't handle being pummeled by the sword sheath as Kanzaki is waving it menacingly and stepping towards him. In the hospital after Touma fought Agnese Sanctis she tries to thank Touma by leaving a note but when she notices he is already awake she gets embarrassed flushing red, as she gazes around, sweating all over, as she quickly crushes the small note, saying that there is no need for the note now that he is awake and because saying the contents of a note to the writer who is leaving is very embarrassing. She then tells Touma that Orsola is now working with Necessarius along with the Amakusa sect now as a branch of Necessarius showing that she is still worried for them, next when she was about to return to the original topic about the contents of the note she is interrupted by Tsuchimikado Motoharu, as she is unable to say what she wanted to say first now that Tsuchmikado is there so sensing the atmosphere he tries to encourage her to tell Touma the message but at the same time trying to twist her sincerity into fanservice for Touma. Touma loudly denies he has such (indecent) thoughts about Kanzaki, but she didn't understand what exactly Motoharu was trying to tell her to do. In the end she got her message of 'thank you for helping, when you're not even a magician and just a normal civilian' across, to which Touma replies all he did was help people on 'his' side - i.e. his friends who were in trouble and those that needed help. And if the next time Agnese was the one in trouble he would help her out as well, she just happened to be the villain this time. Kanzaki's amazed by this outlook that completely disregards the intricate politicking between the many factions on both the Science side and the Magic side.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Kaori Kanzaki was a female human who was 70 centimeters tall with long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail which reached her hips. Her magical name was revealed to be Salvare000, "Be the salvation of those who cannot be saved" (救われぬ者に救いの手を Sukuwarenu Mono ni Sukui no Te o?). She gained the epithet of being the Saint of the Far East (極東の聖人?).

Over time, she began to show a kinder side to herself and others after Touma saved Index and helped her to confront her past with the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church. This led to Kaori feeling more comfortable and grateful to Touma becoming more prone to showing emotion and sometimes showing a little embarrassment with other people, having awkward interactions from her trying to thank Touma for saving the members of the Amakusa-Style Remix of Church on various occasions and Tsuchimikado Motoharu's attempts to encourage Kanzaki into various cosplay gear for Touma.

She had also been described as innocent when it comes to sexuality, and this is further supported by the fact that she could not really understand most of Tsuchimikado's "make it up to Touma" daring suggestions.

Similar to other magicians, she had the apparent attribute of being very weak to machines.

Powers and abilities

Though capable of using magic, she was shown to use it to strength her own body and instead became proficient in non-magical combat. Despite this being the case, she was said to be among the top 10 best magicians in London.

As a magician who immigrated to England and transferred to the Anglican Church, Kanzaki Kaori, has knowledge of both Western and Eastern magic styles. Basically, in a fight with her, she can overwhelm the enemy from 360 degrees. The wires, the magic from the wires and then herself. Other skills in the Amakusa Style include excluding civilians from being involved from magician's combat like Stiyl's 'Opila' runes and enchant water to heal all external wounds and scars, Kanzaki mentioned that they can even enchant food as to give it a healing effect that would be applied just by eating.[1]

She wielded the Shichiten Shichitou (七天七刀 Shichiten Shichitō?, lit. "Seven Heaven Seven Swords", Yen Press: Seven Heavens Sword) that was a two-meter-long nodachi.

Kaori used the spells of an organization that belonged to the Kakure Kirishitan who were persecuted during the Edo period in Japan. Due to their use of Shinto and Buddhism as a front for their Christian church, they ended up constructing a unique style that fused those religions to the point of it being unclear what parts are camouflage and what parts are real. Kanzaki Kaori could use Christian, Buddhist, and Shinto magic. Kanzaki was familiar with the use of the St. Peter's Interception Spell with this being a common anti-flight spell against targets using Magic to fly without wings


  • Kaori Kanzaki was created by Kazuma Kamachi where she featured in the setting of A Certain Magical Index.

In other media



Video games


  • A Certain Magical Index:

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