Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

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Raphael is a male comic character who features in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.





After having been bitten by a vampire-like creature, he experienced a further mutation, and became a large, dinosaur-like version of himself. He went into a state of berserk animal rage because of it, but with some guidance by an inner manifestation of Master Splinter, he regained his original mentality and later assisted Leonardo and Casey Jones in tracking down the vampires who attacked him.

Raphael came to be attacked by a leech-like creature who, when sucking his blood, also drained him of the mutagen in his body and reverted him to a small turtle. The leech itself mutated and vanished, prompting the remaining turtles to follow it. Finally, after tracking down the creature, Raphael manages to bite it and pierce its skin, thereby drinking its blood and mutating back.


Raphael was blasted in the face and disfigured. After that, he wore one of Casey Jones' hockey masks for much of the time, and eventually just an eye patch. Later, Raphael wore Shredder's armor in an attempt to psychologically dominate a number of the New York Mob, with whom the Foot Clan was engaged in a losing gang war. He donned a slightly variant version of the armor, and pretended to be the Shredder to get the advantage on his pursuers. He succeeded in defeating them and was then accepted into, and given control of, the New York faction of the Foot Clan for a brief time. In the independent published series of the Image Comics #24, Raphael had an eyepatch and red bandana for the whole issue and was even angrier than ever. He killed Cheng with whom he had been friends in issue #25, and as soon as Pimiko was killed by the gauntlet of Lady Shredder, Raph removed his bandana and eyepatch to reveal his left eye was no longer disfigured but was back to normal. He later said to Leonardo he had a thing for Pimiko, and like Donatello with Baxter's help on ridding him of cyborg parts, Raphael kept his crush on Pimiko a secret.

He also had some contacts with the Foot Clan; some he even called his friends. Later, after a few incidents Raphael wore the Shredder's armor in an attempt to psychologically dominate a number of the New York Mob, with whom the Foot Clan was engaged in a losing gang war. He had accidentally stumbled into a battle between Foot members and these gun-toting Mobsters and was chased right into Shredder's old forge. He donned a slightly variant version of the armor and pretended to be the Shredder to get the advantage on his pursuers. (TMNT Volume 3 #13). He succeeded in defeating them and was then accepted into, and given control of, the New York faction of the Foot Clan for a brief time. Of course, conflicts arose with his brothers, and he came to be attacked by Splinter as a bat, who thought he was the real Shredder (TMNT Volume 3 #14). He was eventually overthrown by Lady Shredder. (TMNT Volume 3 #22)



Raphael, like his brothers, is one of the reincarnated sons of Hamato Yoshi, who in medieval Japan were murdered by Oroku Saki. He began his new life in the present as a young turtle in the laboratory of StockGen Research, Inc., Baxter Stockman's genetics laboratory and served as a guinea pig for an experiment to be grown to be a naturally armored super soldier. Some ninja tried to seize the Turtles and various other research results from the laboratory, including a mutagen. The intervention also led his reincarnated father, now a lab rat, and the Turtles to be doused with a chemical cocktail that triggered their mutation.


Personality and attributes

Among his siblings, he was commonly shown wearing a red eye mask.

Powers and abilities


  • Raphael was created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird where he made his first appearance in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles v1 #1 (May, 1984).

In other media


  • In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Raphael appeared in the setting of the 2003 animated television series where he was voiced by actor Greg Abbey. He would later take the name of Raphael Splinterson.


  • In TMNT, Raphael appeared in the setting of the 2007 animated film where he was voiced by actor Nolan North. It was shown that after defeating the Shredder that the four turtles grew apart where each went their own way. Raphael was revealed to had become a vigilante where he fought crime as the Nightwatcher. 19 year old Raphael, growing increasingly frustrated and violent over Leonardo's absence, has become a masked vigilante with him going to the surface at night and fighting crime in a very brutal fashion. As well as being rather unpleasant towards his family. He feels that Leonardo abandoned the family. When Leonardo returns from Central America, Raphael is somewhat frosty towards his brother and this coldness is not helped when Leonardo shows a distain for the Nightwatcher's actions. Later on Leonardo confronts him in his Nightwatcher disguise without knowing his true identity, and toys with Raphael who, using a manriki-gusari, is not a match for Leonardo. Leonardo knocks off his helmet with an uppercut and then, seeing it's Raphael, starts to lecture him. He and Leonardo then come to blows and, in a bout of focused rage, he breaks Leonardo's katanas and pins him to the ground, his sai striking an inch from his brother's head. Leonardo's staring causes him to snap out of it and retreat.

Video games


  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: (1984)

External Links

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