Thomas Wayne (Flashpoint)

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Thomas Wayne is a male comic character who features in DC Comics.




Thomas Wayne

One day, he and his wife Martha Wayne witnessed their son Bruce Wayne murdered by a gunman in an alley during a botched mugging. (Flashpoint v2 #1)

Thomas tracked down Chill and was going to poison him but decided to beat him to death with his bare hands. His wife Martha Wayne was so traumatized by the event she cut her face into a garish grin and soon enough, descended into insanity and became this altered timeline's version of the Joker. (Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance v1 #1)

These casinos are managed on his behalf by Oswald Cobbelpot as his security chief, while Batman fights crime. Local judge Harvey Dent was distressed when his twin children are kidnapped by the Joker, so he calls in Thomas and James Gordon who we learn is the Chief of Gotham's privatised police force, owned and funded by Wayne. Dent blames Wayne for the kidnapping as it was he who convinced him that privatising the police force was a good idea, and threatens to take both it and his casinos away if his children were not found. (Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance v1 #1) Gordon, who knows Thomas is Batman and is his closest confidant, works the case while Thomas recovers from a fight with Killer Croc in Gotham's sewers. He consults with Selina Kyle, who is paraplegic in this world and fulfills the role of Oracle, and follows a clue to track down where the Joker is holding the children; The long abandoned Wayne Manor. He misleads Thomas and tries to take down Joker himself, but in a shocking twist ends up shooting Dent's daughter who the Joker had disguised to look like herself. When he realises his mistake and tries to help the girl, The Joker appears from behind him and cuts his throat. This is when we learn that this Joker is none other than Martha Wayne, driven insane by grief following Bruce's murder. Thomas cannot bring himself to kill her due to their past relationship, and so he feels responsible for the Joker's crimes. (Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance v1 #2)

Batman started working with Catwoman, a young thief he once spared and grew attached to like a father figure, leading him to abandon his violent ways. She was however shot by Martha through the gut and paralyzed, making him relapse into his old ways again. (Batman v3 #84)

Later that night, the powerless Barry Allen was looking for Batman, and entered the Batcave. When Barry entered the Batcave but was immediately attacked by this far more violent Caped Crusader, against whom he is no match without his speedster abilities. It was only when Barry called out the name 'Bruce' that Thomas ceased his assault and the two are able to talk. It was then that Barry learnt that this timeline's Bruce Wayne was killed as a boy and he was able to deduce that the man standing in front of him was Thomas Wayne. (Flashpoint v2 #1) Allen reveals to this Batman that the timeline he is living in is an altered version of his own, with significant changes resulting in a much darker and more violent world. Batman asks Barry the details of his son's life after his mainstream counterpart's own death. Willing to change history and ready to sacrifice his own life to restore his son's, Batman agrees to help Barry rewrite the timeline, which they believe has been altered by the Reverse-Flash Eobard Thawne the first step of which is recreating the accident that gave Allen his powers and turned him into The Flash. (Flashpoint v2 #2)

Batman was called by Chief Gordon, who tried to convince him that he didn't have to fight villains by himself, however Batman refused. Later, Batman was shocked that the Joker had footage of his friend James Gordon being killed. She tricked Chief Gordon into shooting Dent's daughter by taping her mouth shut and disguising her as the Joker. Before Batman confronted her, she slashed Gordon's throat. After Gordon's murder, Batman showed up to face his ex-wife. (Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance v1 #2) Batman told her he had discovered a way to rewrite history so Bruce was never killed. He told her about Barry Allen and how he helped him restore his powers. Martha with this knowledge was so shocked to learn the hardships her son would go through, and ran to her death off a cliff near Wayne Manor. (Flashpoint: Batman - Knight of Vengeance v1 #3)

The Button

Flashpoint Beyond


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Thomas Wayne was created by Geoff Johns, Andy Kubert, Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso where he made his first appearance in Flashpoint v1 #1 (July, 2011).
  • The character was based on Thomas Wayne who was created by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Jerry Robinson, and Gardner Fox.

Alternate Versions

In other media


Video games


  • Flashpoint v1: (2011)

External Links

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