United Nations (The Expanse)

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The United Nations.

The United Nations is a nation that features in The Expanse.



The United Nations (U.N.) was a government established by humans on the planet Earth. It was founded in 1945 after World War II as an international organization facilitating cooperation in, among other areas, international law. Throughout the 21st century, Earth's national governments were on a continuous decrease in administrative power. After the damage done to the planet's ecosystem reached extreme levels, the world's nations decided to finally put aside their individual interests and international differences and achieve global unification. By the end of the 21st century, humanity finally started reaching out into space. Permanent settlements were established on Mars and Luna, as well as the Asteroid Belt. While Earth was still divided between the various national governments, the U.N. wielded significant power. Extraterrestrial colonization was organized under the UN. As time passed, Earth's ecosystem was deteriorating, until the damage done reached dangerous levels. To successfully counteract this, humanity unified, with all national governments ceding their sovereignties to the U.N. However, in some regions, most notably in the Pashwiri Autonomous Zone, the UN is widely distrusted and rebellion and dissent are commonplace.


The Secretariat was the center of the executive branch whose head was the Secretary-General and consisted of their subordinates. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) interacted with elements beyond Earth's sphere of control, like Mars, the Belt, and settlements in the outer planets, as well as independent interstellar colonies.

Its armed forces consisted of the United Nations Navy (UNN) and the United Nations Marine Corps (UNMC).

The U.N. was seated on Earth in New York City, but also had a presence on Luna, in the New Hague facilities in Lovell City.


  • Esteban Sorrento-Gillis :
  • Chrisjen Avasarala :
  • Sadavir Errinwright :
  • Nancy Gao :
  • Augusto Nguyễn :
  • Michael Souther :
  • Felix Delgado :
  • Fred Johnson :


  • The United Nations was created by James S. A. Corey where it featured in the setting of The Expanse.
  • It was based on the real world United Nations.

In other media


  • In The Expanse, the United Nations appeared in the setting of the live-action television series.

Video games


  • The Expanse:

External Links

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