Devils (Black Clover)

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Devils are a species that feature in Black Clover.



Devils (Japanese: 悪魔, Hepburn: Akuma) were an ancient race of demons that existed in the world with ties to the underworld.

One Devil named Zagred came to manifest in the mortal world where he possessed a Clover Kingdom minister and orchestrated the royals' plot to steal the Elf Tribe's magic. This saw him setting up a trap to keep Prince Lemiel Silvamillion Clover from attending the wedding of the Elf ruler Licht and his human betrothed. During the resultant ambush, a magic tool was used to absorb the elves' magic whereupon Zagred attacked the elves by imitating of Lemiel's Light Magic to make it seem that the prince had betrayed them. Licht's despair over the massacre and betrayal turned his grimoire into a five-leaf clover which Zagred had intended to use to incarnate fully into the world. The Devil then attempted to take over Licht's body, but Lemiel's arrival rouses the Elf ruler who refused to surrender his body to Zagred. Licht then used the magic stones to transform into a giant demon and went on a rampage. Zagred watched with amusement as Lemiel fought and ultimate was forced to kill his friend Licht. Afterward, Zagred tries to steal Licht's grimoire, but Secre Swallowtail used the magic stones to seal him within an Eternal Prison. Before the seal finished, Zagred summons the magic stones to himself and used them to suspend the elves' souls and to set them and himself to reincarnate in the future.


In appearance, Devils were creatures whose most common feature were their horns. Generally, higher ranking devils possessed longer and more impressive horns. Low-ranking devils were shown to be noticeably larger than humans and had rather bizarre and monstrous and beastly physiologies, like multiple eyes, tentacles, and bug-like mandibles.

Normally, devils cannot appear in the living world on their own. A mage in the living world can use Forbidden Magic and a sacrifice to summon a devil and use some of its power. The amount of devil power a mage can wield is limited due to the gate between the living world and the underworld. A devil with no magic power can physically breach this border between worlds. Devils cannot wield or enter a grimoire until it has a five-leaf clover. Once they have a grimoire and a physical body, they can unleash their true forms and power in the living world.

Known ranks of devils included:

  • Highest-ranking Devils (最上位悪魔 Saijōi Akuma, VIZ: "Supreme Devils") :
  • High-ranking Devils (上位悪魔 Jōi Akuma) :
  • Mid-ranking Devils (中位悪魔 Chūi Akuma) :
  • Low-ranking Devils (下位悪魔 Kai Akuma) :

Within the mortal world, certain humans could become Devil hosts (悪魔憑き, Akumatsuki) where these devil-possessed gained direct access to the powers of devils. The host gained an immense boost in magic power and the ability to use the devil's magic attribute in addition to their own. When the host drew on their devil's power, their body took on devil-like physical characteristics, such as horns, elongated canine teeth, pitch black skin, clawed fingers and toes, bat-like wings, and a long thin tail. However, it was impossible for a human host to access 100% of their devil's power, unless a direct channel was opened between the living world and the underworld or the devil inhabited a five-leaf clover grimoire. By agreeing to bargains with their devil, the host was granted access to greater portions of the devil's power; this comes at the cost of parts of their own body, which are taken over by the devil from then on. As such, the number of contracts for power is limited by the strength of the host's body. It was also possible for the host to give up their entire body and even their very soul in exchange for a devil heart, effectively transforming the host into a devil. A devil host can also share some of their devil's power with their underlings. While these underlings cannot use as high a percentage of power as a devil host can, the boost to their magic power still makes them formidable mages. Additionally, it is possible for someone to host more than one devil at a time. A devil can manifest in the living world from the underworld through their host, but it requires the souls of three powerful mages of the same gender. Once those mages die, the devil in question will be able to manifest fully.

Their home realm was the underworld (冥府, meifu) which was said to be a bleak world where the only amusement comes from tormenting each other and toying with the humans of the living world. The underworld was divided into seven layers and is ruled over by three highest-ranking devils, who manipulate gravity, time, and space and reside at the lowest level. Each level housed devils of various ranks, with the highest-ranking devils dominating all those on their level. Due to underworld being so bleak and boring, higher-ranked devils kept themselves entertained by torturing those of lower ranks, while the lower ranked devils torment those who were even lower.


  • Beelzebub (ベルゼブブ, Beruzebubu) :
  • Megicula (メギキュラ, Megikyura) :
  • Astaroth (アスタロト, Asutaroto) :
  • Lucifero (ルチフェロ, Ruchifero) :
  • Lucifugus (ルキフグス, Rukifugusu) :
  • Zagred (ザグレド Zagredo) : a male Devil who orchestrated the extermination of the Elf Tribe and placed the blame on humans in order to cause one of them to fall into despair who would then become the basis for his new body. Zagred wielded Kotodama Magic allowing him to manifest any physical object through words alone.
  • Liebe (リーベ, Rībe) :


  • Devils were created Yūki Tabata where they featured in the setting of the Black Clover universe.

In other media



  • Black Clover:

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