Dr. Loveless

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Dr. Loveless is a male television character who features in The Wild Wild West.



Dr. Miguelito Quixote Loveless

Loveless was the son of a loving mother who adored singing, and who Loveless cherished dearly. Loveless also hinted that he was ostracized and tormented during his childhood, which helped to mold his hateful and misanthropic view on humanity. Loveless was the last survivor of a Spanish noble family who had owned a valuable land grant in California during the Spanish Colonial times which covered over half of California; this land grant was taken back by the Spanish Crown; before the Loveless family could retrieve it, California became a member of the United states. Loveless original intent then became to get the land grant back so he could create a 'paradise' for disadvantaged persons as himself, by any means necessary. This would become his primary motivation for creating his own criminal empire. At an unknown point, Loveless met Antoinette, a woman who would become his trusted confidant and lover. At a later point he sired two children with two different women; his children were Miguelito Loveless, Jr. and Carmelita Loveless, however they would not take part in their father's criminal affairs, although Loveless, Jr. was chosen to be his father's successor in the case of his passing and enthusiastically kept track of all of his father's achievements and exploits.

In order to reclaim California, Loveless created the first known formula for an atomic bomb which he hoped to use to threaten the United States into meeting his demands. He then began developing numerous technological and medical wonders to transform California into the first true utopia, even creating the first early electric-powered devices, radios, phones, planes and even penicillin in secrecy decades before the likes of the Wright Brothers, Edison, Bell, Fleming and others would even conceive them. However, it was around this time that Loveless discovered that another scientist by the name of Professor Nielsen had also created a formula for an atomic bomb. Infuriated by this, Loveless saw it as a blatant theft of his creation, and was angered even more so when Nielsen planned to offer his creation to the US Government, a fact which disgusted Loveless who saw this as a perversion of science and as more fuel for mindless warmongering, despite his own insidious intentions. Loveless then set out to assassinate Nielsen and destroy any evidence of his formula to ensure that he would not be challenged.


Personality and attributes

His original goal was to recover his family's property and create a haven where the disadvantaged could live without torment from society.

Loveless' greatest fear was not death, but the fact that once deceased that he could not continue his plans of revenge against a society which he hates so much.

Following the end of the American Civil War, as he grew embittered towards the Americans for dissolving the Confederacy and abolishing slavery. To that end, Loveless plans on creating a powerful weapon in order to take down the U.S. government.

Powers and abilities

Loveless was known as a technological genius who produced gadgets far ahead of his time.

His inventions were more practical, anticipating the cathode-ray tube, the airplane, penicillin, and an automobile.

Dr. Loveless initially had two companions that included the hulking mute Voltaire and the beautiful songstress Antoinette.

One incarnation of him was the leader of the Loveless Alliance that was an organization of foreign Caucasian ministers and slave owners who plan to overthrow the United States government and divide the nation amongst themselves.


  • Dr. Loveless was created by John Kneubuhl, S. S. Wilson, Brent Maddock, Jeffrey Price, Peter S. Seaman, Jim Thomas and John Thomas whilst he was portrayed by actor Michael Dunn where he featured as an antagonist in The Wild Wild West universe.

In other media


  • In Wild Wild West, Dr. Arliss Loveless appeared in the 1999 live-action film adaptation of the television show where he was portrayed by actor Kenneth Branagh. He had been a member of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. During the last days of the war in 1865, a terrible accident made him literally lose part of his body from the waist down, forcing him to spend the rest of his life in a steam powered wheelchair, making him even more determined to conquer the United States. He even felt so upset to hear that General Robert Lee and his right hand man General Bloodbath McGrath surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant in Appomattox, which led to the dissolution of the Confederacy.


  • The Wild Wild West:

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