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The Synmar Utopica in Superman v5 #25.

Synmar is a planet that features in DC Comics.



Synmar was a planet that inhabited the universe that came to develop an advanced race of bipedal beings. Many years ago, they came to register the destruction of the planet Krypton with an emergency session called by its leaders to discuss the matter. They came to observe that a rocket containing the Last Son of Krypton had been sent from the world and had an infant headed to the planet Earth. The Synmar leaders came to determine that the child's presence in the world would lead to him developing superhuman abilities due to exposure to its yellow sun. Fearing the power of such an individual, the leadership of the Synmar looked to create a deterrent in case the Kryptonian aware became a threat to them and looked to create their own superpowered being. By this point, the world was noted to had engaged the planet Thanagar in a number of clashes between them. A defense volunteer named Eisno Alkor helped fight off an attack by the Thanagarians on their world. It was decided that Elkor would become Synmar's version of the Superman where the resources of their entire world was used to turn him into the Synmar Utopica. They continued the protection of their world and fought many struggles for Synmar but in time came to resent their transformation into the Synmar Utopica. In fact, they believed that they had been turned into a weapon and that their life was no longer of their own choice. (Superman v5 #25)

The attack had actually been launched by fellow Synmars who disagreed upon Utopica himself and Eisno, enraged over the fact that he was only an imitation, attacked both sides and took control over the planet and left for Earth to capture Superman to punish him, as he considered him responsible for dividing his people. He arrived in Earth's orbit where he was confronted by Superman who tried to placate him and as an answer Eisno attacked him. (Superman v5 #26) Superman then tried to calm him by opening a portal back to Earth to gain his trust and asked him to show why he was enraged, Eisno led him to the Synmar system where Superman found himself weakened under an orange sun. Now able to comunicate Synmar told him that he was there to be punished. (Superman v5 #27) Eisno retreated back to the planet where be confronted two fellow Synmar who accused him of treason and killed them, he was then attacked by the military who valiantly attacked him before being defeated before being reinforced by Superman, who had been given an armor by the president who restored his powers. Superman proceeded to battle Eisno and defeated him but before he had a chance to do anything the United Planet Brigade showed up and took him under custody. (Superman v5 #28) After being arrested he was brought to the United Planets to be judged for his crimes but he escaped before being put on trial and traveled to Earth to have his revenge on Superman. (Justice League v4 #64)


It was noted for being neo-light years away from Krypton. (Superman v5 #25)

It was known that the inhabitants of Synmar believed in a pantheon known as the Lords of Light. (Superman v5 #25)

Synmar was a highly advanced world whose entire resources could be used to create a being of equal power to Superman. (Superman v5 #25)


  • Dreti : held the position of the President. (Superman v5 #25)
  • Doro : held the position of Prince of Defences. (Superman v5 #25)
  • Eisno Alkor : a magnificent defense volunteer who protected his world who was transformed into their version of Superman where he came to be the Synmar Utopica. (Superman v5 #25)
  • Frnou : held the position of Chief of the Sciences of All. (Superman v5 #25)
  • Fliti : held the position of Vice Chair. (Superman v5 #25)
  • Galana Rodoso :
  • Oclblumm :
  • Qestwes : held the position of Judge of All. (Superman v5 #25)
  • Reswas : held the position of the Life of Poets. (Superman v5 #25)
  • Vdyez : held the position of Secretary of States. (Superman v5 #25)


  • Synmar was created by Brian Michael Bendis and Ivan Reis where it made its first appearance in Superman v5 #25 (November, 2020).


  • Superman v5: (2020)
  • Justice League v4:

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