Phantom (character)

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The Phantom is a male comic character who features in The Phantom.



Kit Walker was born in 1516 in Portsmouth. His father, also named Christopher Walker, had been a seaman since he was a young boy, and was the cabin boy on Christopher Columbus's ship the Santa Maria, when he discovered America.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, the Phantom was a figure who wore a black mask and a purple skintight costume. Bearers of the mantle came to be known by a number of titles that included the Ghost Who Walks, the Man Who Never Dies and the Guardian of the Eastern Dark.

The Phantom had two animal companions - the a mountain wolf Devil, and a horse, Hero. He had also trained a falcon that he named Fraka.

Powers and abilities

Typically, he had no superhuman powers, and relied only on his wits, his fists, and his feared legend to fight crime.

Wearing a costume based on the demon god, Christopher became the first of what would later be known as the Phantom. As the Phantom, he was the Protector of the Deep Wood. When a new Phantom takes the task from his dying father, he swears the Oath of the Skull: "I swear to devote my life to the destruction of piracy, greed, cruelty, and injustice, in all their forms, and my sons and their sons shall follow me".

A signature of the character is his two rings. One has a pattern formed like four crossing sabres, "The Good Mark", that he leaves on visitors whom he befriends, placing the person under his protection. The other, "The Evil Mark" or "Skull Mark" has a skull shape, which leaves a scar of the corresponding shape on the enemies he punches with it. He wears the Good Mark on his left hand because it is closer to the heart, and the Evil Mark on his right hand.

In addition, the Phantom carried a pair of M1911 .45 caliber pistols.

The Phantom is the commander of Bangalla's Jungle Patrol. Because of a betrayal leading to the death of the 14th Phantom, the identity of the commander has been kept hidden from members of the patrol ever since. The Phantom uses several ways to stay in contact. These include radio and a safe with a false bottom. The 6th Phantom originally formed the Jungle Patrol with the help of former pirate Redbeard and his men back in 1664.

His base was located in the Deep Woods of Bengali originally believed to be in Asia, near India, but depicted as actually being in Africa. Within there resided the fabled Skull Cave, where all of the previous Phantoms are buried.


  • The Phantom was created by Lee Falk where he made his first appearance in the comic stripe The Phantom v1 #1 (February, 1936).
  • Creator Lee Falk had originally envisioned a grey costume and even considered naming his creation "The Grey Ghost" before settling on "The Phantom".

In other media



Video games


  • The Phantom v1: (1936)

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