Robert Grayson

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The Uranian in Marvel Boy: The Uranian v1 #1.

Robert Grayson is a male comic superhero who features in Marvel Comics.




Marvel Boy in Marvel Boy v1 #1.

Robert Grayson

They came to provide him with the knowledge to build a rocket to escape Nazi Germany with his infant son Robert. The Eternals on Uranus then welcomed the Grayson family with open arms, raising Robert as one of their own. The Uranian Eternals were secretly plotting to re-establish ties with the planet Earth in an attempt to be reunited with their planet of origin and influence the society there into what they viewed as a utopia. Monitoring the progress of the War on Earth, the Uranian Eternals waited for the ideal opportunity to begin their agenda, and upon witnessing the activities of Earth's super-soldier Captain America decided to groom Robert into the image of a superhero the people of Earth could relate to; in other words, their ambassador to Earth. (Marvel Boy: The Uranian v1 #1)

However, Robert was soon approached by Dean, a writer for Timely Comics who offered to help Robert gain the publicity he was looking for by creating a comic book adaptation of his adventures. However, Dean informed him that there would need to be changes to the stories to sell them to the public, and also recommended a new name: Marvel Boy. (Marvel Boy: The Uranian v1 #1)

However, these stories were adapted by Timely Comics into comic books about Marvel Boy's exploits and may be false. (Marvel Boy: The Uranian v1 #1)

By 1955, the Uranian Eternals began to feel that they were losing their grip on Marvel Boy and he was straying away from his mission. In order to get him back on track they secretly murdered his father, while making it appear he died of a Uranian disease in order to get Marvel Boy back to Uranus. When they found that the boy was intent on returning to Earth and continuing his mission, they gifted him with hover technology to allow him to fly in the hopes of giving the human race a "real" superhero to eventually trust. (Marvel Boy: The Uranian v1 #2)

Marvel Boy

Agents of Atlas


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

Grayson in Marvel Boy: The Uranian v1 #2.

During his career, Marvel Boy utilized two different pairs of wristbands. Both manipulated gravity and light; the second pair was stronger than the first. He wore polarized contact lenses which protected him when he manipulated light, creating blinding bursts to incapacitate his opponents. By manipulating gravity, he was able to fly. The bands provided these abilities by absorbing and transforming solar radiation. Through them, Marvel Boy gained superhuman strength, stamina, and durability. He also used a rocket ship designed by his father, Horace Grayson, based on designs by Uranian technicians.

The Uranians gave Marvel Boy a headband which became his primary weapon. This headband consists of highly sophisticated technologies that not only allow him to control his spaceship remotely, but also affords him a high degree of telepathic ability. He can read minds, project highly convincing images and commands into the brains of others, and can scan the physiological state of those around him.


  • Marvel Boy was created Stan Lee and Russ Heath where he made his first appearance in Marvel Boy v1 #1 (December, 1950).

Alternate Versions


  • Marvel Boy v1: (1950)
  • Marvel Boy: The Uranian v1:

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