Hagoromo Otsutsuki

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Hagoromo Otsutsuki is a male anime and manga character who features in Naruto.



Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki (大筒木ハゴロモ, Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo) was a male human born as the son of Kaguya Otsutsuki and a human emperor named with him having a twin younger sibling named Hamura Ōtsutsuki. Their mother Kaguya‎‎ was a princess who ate the forbidden Chakra Fruit of the God Tree that appeared once a millennium in an effort to gain divine abilities, which she used to put an end to the constant wars during that era. As a result, Hagoromo was born with the ability to manipulate the same type of powerful chakra as his mother. Angered by the fact that her chakra had been spread to others, Kaguya merged with the God Tree into the Ten-Tails, which attempted to reclaim her chakra. The Ten-Tails rampaged throughout the lands until Hagoromo and his younger twin brother managed to defeat the beast, with Hagoromo becoming its Jinchūriki, causing him to be revered as a god for the virtue of his victory. Researching his mother's technique, Hagoromo was able to free the world from her Infinite Tsukuyomi. Going by the Sage of Six Paths after entering priesthood, he travelled across the land giving chakra to every one in the world, spreading his ideals and religion of ninshū in the process. His great deeds and ultimate desire to bring peace to the war-torn world made him widely known as the Saviour of this World (この世の救世主, Kono Yo no Kyūseishu). At some point in his life, Hagoromo suffered an unknown illness that was damaging his chakra pathway system from his time as a jinchūriki. After years of suffering and searching for a cure, he found his way to the Land of Redaku where he met Janmāru-Tataru. One night, meteor passed overhead, which the Sage caught and cut in two and one of the halves immediately dissolved into dust, which were dubbed "polar particles". The dust enveloped the Sage and healed his body. Hagoromo separated and hid the remaining particles into two groups. Hagoromo's ultimate wish was to establish peace across the world, but it was a goal that would never be achieved in a single lifetime. Knowing this, he chose to entrust his dream and legacy to his two sons, and began to teach them ninshū. The older son, Indra, was acknowledged by Hagoromo as a true prodigy, who quickly began to revel in his natural prowess and became very solitary. The younger son, Asura, proved to be the exact opposite, having shown no special abilities or natural talent, but he pushed on through his limitations, growing stronger and more mature because of his struggles and making friends with others along the way. Hagoromo acknowledged Asura's chosen path, agreeing that love and cooperation were the true keys to peace.

With the Ten-Tails sealed on the Moon, Hamura travelled with the remnants of the Otsutsuki clan to guard its remains there whilst Hagoromo remained on Earth to teach the arts of the shinobi to the people of the lands.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Hagoromo appeared as a tall and pale-skinned man who had deep wrinkles along with a strong jawline in his elderly age.

He came to be regarded as the Sage of Six Paths (六道仙人, Rikudō Sennin, English TV: The Sage of the Six Paths) and as the God of Shinobi (忍の神, Shinobi no Kami, English TV: The Supreme Shinobi). His desire to end conflict and bring about peace led to him being known as the Saviour of this World (この世の救世主, Kono Yo no Kyūseishu).

Hagoromo invented Ninshū as a way to bring about peace to the war-torn Ninja World where he shared chakra with others in order to teach them to connect with one another thus using their spiritual energies as a mean to understand each another.

At some point, he was noted to have had two sons with these being Indra Ōtsutsuki‎ (大筒木インドラ, ‎Ōtsutsuki Indora) and his younger brother Asura Ōtsutsuki (大筒木アシュラ, Ōtsutsuki Ashura).

Powers and abilities

As the son of Kaguya, he was blessed with a remarkably powerful chakra with large reserves of it. Hagoromo was the first person born with chakra and had an understanding of its nature. With no prior training, he had an innate and immensely precise control over its power with no need for hand seals for his various feats. Similarly, he possessed the Kekkei Mōra (血継網羅, Literally meaning: Bloodline Encompassing) with this advanced branch of jutsu being unique to Ōtsutsuki bloodline.

With the Rinnegan, he became the first person to master all five elemental nature transformations.

For his battle against the Ten-Tails, he and his brother developed immense prowess in the art of fūinjutsu sealing techniques where his mastery over it allowed him to seal the Jubi within his own body. This led to him becoming the first of the jinchūriki that were hosts to the chakra beasts and he maintained this seal till the end of his days where he used the technique to seal the remains in the Moon.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Creation of All Things Technique (万物創造の術­, Banbutsu Sōzō no Jutsu) : a technique that involved the administration of imagination and spiritual energy thus using Yin chakra to create physical forms from nothing. The application of vitality and physical energy formed the basis of Yang chakra thus breathing life into the creation. It was through this technique that Hagoromo was able to create the Tailed-Beasts from the Ten-Tails.

With his Six Paths Senjutsu, Hagoromo had the ability to manifest Truth-Seeking Balls with him able to create up to ten of these spheres.


  • Hagoromo Otsutsuki was created by Masashi Kishimoto and featured in the setting of the Naruto universe.

In other media


Video games


  • Naruto:

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