Gildarts Clive

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Gildarts Clive is a male anime and manga character who features in Fairy Tail.




Gildarts Clive (Japanese: (ギルダーツ・クライヴ, Hepburn: Girudātsu Kuraivu)

Years ago, Gildarts came to meet and fall in love with a woman named Cornelia. Their relationship blossomed and the two eventually married each other but Gildarts was so fixated on his work that Cornelia left him with him unaware that she was pregnant with his child.

In X781, he came to depart the guild in order to take part on a 100-year quest. While on his travels, he came to encounter the Black Dragon Acnologia and was quickly defeated with him losing both his left arm as well as leg in the process.

With the bells signaling his arrival, Gildarts finally makes his return home, without having finished his 100-year quest. With the town shifting itself to accommodate him, Gildarts finds himself at the guild, though he doesn't recognize it and asks Mirajane where the guild is; she replied that he was at the guild and that she was Mirajane, leaving him shocked. Quickly brushing off Natsu's attempt at a challenge, he informs his guildmates that he failed his 100-year quest, leaving them all utterly dumbfounded. Gildarts then tells Natsu to come to his house later and exits the guild, destroying the wall with his Magic. Upon seeing Natsu arrive at his house, he instantly asks about his relationship with Lisanna, completely unaware that she died 2 years prior. As Natsu attempts to leave, he tells Natsu that during his mission he encountered a Black Dragon. Showing Natsu his injuries, Gildarts explained that the Dragon attacked him, resulting in the loss of his left arm and left leg, as well as an unspecified organ, before he could react. Gildarts warns Natsu that a human cannot stand up to that Dragon, but Natsu says that Dragon Slayers exist for that exact reason. With Natsu running out of his house, Gildarts encourages Happy to give him the utmost support.

As everyone celebrates Lisanna's return, Gildarts with new prosthetic limbs talked to Makarov about Mystogan's sad departure. Days later, he is seen alongside Makarov as the man announces the up and coming S-Class Mage Promotion Trial, which will take place on Tenrou Island, and those who will participate in it. After the rules are explained, it is revealed that he, alongside Mirajane and Erza, will be participating in the Promotion Trial as well, all in order to act as resistance to the candidates. Later on, after the start of the exam, Gildarts places himself along one of the eight available paths: the E Path, which Natsu and Happy later go down. Upon seeing the two, Gildarts greets them and tells Natsu that his luck is rather unfortunate. With the two preparing to fight, Gildarts tells Natsu that he hates holding back, however Natsu eagerly engages Gildarts, prompting the man to state that he isn't mentally prepared for combat yet. In spite of this, Gildarts' usage of hand-to-hand combat and Crush softens and deflects Natsu's attacks, leaving the latter quite overwhelmed. Natsu then tries to attack him with his Fire Dragon's Roar, but Gildarts uses Crush on the spell, which accidentally touches affects Natsu himself, reducing the Fire Dragon Slayer into numerous chibi versions of himself.

Seeing this, Gildarts sadly believes that Natsu has failed, though he is surprised by the fact that he does not give up; all the mini-Natsus intend to continue fighting, holding the belief that they now hold a numerical advantage, something which impresses Gildarts, as he is the first person to challenge him whilst in such a state. Gildarts starts off by just using his cape to blow away the mini-Natsus, but some manage to sneak up on him and use various comedic attacks, such as pulling on his face and hair or setting his face on fire with a combined Fire Dragon's Roar. Eventually Gildarts becomes annoyed by the mini-Natsus and decides to turn him back to normal. Natsu takes this chance to close the distance and launch his powerful Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade spell, forcing Gildarts to take two steps back.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Gildarts Clive was a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length orange hair usually kept slicked back and a stubbly beard.

He tended to be somewhat oblivious and did not pay much attention to his surroundings.

Clive had noted that he was rather bad at holding back during a fight.

Gildarts appears to be somewhat of a lone wolf, as in X781, he left the guild to partake upon a 100-year quest. Upon being declared the guild's Fifth Master, Gildarts quickly re-passed the mantle back upon Makarov and left the guild once more, suggesting a feeling of discomfort regarding leadership positions, or at least a dislike of added responsibility.

In addition, he is a womanizer, having been with at least 13 women since leaving his now-deceased ex-wife 18 years ago.

He would have a daughter named Cana Alberona (カナ・アルベローナ Kana Aruberōna) though was unaware of her existence.

Powers and abilities

Gildarts Clive was a human who had a talent for using Magic (魔法 Mahō) which allowed him to become a Mage (魔導士 Madōshi).

He was a wielder of Crush (粉砕クラッシュ Kurasshu) that was his signature magic. With it, he was able to smashes everything that came into contact with that was broken into pieces. It could be used to both crack magic into pieces thus nullifying its effects and reduce the magic's power or to deflect it.

Gildarts is an extremely accomplished unarmed fighter. During the S-Class Mage Promotion Trial, he easily defended himself against and even overwhelmed a determined Natsu, utilizing nothing but hand-to-hand combat.

Among the techniques that were known to him included:

  • Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Empyrean (破邪顕正・一天 Haja Kensē: Itten) :
  • Mizuwari (水割り Mizuwari) :
  • All Crush (オールクラッシュ Ōru Kurasshu) :
  • Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Absolute Heaven (破邪顕正・絶天 Haja Kensē: Zetten) :

As a mage, he came to be a member of the Fairy Tail (妖精の尻尾フェアリーテイル Fearī Teiru) guild and was a S-Class mage that was among their strongest fighters.


  • Gildarts Clive was created by Hiro Mashima where he featured in the setting of the Fairy Tail universe.

In other media


Video games


  • Fairy Tail:

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