General (DC)

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The General is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.





Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong was a male human born in the suburbs, to a family of four. Since childhood, he had displayed an obsession with violence and warfare, which greatly disturbed his father and siblings (his mother remained delusionally unaware, and enjoyed pampering and spoiling him). Eventually, Ulysses was sent to Valley Pines Military Academy, which increased his bitterness toward his parents. At Valley Pines, Ulysses was bored by the schoolwork routinely bullied by upperclassmen, but found solace in the academy's library. Over the years, he read every volume of military history that the academy had to offer, honing his intellect and bloodthirsty personality into the visage of a great general. By age eleven, Ulysses finally reached his breaking point with the academy, and set fire to the bullies' dormitories. Subsequently, he fled to Gotham City, intending to use his military acumen to rule its massive and lucrative underworld. (Detective Comics v1 #654)

The General first arrived at Gotham and started gathering a large group of people from street gangs. With his knowledge about military strategy, he organized the gangs into one large group and stole many weapons that would be used to take over the law enforcers of the city. (Detective Comics v1 #654)



Following the Flashpoint, a new version of history was created with a different series of events. Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong was a brilliant young man with an exceptional mind and skills. At a young age, he broke through the network defenses of every office of the Pentagon and sent a term paper to them. This saw him recruited at the age of fourteen by a military initiative known as the Colony. The project was headed by Colonel Jacob Kane who was part of a United States of America military initiative that sought to replicate the effectiveness of the Batman of Gotham City during the Zero Year. With the Generals addition, they studied his technology, tactics and skills that they sought to replicate in an entire army patterned after him that were to be deployed to battle threats to the country. (Detective Comics v1 #937)

Colonel Kane was later responsible for expelling Armstrong from the Colony due to his actions and creations. (Detective Comics v1 #970)

He then started the next stage of his plan by activating the nanovirus within various people transforming them into the One-Man Army Corps that he intended to bring order to Gotham and stylised himself as the General. (Detective Comics v1 #978)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

As Anarchy he uses a modified version of the original Anarky suit, adapted to fit his broader and sturdier physical build and with an angrier mask. (Robin v2 #182)


  • The General was created by Chuck Dixon where he made his first appearance in Detective Comics v1 #654 (December, 1992).

Alternate Versions


  • Detective Comics v1: (1992)

External Links

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