Anya Jenkins

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Anya Jenkins is a female television character who features in Buffy-Angel.




Aud was a female human born in 860 where she grew up raising rabbits and became the outsider of her village in Sjornjost, Sweden, whose inhabitants labeled her as "odd because she [spoke] her mind." By the age of twenty, Aud had fallen in love with a man named Olaf, a Viking warrior who enjoyed hunting trolls and drinking at the bar. One night, Olaf drunkenly slept with a bar maid named Rannveig and a furious Aud resorted to magic to curse him with simple vengeance spells like boils on his penis. She then used the Thornton's Hope spell to turn him into a troll and he was forced to flee from his fellow villagers, who did not believe his story. The act of vengeance against her lover Olaf gained the attention of D'Hoffryn, a demon who offered to elevate Aud to the status of a vengeance demon. (Episode: Selfless) She became known as Anyanka and earned the title of 'Patron Saint of Scorned Women'. Her power source was the Symbol of Anyanka, an amulet with the power to grant dark wishes for the amusement of the pestilent deities. (Episode: The Wish) However, like all vengeance demons, Anyanka's interpretation of the wish expressed would often be rather loose and considerably more destructive than the wisher intended. (Episode: Beneath You) In 1199, Anyanka traveled to the Kastka valleys above the Urals to curse an unfaithful shepherd and was caught in the middle of a sorcerer's Ascension to the form of the demon Lohesh. (Episode: Graduation Day, Part One) She managed to escape, but was shocked by the death and carnage which claimed almost the entire village. In the 16th century, Anyanka came to know the French sorcerer Cloutier who, despite inventing a spell hated by demons, Tirer la Couverture, she thought he was cute. (Episode: No Place Like Home)

In 1998, Anyanka arrived in Sunnydale, California to punish teenager Xander Harris for cheating on his girlfriend Cordelia Chase with his best friend, Willow Rosenberg. Taking on the guise of Anya, she enrolled herself at Sunnydale High School and befriended Cordelia Chase in order to trick her into making a wish. Blaming the Slayer Buffy Summers for everything that was wrong in her life, Cordelia wished that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale, which transported her to a grim alternate universe where the Master had risen and both Xander and Willow were vampires. Unfortunately for Anyanka, the Watcher Rupert Giles discovered what was going on and destroyed her amulet, undoing Cordelia's wish and rendering Anya powerless and mortal. (Episode: The Wish) As punishment for her failure, D'Hoffryn refused to restore her powers, so Anya was forced to live out her life as a mortal and powerless human. Determined to get her powers back, Anya managed to trick Willow, who was a witch, into helping her retrieve her amulet from the alternate universe. Instead, they accidentally pulled out the vampire version of Willow, who proceeded to cause mayhem in Sunnydale. When Anya realized her mistake, she allied herself with the vampire Willow, but they were both captured by Buffy and the Scooby Gang, who forced her to send the vampire Willow back to her own reality. (Episode: Doppelgängland) Anya continued to live her life as a high school student and, despite her abhorrence of all men, she yearned to have a date for the prom. She asked Xander to the dance because she knew he had no other date and he reluctantly accepted for the same reason. (Episode: The Prom) After the prom, Anya began to develop feelings for Xander and asked him out again shortly before graduation. However, these plans were put on hold when he told her that the Mayor of Sunnydale, Richard Wilkins, was planning to ascend to an Old One form on graduation day and massacre the town. Although she offered some advice to the Scoobies regarding the Ascension she witnessed in 1199, Anya was too afraid to help them fight the Mayor and decided to leave town. Xander refused to abandon his friends, so she left without him. (Episode: Graduation Day, Part One)


Personality and attributes

As a Vengeance Demon, she earned the title of Patron Saint of Scorned Women. (Episode: The Wish)

Anya frequently reminisced about her life as a vengeance demon, describing graphic punishments and murders she had inflicted in over a millennium, most of which could be viewed as disproportionate retribution. She often appeared oddly wistful when thinking of her past deeds as a vengeance demon and even seemed to miss that stage of her life sometimes. However, when she did return as a vengeance demon, she was overwhelmed by guilt after granting a wish that left 12 frat boys dead, leading her to ultimately turn her back on vengeance. (Episode: Selfless)

Powers and abilities

Her source of power was the Symbol of Anyanka that was an amulet with the power to grant dark wishes for the amusement of the pestilent deities. (Episode: The Wish)

She had an infinite level of power when granting wishes, being able to manipulate reality and create alternate universes. (Episode: The Wish)


  • Anya Jenkins was created by Joss Whedon and Marti Noxon with her being portrayed by actor Emma Caulfield where she featured in the setting of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

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