Caesar Clown

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Caesar Clown is a anime and manga male character who features in One Piece.



Caesar Clown in One Piece v1 #68.

Caesar Clown (Japanese: シーザー・クラウン, Hepburn: Shīzā Kuraun)

He came to work with Doctor Vegapunk and Vinsmoke Judge as part of MADS. Caesar worked on developing Artificial Devil Fruits, while Queen and Judge worked on their own weapons, and much to the others' horror, Vegapunk developed peace-promoting products and received awards for them. Caesar, Judge, and Queen frequently came to blows as they competed to be recognized as the second best scientist of the group. After most of the scientists were absorbed into the World Government, Caesar began working with Vegapunk again on Punk Hazard, testing weapons and drugs on prisoners that were brought to the island as test subjects.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Caesar Clown was a tall male human with very long spiky black hair, brown eyes and two curly horns growing from the back of his head. He tended to wear purple lipstick and had dark makeup around his eyes whilst having a small flat nose with long thin eyebrows. Due to his Devil Fruit ability, it was shown that he had a very gaseous look about him. To his subordinates, he was known by the epithet of Master (Mマスター Masutā?).

A cruel, arrogant, scheming, sinister, and an overall very evil person, Caesar takes great delight in causing harm and destruction to anything and anybody around him. His psychopathic nature was displayed many times such as when he devastated the island of Punk Hazard. In the words of Vice-Admiral Smoker, Caesar was referred to as "one very crazy bastard" and his actions on Punk Hazard validate the Marine vice-admiral's claim.

He has shown to have maniacal tendencies due to his sedulous research on weapons of mass destruction and his absence of emotion at the time of murdering people or provoking any type of suffering such as giving drugs to the children so they would suffer severe withdrawal and return to his research facility for more 'candies' filled with the stimulant, and showing no regret or sorrow for his actions.

He is also very sadistic, as he exploited the blind trust of his wounded subordinates to test a newly developed gas and ordered the Yeti Cool Brothers to assassinate Brownbeard when he thought he was no use to him anymore: he further provoked a partially-paralyzed Brownbeard by revealing the truth about the gas explosion four years ago, in order to create an opportunity to have his subordinates shoot him down.

Clown was shown to see people as expendable assets that were disposed of when they no longer served his use. He was shown to cultivate love and loyalty among such people only to discard them later on.

He is a very prideful person, going as far to say that his work four years ago on the weapon that caused the Punk Hazard incident was not a failure, but instead was a great success, implying a superiority complex. Due to his pride in his own work, he tends to blush when his work is praised, even by the enemy, but turned to indignity when that praise turned towards Vegapunk. He was also shocked to see Smiley not listening to him and eat the candy despite Caesar saying to wait and Caesar said it was alright while Monet noted he was not listening to him. Despite his pride, Caesar is capable of knowing when a task is beyond his capabilities, as when Big Mom commissioned him to turn her family into giants, Caesar knew that the task was impossible despite his own view of himself. He also does not take kindly to insults, as when Law called him stupid, Caesar lashes out by punching Law's heart. Similarly, when Bege called him an idiot, Caesar angrily corrected Bege by saying he is a genius. Unlike most Logia users, Caesar keeps his Devil Fruit ability activated all the time and is either completely or partly turned into gas.

Such was his infamy that he had a bounty of 300,000,000 Beli on his head.

Powers and abilities

A skilled mad scientist and chemist, he particularly specialized in the creation of dangerous biological and chemical weapons. All this earned him recognition as the world's leading expert on mass murdering weapons for biological warfare.

He came to eat the Gasu Gasu no Mi (ガスガスの実, Gas-Gas Fruit) that was a Logia (然ロギア系, Rogia-kei) type Devil Fruit (悪魔の実, Akuma no Mi) that granted him the ability to create, control, and transform his body into various chemical gases. Typically, he used this power to create gases that were extremely poisonous and/or highly combustible. He can also remove oxygen in a certain area around himself to nullify fire-based attacks or asphyxiate his opponents. Caesar has performed numerous experiments with his power and he seems to prefer keeping his Devil Fruit ability active, as he is always either completely or partly gaseous.

Caesar was seen using a dual-barreled flintlock to threaten Law when he learned of his past associations with Luffy. He was also shown using various weapons in conjunction with his Devil Fruit abilities; like explosive red and blue castanets filled with volatile gas called Gastanets which he clapped together to create a massive explosion.

Caesar was even able to turn normal humans into giants, a feat that even Vegapunk could not accomplish, though Caesar resorted to illegal and inhumane methods that Vegapunk considered unacceptable. In Clowns case, this involved kidnapping children to use as test subjects to take advantage of their natural growth factor and forcing vast amounts of dangerous drugs down their systems. This was despite the fact that the children used would expire within five years from the continuous experiment. He also uses the highly restricted drug NHC10, though his authorization on its usage is illegal, as he is a criminal, and he used it as for its addictive means instead of medicinal purposes. He is also in the possession of another unnamed drug that relaxes the recipient's muscles, making it impossible, or at least extremely difficult, for the person to talk or stand

Among his creations included:

  • KX Launcher :

Due to his expertise, he came to be recruited by the World Government (世界政府) to work in their science division. Following the toxic gas explosion that devastated Punk Hazard, Caesar became a fugitive where he earned a bounty of 300,000,000 Beli.

Caesar had authority over all the former test subjects on the island as he saved them from the gas, and he uses their blind-trust to manipulate them. However, after Caesar revealed that he does not care about his subordinates, he lost their faith.


  • Caesar Clown was created by Eiichiro Oda where he featured as an antagonist in the setting of the One Piece universe.

In other media


Video games


  • One Piece:

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