Danzō Shimura

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Danzō Shimura is a male anime and manga character who features in Naruto.



Danzō Shimura (Japanese: 志村ダンゾウ, Hepburn: Shimura Danzō) was a male human born to the Shimura Clan of Konohagakure in the Ninja World. It was noted that his grandfather and his father had both died as shinobi in the wars that afflicted their world. Growing up as a ninja, he became a shinobi during the reign of the Hokage Tobirama Senju with Danzō growing up alongside Hiruzen Sarutobi. Hiruzen was noted for being a gifted ninja with this stirring feelings of inadequacy and jealousy in Danzō who longed to surpass his compatriot thus forming a rivalry between the pair.

After Sasuke Uchiha's betrayal and Kakashi Hatake being injured, Team Kakashi came to be severely underpowered. At the time, Danzō made arrangements to place Sai on the team seemingly to keep watch over the jinchuriki. In reality though, he had given Sai a secret assignment which was to assassinate Sasuke Uchiha. Part of this goal involved making contact with Orochimaru in order to orchestrate a ruse whereby he claimed that Danzō wanted to ally with the rogue Sanin in an effort to destroy Konoha. Ultimately, Sai came to fail in his assignment but the Root member requested to remain with Team Kakashi with Shimura allowing him to do so though warned him about the danger of emotions.

He was present in the village when it came under attack from Pain of the Akatsuki who was looking to capture Naruto Uzumaki. Such was his power that he was devastating the hidden leaf by himself resulting in Tsunade asking a messenger toad to go to Mount Myōboku and ask for Naruto's return. However, Danzō did not agree with this decision and had the toad killed before he could teleport to his destination. Despite his efforts, word came to the toads of the attack leading to Uzumaki arriving to battle Pain where he managed to defeat his opponent. The result of excessive use of her chakra to keep everyone alive led to Tsunade falling into a coma and being unable to serve as Hokage at the time. Requiring immediate leadership, the elders of the village and the ruler of the Land of Fire decided that a new Hokage needed to be selected with Danzō Shimura manoeuvring himself into the position. Thus, he came the Sixth Hokage Candidate where he looked to ensure that Naruto was confined to the village to prevent the loss of the Nine-Tails. Around this time, he received word from the hidden cloud village when the Raikage requested a meeting of all the Kage in a summit. Danzō along with two of his Root bodyguards then made their journey to the Land of Iron for the Five Kage Summit. In the meeting, the Raikage revealed that the Akatsuki had gathered most of the jinchuriki and had become a danger that needed to be hunted down. The leader of the Land of Iron suggested the five Kage's work together and form an Allied Shinobi Forces with Danzō Shimura serving as a military leader of the group until the threat of the Akatsuki was ended. However, during the summit, it was uncovered that he was subtlety using a genjutsu on the Land of Iron's leader in order to influence him into selecting Shimura as leader. This caused all the attendees to view Danzō with hostility and turned their blades on him.

It was then that the summit was disrupted by the appearance of White Zetsu who emerged from the ground. The Akatsuki member revealed that Sasuke Uchiha had infiltrated the summit and intended to attack them. This saw the Raikage killed the shinobi whilst several of the Kage went to deal with the rogue Uchiha whilst the others kept an eye on Danzō. Despite their numbers and powers, the Kage failed to eliminate Sasuke who broke into the central chamber of the summit itself. In the confusion, Danzō and his bodyguards managed to escape where they made their way back to the hidden leaf. They were then being pursued by a hunter ninja from the hidden mist named Ao who looked to apprehend Shimura for his actions but was nearly killed by his bodyguards. Shimura and his bodyguards then managed to reach a bridge where they were confronted by the Masked Madara. Danzō had his guards battle their foe whilst he undid the seals on his arm in order to access the power of the stolen Uchiha eyes embedded in his limb. Despite their skill, his attendants were removed by their foes teleportation jutsu but rather than fight Danzō himself he transported Sasuke to the scene so that the young Uchiha could get his revenge. Danzō then revealed his right arm to show that it was embedded with Sharingan all over, and voiced his intent to add Tobi's and Sasuke's to his collection. Sasuke immediately questioned him about the Uchiha clan's assassination, hoping to find out if the Konoha elders really did force Itachi to murder his family. Danzō confirmed the story and questioned why Itachi would sacrifice peace to tell Sasuke the truth. Angry that Danzō spoke about his brother so casually, Sasuke crushed him with his Susanoo's hand. Despite his apparent death, Danzō was unharmed by Susanoo, as well as Sasuke's subsequent attacks. All the while Danzō goaded Sasuke by constantly talking about Itachi, prompting him to fully develop his Susanoo. Sasuke used Susanoo to fire an arrow at Danzō, who was forced to use his Wood Release to divert the attack. Tobi, having been observing the battle, surmised that his use of Sharingan and Wood Release must mean that he planned to control the Nine-Tails as well, and that he was using Izanagi, with the many Sharingan on his arm being sacrificed one-by-one to escape death. When he was finally reduced to one, Danzō and Sasuke each prepared one final attack; breathing wind-natured chakra onto a kunai creating a blade, Danzō prepared to clash with Sasuke's Chidori Sharp Spear.


Personality and attributes

He came to gain a reputation for notoriety where he was known as the The Darkness of the Shinobi (忍の闇, Shinobi no Yami, English TV: The Shinobi of Darkness).

In his youth, he claimed a shinobi had to be prepared to die in battle. However, he felt fear when in a hopeless battle that a volunteer was asked to delay the enemy. Rather than volunteer, Danzō's cowardice could him to refuse to speak up at first.

According to him, he believed that a ninja's world lay in the darkness and should not be seen. He had a deep desire to change the ninja world and believed only he could save it. This led to his desire to become the Hokage but he noted that in the end he was unable to reach the position of leader of the hidden leaf.

It was noted that his father and grandfather had died as ninja in the conflicts in the Ninja World.

Danzō had a longstanding rivalry to his compatriot Hiruzen Sarutobi and felt a sense of envy against him. This was despite the fact that Hiruzen had seen Danzō as a comrade though Shimura had long tried to catch up to his Sarutobi. However, no matter how far he ran, he always failed in keeping up with his comrade. In his final moments, he compared Hiruzen to had soared high in the sun like a leaf whilst he himself was like the root that remain buried in darkness and not seen.

Powers and abilities

Danzō Shimura was born a human in the ninja world where he had the power to manipulate chakra to achieve a number of feats. This combined with his training led to him becoming a shinobi and a skilled warrior.

In his old age, he willingly had his body altered to improve his fighting ability with part of these experiments being made with the help of Orochimaru. This included his right arm holding cells from the first Hokage Hashirama Senju. These Hashirama Cells allowed him to control the next addition to his body which were 10 Sharingan harvested from the massacre of the Uchiha clan. These mature eyes were placed all around his right arm that initially were bandaged up and had a locked seal to protect them which needed to be unlocked. Finally, he harvested the Sharigan eye from Shisui Uchiha which was used to replace his own right eye that was bandaged up whilst it adapted to his body. He was very skilled at using it, able to detect multiple assassins hidden among his surroundings and subdue individuals with genjutsu. Danzō could use Izanagi, a technique forbidden even amongst the Uchiha clan. While activated, Danzō's own body became a physical illusion, nullifying any injury he received from an opponent. This allowed him to survive otherwise fatal attacks while retaining the ability to inflict physical harm to his opponent. Izanagi gave him another benefit; after being 'killed', Danzō would appear elsewhere away from danger to catch his foes off guard. Due to Hashirama's cells, Izanagi usage was extended for up to 60 seconds in a single Sharingan. While he could not see through or use the passive abilities of the Sharingan embedded in his arm, each eye extended his use of Izanagi, giving him up to 10 minutes of usage. As each had a set amount of time to maintain the technique, he would break its usage in between as he chooses to conserve time for later use. Obito explained that this length of time is due to the former's lack of mastery over Hashirama's cells. Also, even with Danzō's physical energy augmented by Hashirama's cells, it still took a substantial amount of chakra to sustain the technique.

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Summoning Technique (寄せの術­, Kuchiyose no Jutsu) :
  • Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal (舌禍根絶の印­, Zekka Konzetsu no In) :
  • Wind Release: Vacuum Blade (風遁・真空刃­, Fūton: Shinkūjin) :
  • Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere (風遁・真空大玉­, Fūton: Shinkū Taigyoku) :
  • Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves (風遁・真空連波­, Fūton: Shinkū Renpa) :
  • Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere (風遁・真空玉­, Fūton: Shinkūgyoku) :
  • Wind Release: Vacuum Wave (風遁・真空波­, Fūton: Shinkūha) :
  • Wind Waves (風波­, Kazanami) :
  • Kotoamatsukami (別天神­, Kotoamatsukami) :
  • Izanagi (イザナギ­, Izanagi) :
  • Reverse Four Symbols Sealing (裏四象封印­, Ura Shishō Fūin) :

In Konohagakure, he came to be part of the hawk faction within the village that sought more aggressive and militaristic approach to matters.

He was the leader of the Root (根, Ne, English TV: Foundation) that were a branch of Konohagakure's Anbu training subdivision.


  • Danzō Shimura was created by Masashi Kishimoto where he featured in the setting of Naruto.

In other media


Video games


  • Naruto:

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