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The Beastiamorphs are a species that feature in DC Comics.




The Beastiamorphs were human/animal hybrid beings that were created by the sorcery of Circe where they served as her servants.

Circe dispatched her Beastiamorphs to stop anyone from acquiring the Goblet with Wonder Woman informing Batman of this development. (Batman v1 #470)

Later, Circe utilized her Bestiamorphs yet again to aid her in a plan to fulfill Hecate's vengeance against the Greek gods by instigating a war amongst the various heavenly pantheons. While she manages to destroy the Amazons' intended "tour of peace", coerce the pantheons into fighting each other (whereby the Roman Gods pit their champion, Shazam, against the Greek pantheon's champion, Diana), brainwash Hippolyta as serving as the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall's new Shim'tar, and temporarily killing Diana by reverting her back into the clay from which she was created, Circe's plan was ultimately thwarted when Superman martialed the world's heroes against her and the Phantom Stranger, the Spectre, and Deadman resurrected Diana.

After Hippolyta dies saving Diana from an Imperiex probe during the Imperiex War, Circe launches a mass attack on New York City, teleporting and transforming all male superheroes into animals save for J'onn J'onzz, Beast Boy, and Plastic Man, whom she took special means to keep imprisoned due to their shape-shifting abilities. She also imprisoned and transformed her former confederates in the Injustice Gang, taking particular delight in tormenting Luthor. Since the only persons who were not affected by the spell were women, many female superheroes entered the city in an attempt to save their friends and stop the witch's plan. However, Circe had planned for such a rescue and convinced the female members of various supervillain communities to join forces and stop the heroes by any means necessary.

As Diana was leading the fight against Circe, Circe sent a Doomsday-altered Superman to fight her; hoping to demoralize the world by making Superman and Wonder Woman kill one another, while she transmitted the fight in a global simulcast across the world. Ultimately, Circe was unsuccessful in her plan as a majority of the female heroes were able to change back their male friends with the use of the herb moly to disrupt her powers much like Odysseus had done. After a protracted fight, Diana broke Circe's spell on Superman with her lasso. Luthor and the Joker managed to free themselves and threaten Circe's daughter, however, she was able to quickly overpowered them and escaped with her allies.


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.

Long ago, it was shown that the exiled Circe who was a Princess of Colchis was forced to flee her homeland and in her escape she found the goddess Hecate. She had nothing to offer except for the spite she had for the world and the Witch Queen heard her call for power. Hecate branded Circe with the Witchmark thus giving some of her power to the Princess of Colchis where she used it to get her revenge on those who drove her from her homeland by using the magic to turn them into beastial animals. (Justice League Dark v2 #17)


Some were mutated beasts whilst others were originally human that were transformed by Circe. (Batman v1 #470) Such was Circe's power that she could transform even demi-gods into a Beastimorph. (Wonder Woman v3 #3)


  • Mikos :
  • Hercules : transformed into a bull by Circe. (Wonder Woman v3 #3)


  • The Beastiamorphs were created by George Pérez where they made their first appearance in Wonder Woman v2 #19 (August, 1988).
  • After the Flashpoint, the creatures were referred to as Ani-Men.

In other media

Video games

  • In Justice League Heroes: The Flash, the Beastiamorphs appeared in the setting of the Gameboy Advance video game.
  • In DC Universe Online, the Beastiamorphs appeared in the setting of the MMORPG video game where they were servants of Circe and antagonists to the hero side. Circe's Bestiamorph Army and the Amazons of Themyscira are locked in pitched battle within the streets of the Tomorrow District of Metropolis. As part of Circe's Legends PvP Avatar abilities and during the Iconic Vision: Circe's Trial solo instance, Circe has two attacks that are associated with her Bestiamorphs; the first is called "Bestiamorph" which allows her to convert an enemy into a Bestiamorph for a short period of time, while her other attack is "Summon Bestiamorph Berserker", which allows her to summon a Bestiamorph Berserker who does moderate damage to enemies. For the Heroes at Level 15, Wonder Woman will call on Magic heroes to help her drive off Circe and her Bestiamorphs in the Chinatown Cafe who are trying to steal magic based exobytes for their own purposes. Circe will turn the hero into a Bestiamorph Berserker in an attempt to turn them against Wonder Woman. In retaliation, Wonder Woman will stop the player from being under Circe's control and the heroes will have to stop the the Beastiamorphs from stealing the exobytes while Circe fights Wonder Woman. After the battle is won the player will be returned to normal. For villains at Level 15, she will call on Magic villains to help her drive off Wonder Woman and the Amazons trying to recover the magic-based exobytes she's collected in the Chinatown Cafe. During the boss battle Circe will turn the villain into a Bestiamorph Berserker and order them to stop the Amazons who are attempting to steal the Exobytes. After the battle is won Circe will leave and leave the player as a Bestiamorph until they also leave the instance and the spells wears off.


  • Wonder Woman v2: (1988)
  • Batman v1:
  • Wonder Woman v3:
  • War of the Gods v1:
  • Superman/Wonder Woman v1:

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