Jack O'Neill

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Jack O'Neill is a male television character who features in Stargate.



Jonathan J. O'Neill

On the first mission to Abydos, O'Neill, grieving for the accidental death of his son, Charlie O'Neill, due to him shooting himself with Jack's gun, brought a nuclear warhead, believing the mission was suicide. Ra, the Supreme System Lord of the Goa'uld Empire, discovered it and decided to send it to Earth with added Naquadah ore magnifying its destructive power by 100 times. While there, he met Skaara, who reminded him of Charlie, but still activated the bomb. While Dr. Daniel Jackson tried to save Sha're, a local woman with whom he had fallen in love, O'Neill battled Ra's First Prime, finally decapitating him with the Transportation rings. Ra, however, had altered the bomb, making it incapable of deactivation. When Ra learned that the Abydonians had rebelled, he took his mothership into orbit. O'Neill, unable to deactivate the bomb, sent it up to the ship, killing Ra, but inadvertently beginning Earth's war with the Goa'uld. (Movie: Stargate)

After the mission to Abydos, O'Neill resigned from the United States Air Force. One year later, in 1997, Major General George S. Hammond requested that he return to Stargate Command to discuss the events during the Abydos mission, after Apophis and a group of his Jaffa arrived on Earth through the Stargate for a brief period of time, kidnapping Senior Airman Carol Weterings. Hammond, believing that Ra had survived and not yet knowing there were other Goa'uld and Stargates throughout the galaxy, ordered a nuclear warhead sent to Abydos upon O'Neill's confession that the previous weapon was not detonated on the surface of the planet, but on Ra's ship while it was in orbit and that O'Neill instead ordered the people of Abydos to bury the Stargate. Knowing that the people of Abydos were innocent, including Dr. Daniel Jackson, who remained on the planet after the events of on Abydos, he requested a team be sent to the planet, but he was denied and thrown into the Stargate Command brig. There, he met his old teammates Major Charles Kawalsky and Major Louis Ferretti. After some time, Hammond returned to the brig and talked with O'Neill about going to the Abydos. In order to contact Jackson and ensure safe passage, O'Neill took a Kleenex box and threw it through the Stargate to Abydos. He explained the action by stating that Daniel had allergies. Some time later, it was returned with the message, "Thanks. Send More". (Episode: Children of the Gods)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Jack O'Neill was created by Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin where he featured in the setting of Stargate universe.


  • Stargate:
  • Stargate SG-1:
  • Stargate: Atlantis:
  • Stargate Universe:

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