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Ch'rell is a male animated villain who features in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.




Ch'rell was a member of the Utroms race that showed sociopathic tendencies that were at odds with his society's advanced technology and peaceful ways. Unlike the rest of his kind, he was both psychopathic and showed a hunger for power where he sought to expand by going to war. This led to him going from planet to planet where he brought war and destruction with him inflicting terror on others. As such, he was considered as an enemy to other Utroms and their most dangerous enemy who was responsible for the death of millions. After three centuries of tracking him, the crew of Mortu managed to capture him and took him into custody where he was en-route to the Utrom homeworld to place Ch'rell on trial for his many crimes. During transport, the prison ship was by Earth when Ch'rell escaped and sabotaged the propulsion systems cause it to the crash on the planet below. As a result, the Utrom fugitive came to find himself in feudal Japan during the Sengoku period. The confusion of the crash allowed him to escape into the wilds before his captors could recover whereupon they salvaged the shipwreck to create robot bodies for themselves so they could hide amongst the humans. In the aftermath, the Utroms came to determine that Earth was too primitive to aid them in returning home and thus they began the long effort in returning to the Utrom Homeworld even if it took centuries. Meanwhile, Ch'rell came to overwhelm another Utrom operator and stole a suit thus using the exoskeleton prototype for his own goals. Hiding amongst humans, he came to learn martial arts and developed a suit of samurai armor for his body. It was during this time that Ch'rell came to learn the legend surrounding a feared Japanese demon and warrior named the Shredder and decided to use this identity for himself to inspire fear in his enemies. Thus, he took the identity of the Shredder and even stole the three-toe symbol of the Ninja Tribunal that was once Oroku Saki's in order to establish the Foot Clan. This army of loyal ninja came to serve Ch'rell and were largely unaware of their master's extra-terrestrial origins as he used them to not only use them as a tool against the other Utroms but also continue his own plans for conquest. Similarly, the other Utroms decided to protect themselves and mankind from the evil of Ch'rell with them founding a secret society called the Guardians who were entrusted with their secrets. These warriors worked with the Utrom over thousands of years in opposing the Shredder and the Foot Clan. During this time, Ch'rell recovered Utrom metal and had some swordsmiths forge a blade that was called the Sword of Tengu with him then killing its makers and forging a tale that it was a weapon that fell from the Heavens which had been crafted by Goblins. The Shredder utilised the sword for sometime before Ch'rell came to lose it at some point in the past.

After World War II, the Shredder came to learn of an Utrom base in Japan with this information coming from a failed Guardian named Yukio Mashimi who betrayed his former masters to Ch'rell. With this information, the Shredder launched an attack on the compound but the Foot Ninja were unprepared for the secret escape pods at the facility. In this time, they were confronted by a Guardian and former friend of Mashimi named Hamato Yoshi who wanted to take revenge on Yukio for the death of his girlfriend. Amused at this encounter, the Shredder had Mashimi fight Yoshi alone with Hamato winning the fight and managing to escape. In this time, the Utrom's managed to successfully escape from Japan and went out into the wider world to continue their fight against the fugitive Ch'rell. This led to the Shredder chasing them to America and into the city of New York where they had established a new base of operations. In the 20th century, Ch'rell came to establish a public persona of Oroku Saki who appeared to society as an influential billionaire and businessman though ultimately this was a cover for his vast criminal empire that was maintained by the Foot Clan. To expand his operations, he made links with the criminal underworld in New York leading to the Purple Dragons and their leader Hun becoming among his agents. It was during this time that Ch'rell came to encounter a young abandoned human girl named Karai who he adopted and raised as his own daughter. He came to teach her everything about ninjutsu and leadership as well as the secret of his past where he claimed that the Utrom's were wrongfully hunting him. Upon moving to America, he placed Karai in charge of the Japanese division of their empire whilst he led the Foot Clan from New York. Eventually, he came to track down Hamato Yoshi and demanded the location of the Utrom's from the Guardian. However, Yoshi refused to answer him leading to the Shredder murdering the man in front of his pet rat. In the struggle, the rat managed to escape and fled into the sewers where unknown to the Shredder he along with four baby turtles were exposed to mutagenic ooze that transformed them into sentient humanoid forms. From within the sewers, the rat named Splinter caught the turtles who he adopted as his children in the arts of ninjutsu which he in turn had learnt from mimicking his master Hamato Yoshi.

Yoshi accompanied the Utroms to America and Ch'rell followed them there, he located Hamato Yoshi, one of the Utroms' foremost guardians, and demanded to know the Utroms' location but the Guardian refused to answer and the Shredder murdered him in front of his pet rat, Splinter. During the struggle, Splinter escapes and winds up in the sewers, where he and four baby turtles are accidentally exposed to mutagenic ooze created by the Utroms and consequently mutate into sentient humanoid forms. Splinter teaches them the art of the Ninja which he had learned through mimicry of Yoshi. Fifteen years later, Shredder continued to rule New York’s underworld until, the Turtles begin encountering the Foot Clan and unknowingly foil several of Shredder's plans. The Ninja Turtles stopped a group of Purple Dragons who tried to steal an armored car full of money. Next they stopped Baxter Stockman’s Mousers from robbing banks in New York. Finally Shredder managed to retrieve the Sword of Tengu, along with one of the Utrom’s exo-suits, so he knew they were still around. But then the Turtles got their hands on it and Shredder decided he had to get rid of them, assigning Hun and Stockman to find some way to deal with them. Hun managed to capture Raphael, then let him go so Stockman’s Foot Tech Ninjas could follow him. The plan failed, but from what Hun did find out from Raphael, Shredder learned the Turtles did not know about the Utrom, so they could be of use to him.

In custody, Ch'rell was taken before an Utrom tribunal where he was found guilty for crimes across the universe. His punishment was being banished to the ice prison asteroid known as Mor Tal.


Personality and attributes

Upon arriving on Japan, he stole the identity of the Shredder and used the human identity of Oroku Saki to hide amongst mankind. Among other identities he had use across the years on Earth included Torrinon, Kako Naso, and Duke Acureds.

Unlike the rest of his kind, Ch'rell was a power hungry and psychopathic Utrom who tried to expand his power base through force going from planet to planet causing war and destruction. This saw him spreading terror and crime which made him an enemy of ​​the other Utrom.

He considered himself to be the destroyer of worlds, and that he feared no one. Splinter commented that Ch'rell served no great purpose nor did he fight a great evil but was actually a great evil himself.

Powers and abilities

He came to acquire the Heart of Tengu that was a mystical pendant that protected the wearer from attack but also controlled the five Foot Mystics. These were five demonic warriors of the Tengu Shredder each of whom had complete control of one of the five elements. The demonic beings were forced to obey the person in control of the relic thus allowing Ch'rell to control them against their will.


  • Ch'rell was voiced by actor Scottie Ray and was an original creation of the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated television series.

In other media

Video games



  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: (2003)

External Link

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