Doom 2099

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Doom 2099 in 2099 Omega v1 #1.

Doom 2099 is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.





Victor von Doom in Doom 2099 v1 #1.

Victor von Doom

In the year 2099, Doctor Doom abruptly materializes via an energy sphere in the ruins of Castle Doom in Latveria, after disappearing 50–100 years ago. Latveria was now in the hands of a cyborg mercenary robber-baron called Tyger Wylde. Doom confronts the new dictator of the nation, but is quickly defeated by Wylde's superior technology — his armor depleted of energy and destroyed, and his face is scarred. Left for dead, Doom finds refuge with the last remnants of his Romani community, the Zefiro, via the seeress Fortune. With the aid of a brilliant Pixel employee he liberates from corporate enslavement named Dr. Celia Quinones, Doom creates a new, far more advanced and powerful suit of silver, blue cloaked armor capable of competing with Wylde's futuristic technology, in addition to performing neuro-cybersurgery on him. (Doom 2099 v1 #1) Doom becomes a freedom fighter, and successfully strikes back against an increasingly more frustrated Tiger Wylde. Doom stole Wylde's shipment of tritonium, an unstable radioactive mineral, useful both as a regenerating explosive and as a power source so powerful that a large handful could power Latveria for 59 years thereby prompting Wylde to attack. (Doom 2099 v1 #2)

Alongside his few Zefiro allies, and with the use of the tritonium he had seized which Doom was able to defeat and destroy Wylde. This allowed him to regain control of his homeland to once again become Monarch of Latveria, ruling once more from a rebuilt Castle Doom, built as a bridge between the village of Antikva and the metropolis of Gojradia once again. (Doom 2099 v1 #4)


Around this time, he encountered the resurrected patriarch of the future nation of Wakanda, a king named Thandaza, whose granddaughter, Princess Okusana, built him in a cyborg body to bring him back, so that she could avoid the pressures of leadership. (Doom 2099 v1 #11) Doom finally defeated Thandaza, returning him to a grateful death, but not before plugging in and ransacking Wakanda of its technology, including the design of their Environmental Maintenance Platforms that kept its air clean of pollutants. (Doom 2099 v1 #12) Next, he fought an ancient being known as Necrotek, who was once defeated by the three Eyes of Agamotto, in the hands of Caius the Spartan. With the help of the Romani's young adept, Vox, and his single Eye of Agamotto, Doom banished Necrotek with a Caius Circle drawn in cyberspace, where Necrotek had anchored himself, using information Doom found in a hidden library of mystical texts. (Doom 2099 v1 #13) When the man-beast Ravage stole the plans from Alchemax's floating city Valhalla, Doom appeared to him and deciphered them, finding that the thrusters were its weakness. Doom traveled to Valhalla and met up with one of Avatarr's nano-engineered superheroes, Loki, as well as the body of Heimdall, defeated by 2099's X-Men. Avatarr's Thor appeared shortly later and attacked Doom, angered by Heimdall's death. In an attempt to stop Thor, Doom overloaded the source of his power, Mjolnir, but the resulting explosion threw both combatants miles away. When Doom recovered, he returned to face Avatarr, and discovered that the flaw in the engines which would soon send the city crashing to the ground in the middle of New York was well known by Avatarr, who was oblivious to the damage it would cause. (Doom 2099 v1 #14) Finally, Doom teamed up with 2099's Spider-Man, Punisher, and Ravage to bring down Valhalla. (Punisher 2099 v1 #13) However, once it was under control, Doom appropriated the flying city and made it a new providence of Latveria. (Spider-Man 2099 v1 #17)

One Nation Under Doom

Later on, he fought against the resurrected patriarch of the future nation of Wakanda who was a king named Thandaza. It was his granddaughter Princess Okusana who built him in a cyborg body to bring him back, so that she could avoid the pressures of leadership. (Doom 2099 v1 #11) Doom finally defeated Thandaza, returning him to a grateful death, but not before plugging in and ransacking Wakanda of its technology, including the design of their Environmental Maintenance Platforms that kept its air clean of pollutants. (Doom 2099 v1 #12) He then fought an ancient being known as Necrotek, who was once defeated by the three Eyes of Agamotto that were now in the hands of Caius the Spartan. With the help of the Romani’s young adept, Vox, and his single Eye of Agamotto, Doom banished Necrotek with a Caius Circle drawn in cyberspace, where Necrotek had anchored himself, using information Doom found in a hidden library of mystical texts. (Doom 2099 v1 #13) When the man-beast Ravage stole the plans from Alchemax's floating city Valhalla, Doom appeared to him and deciphered them, finding that the thrusters were its weakness. Doom traveled to Valhalla and met up with one of Avatarr's nano-engineered superheroes, Loki, as well as the body of Heimdall, defeated by 2099’s X-Men. Avatarr’s Thor appeared shortly later and attacked Doom, angered by Heimdall’s death. In an attempt to stop Thor, Doom overloaded the source of his power, Mjolnir, but the resulting explosion threw both combatants miles away. When Doom recovered, he returned to face Avatarr, and discovered that the flaw in the engines which would soon send the city crashing to the ground in the middle of New York was well known by Avatarr, who was oblivious to the damage it would cause. (Doom 2099 v1 #14) Doom teamed up with 2099’s Spider-Man, Punisher, and Ravage to bring down Valhalla. (Punisher 2099 v1 #13) However, once it was under control, Doom appropriated the flying city and made it a new providence of Latveria. (Spider-Man 2099 v1 #17)

Later, while searching for signs of the alien life that he remembered from the 20th Century, Doom stumbled across a source in Antarctica that was sending and receiving a signal from deep space. Doom traveled to Antarctica to investigate the signal and found a being called Radian who used a technology based on manipulation of light itself. (Doom 2099 v1 #15)

Rage Against Time

Ragnarok Now



Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

However, Doom 2099's incomplete memories made him vulnerable to improperly casting spells, so he mostly refrained from mysticism upon his return. (Doom 2099 v1 #13)

When Doom conquered the United States, he gathered his Black Cabinet, a group of talented and unique individuals that included:

  • Minister of Signal : Indigo Eshun, a brilliant British 'Netglider' and head of an elite Cadre of Netgliders. Wire's body was rebuilt and he was Doom's instant link to the Indigo and her Netgliders, though he had become insane and would commit suicide shortly afterwards. Indigo was killed during Herod's coup.
  • Minister of Enemy Relations : Nkrumah, a Wakandan mercenary and head of Panther's Rage, a group of elite warriors. Xandra was one of his Panthers.
  • Minister of Humanity : Morphine Somers, a mutant activist with the power to age anything he touched thousands of years in mere seconds.
  • Minister of Order : Sharp Blue, head of the Guild of Elite mercenaries.
  • Minister of Punishment : Jacob Gallows, Punisher 2099, also made head of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2099.


  • Doom 2099 was created by John Francis Moore and Pat Broderick where he made his first appearance in Marvel Comics Presents v1 #118 (December, 1992).

Alternate Versions

  • In What The--?! Winter Special v1 #1 (1993), an alternate version of the character named Ducktor Doom 2099 appeared in the Larval Earth reality that was designated as Earth-93726 in the Multiverse.
  • In Timestorm 2009/2099: X-Men One-Shot v1 #1 (2009), an alternate version of Doom 2099 appeared in the Timestorm reality that was designated as Earth-96099 in the Multiverse. Doctor Doom was contained in a facility, barely alive but nearing his end, in the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., where he was found by Logan and Ghost Rider. He gave Ghost Rider information to find Shakti Haddad in Manhattan and then died. It was later revealed that Doom decided to die to prevent himself from becoming the U.S. President in another 2099 timeline.
  • In Savage Avengers v2 #7 (2022), a Doom 2099 appeared in an alternate version of the 2099 future. This world was dominated by Deathloks led by a variation of Ultron who has taken the name Deathlok Prime. Doom 2099 was shown to be an in-mate at Hellrock Prison where he was held in a special area. When a time-displaced Dagger comes upon his cell, Doom 2099 was offered a deal to join the Avengers. Doom 2099 accepted so that he can take his revenge on Ultron.

In other media

Video games

  • In Marvel: Future Fight, Doom 3099 appeared as an alternate skin available to Doctor Doom in the setting of the mobile video game.
  • In Marvel Rivals, Doom 2099 appeared in the setting of the third person hero shooter video game where he was voiced by actor Steve Blum. It was shown that he was conducting experiments that went out of control, causing countless universes to collide in the Timestream Entanglement. The result of this was the creation of new worlds and crises. This brought Doom's present and future selves into conflict with one another as they began vying against each other in a battle to reshape reality in their images.


  • Marvel Comics Presents v1: (1992)
  • Doom 2099 v1:
  • 2099 Omega v1:
  • Doom 2099 v2:
  • Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 v1:

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