Immortal Man

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The Immortal Man battles the Infinite Woman in The Immortal Men v1 #4.

Immortal Man is a male comic superhero that features in DC Comics.





Klarn Arg

He later brought together a team that included Animal Man, Cave Carson, Congorilla, Dolphin, Dane Dorrance, Rick Flag, Jr. and Rip Hunter. (Action Comics v1 #552) The Immortal Man came to assemble them in order to stop his age old foe Vandal Savage who was using Superman as part of a plot to destroy the world. (Action Comics v1 #553)


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Klarn was a prehistoric man who was one of two humans touched by the power of a meteor that crashed on Earth long ago. It gave the Immortal Man the ability to reincarnate after the death of his body and thus achieve a form of immortality. The other person was Vandar the Killer with the two becoming mortal enemies who battled each other numerous times over the many years. (The Flash v2 #48)

In the modern day, he came to reincarnate in the body of an adolescent girl named Steffi Jones who suddenly gained his memories during school. She came to use his powers of flight to leave class and she went about confronting Vandal Savage. (The Flash v2 #48)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Klarn lived around 50,000 years ago where he headed the primitive Bear Tribe alongside his sister Kyra. One day, Kyra sighted something crashing from the sky onto the Earth and learnt that the Wolf Tribe of Vandar Adg headed towards the site. The five siblings of the Bear Tribe sought to reach the area first to claim an advantage but when they arrived they found a meteor that contained a strange metal whose power affected them. The metal turned all five siblings into immortals that could impart a portion of their power to others with each seeking to better humanity in a different way. Klarn came to be known as the Immortal Man and headed his own family of immortals that came to be known as the House of Action. (The Immortal Men v1 #4)

He came to plan a contingency plan in case he was ever killed whereby his consciousness would pass onto a new body. To that end, he determined that a young boy called Caden Park could serve as a receptacle for himself and had his subordinate Communion secretly prepare the child along with watching over him. (The Immortal Men v1 #5)

In the midst of the battle, the Immortal Man was stabbed from behind by the Infinite Woman where he seemingly died amongst his Immortal Men. (The Immortal Men v1 #4)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

Those that inherited his powers after he reincarnated in their bodies came to experience the Immortal Man's memories and experiences over the centuries. (The Flash v2 #48)

Bodies that he reincarnated in could quickly learn his power of flight. (The Flash v2 #48) It was said that he had learnt to fight before the first swords were forged. In fact, over ten thousand years, he had perfected every fighting skill into an intimate art form. (The Immortal Men v1 #4)

The Immortal Man created a system in case he was ever incapacitated whereby his mind would overwrite the consciousness of a living person allowing him to be reborn in their body. (The Immortal Men v1 #5)

He crafted he Bloodmask that morphed into a mouth-mask and contained the blood of all the Immortal Men under their masters command. It would allow the bearer access to their combined knowledge and abilities for use in battle. (The Immortal Men v1 #5)

Alongside his tribe of Immortal Men, he built an underground haven and headquarters where they could seek shelter and train in their abilities with this being known as the Campus. (The Immortal Men v1 #5)


  • The Immortal Man was created by Jack Sparling where he made his first appearance in Strange Adventures v1 #177 (June, 1965).

Alternate Versions

  • In Final Crisis: Secret Files v1 #1 (2009), the Immortal Man appeared in an alternate reality designated as Earth-20 in the Multiverse. This version was merged with the character Anthro where he came to survive across the millennia an became a member of the Society of Super-Heroes on their world.


  • Strange Adventures v1: (1965)
  • Action Comics v1:
  • The Flash v2:
  • Action Comics v1:
  • Final Crisis: Secret Files:
  • Multiversity v1:
  • The Immortal Men v1:

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