League of Assassins

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Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins from Batman and Robin v2 #23.3.

The League of Assassins is an organizations that features in DC Comics.





The League of Assassins hunting for Batman in Detective Comics v1 #405.

The League of Assassins was a secretive organization of criminals an assassins who served the immortal Ra's al Ghul. It was held to be a criminal cartel known only among the darkest places in the world and had existed for around 500 years where they sucked at the richest veins in the world. (Justice League of America v1 #94)

To find an heir to his rule, Ra's al Ghul decided to test Batman who he deduced was really Bruce Wayne and was a man that his daughter Talia as her love. As such, he staged a fake kidnapping of his daughter and of Robin where Ra's appeared to Batman as an innocent asking for Bruce Waynes help. He would guide Batman to the Brotherhood of the Demon's stronghold in Calcutta as part of his test of Batman as he sought to have him as a son-in-law and heir to the cult. (Batman v1 #232)

Ra's al Ghul embarked on a scheme to frame Batman and force the Dark Knight into becoming an outlaw so that he would eventually join the ranks of the League of Assassins. (Detective Comics v1 #448)

League member Shrike was responsible for establishing the Vengeance Academy at Gotham that trained individuals to become killers and potential members of the League of Assassins. (Robin: Year One v1 #3) One of the students by the name of Boone would seek to learn every form of martial art and would arrive in Hong Kong where he met former operatives of the League of Assassins in the back streets. This encounter would see him meet with the 'Master' who turned the youth into a disciplined assassin that undertook contract eliminations throughout Asia as well as the former Soviet bloc. (Nightwing Secret Files & Origins v1 #1) At some point, the Demon's Head was dissatisfied with the fickle loyalty of the mercenaries that joined the League. To that end, David Cain had a theory on instilling loyalty from children at a young age with him being given Ra's al Ghul's blessing to start the experiment. The initial experiment so groups of children under the brutal training of a single instructor but this led to many not surviving into infancy with the only survivor going rampant forcing an Ubu being dispatched to put the child down. Cain then revised his theory instead having a single child being trained by the entire League though many of the first children dying before David determined that success lay in genetics. (Batgirl v1 #67) To that end, he sought a mate and found one in Sandra Woosan where he killed her sister to motivate her rage to find him. He then defeated her when she reached the League of Assassin's stronghold and gave her an offer to be the greatest fighter with the two sleeping together in order to produce a child. The child born was Cassandra Cain and an hour after she was born Woosan took the mantle of Lady Shiva as she left her daughter in the care of David Cain. (Batgirl v1 #73)

The Sensei sought the destruction of Nanda Parbat as he saw it as a sanctuary from evil. Its destruction he claimed would bring about a period of unrest, dissension and revolution that would lead to widespread murder as well as destruction which would run rampant in society. Such an environment he believed would be rich for the Society of Assassins where they could reap the spoils of the carnage as their services would be sought after in great demand. (Brave and the Bold v1 #86)

Demon Fang

As part of his latest goal, Ra's al Ghul decided to cull the world population but had to deal with the Justice League. To do so, he had stolen secret plans that Batman had made to combat the various Justice League members in case he had to oppose them. With these plans, he also tapped into the Justice League communicators with the League assassins target each of the heroes. (JLA v1 #44) The League managed to re-group together where they foiled his Tower of Babel plot with the help of Talia and crippled his operations with Ra's going into hiding. (JLA v1 #46)

Changing Leadership

Nyssa Raatko, the new leader of the League from Batgirl v1 #68.

Under Nyssa Raatko's control, she made Lady Shiva the new sensei of the League and trained a new generation of assassins. Around this time, Cassandra Cain was chasing for clues about origins and believed that Shiva was her mother. Meanwhile, Nyssa had hoped to lure Cassandra into her fulfilling her duty as the One Who Is All and become the new sensei of the League of Assassins. (Batgirl v1 #68)

Following their master's death, the order of assassins had splintered with the loyalists following Talia Al Ghul and a fanatical splinter sect going to the Sensei. Once Ra's Al Ghul returned, the loyalists immediately flocked to his banner as he sought to transfer his mind into Damian Wayne's body. (Batman v1 #670) Damian fled from his grandfather and escaped to Wayne Manor where a group of assassins had been deployed to retrieve the boy. (Robin #168) Batman managed to dissuade Ra's from taking his son's body by offering to lead the way to the Fountain of Life in Nanda Parbat where Bruce defeated the Sensei. (Batman v1 #671)

Infinite Crisis

A year later, Talia al Ghul became responsible for blackmailing Kirk Langstrom and getting him to give her the Man-Bat formula. This serum was used to transform some of the assassins in the League into Man-Bats. These warriors alongside with the regular assassins obeyed her commands as well as acted as the personal bodyguards and army for Talia where she used them to carry out acts of retribution against her enemies. (Batman v1 #655)

With Ra's al Ghul gone, the leadership of the League was claimed by Talia and under her command, they started searching for Batman, who was captured by the Black Glove. Talia, her son Damian and a small faction of the League arrived a Wayne Manor, where they disabled several traps, saving James Gordon in the process. (Batman v1 #680)

In an effort to save her son, the assassin Shado went to Dr. Sivana who tasked her with killing Green Arrow. To accomplish this feat, she disguised herself as Ra's al Ghul and selected assassins to join a 'Shadow League' that believed served the League of Assassins but were in fact acting for an impostor. This group consisted of Metahumans that consisted of Bear, Tolliver, Ruck, Spike, Mazone, and their leader Targa. They believed they were a secretive part of the League of Assassins and were accidentally responsibly for badly injuring Connor Hawke. (Green Arrow and Black Canary v1 #11)

Under his leadership, Ra's commanded a small faction of the League to capture Nightwing and deliver him to his secret lair, but the assassins failed and Nightwing defeated them. (Nightwing v2 #152)

Later on, the League themselves came to be the prey of a guild of assassins known as the Council of Spiders. (Red Robin v1 #8)


The new leader of the League of Assassins, Jason Todd from Red Hood and the Outlaws v1 #24.

Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. It was said that long ago the Demon Head's empire was divided into three classes with these being the League of Assassins, the League of Shadows and the League of Lazarus. Early during Ra's al Ghul's reign, the League of Lazarus was noted to had rebelled against his rule. (Detective Comics v1 #1034)

Batman and Aquaman head to an island where the League of Assassins are, after Ra's al Ghul had the bodies of Damian Wayne and Talia al Ghul exhumed. Batman and Aquaman storm the beach, breaking through the island's defences of Man-Bats, only to find that the source of the whales' screaming was on the island. Ra's al Ghul had ordered the hunt of whales, creating genetically altered super-humans in the wombs of sperm whales. This being just one of a probable many plans to rebuild the League of Assassins. Aquaman swears vengeance on the whales' behalves. Inside the compound, they find that Ra's is wiping the hard drives clean, preventing data recovery, even as a message from Ra's plays over the intercom, chastising Batman for failing to prevent the deaths of Damian or Talia within the city he swore to protect. As his parting gift, he has left Batman the Heretics to keep him entertained. Batman reels as he sees all of the grotesque and mutated failed clones of failed Damians. As they fight for their lives, Batman warns Aquaman not to kill any of these monstrosities. They are too developmentally malformed to comprehend what they had done to those whales in being born. Suddenly, Bruce realizes that if the Heretics were born of a whale's womb, Arthur might be able to telepathically link up with them. He leads them out into the ocean, where an unharmed whale breaches, and swallows them whole. Batman, meanwhile, fights his way to Ra's escape aircraft. He sees Talia and Damian's bodies stored within it, and clings to the fuselage from outside as the plane takes off. Though Ra's al Ghul plans to go to Paradise Island, he is nearly surprised to see Batman pounding on the cockpit's windshield. From outside, Batman screams for Ra's al Ghul to give back his son, but Ra's al Ghul responds that he is blood of Damian's blood and the boy is in good hands. He orders the plane to tilt its angle, causing the wind shear to rip Batman from his purchase and drop down into the sea. Luckily, Aquaman is there to catch him. Arthur explains that all of the Heretics are alive, having been taken down by a whale to Atlantis for safe keeping. (Batman and Robin v2 #29)

After the death of Talia, the League had fallen into disarray with reconstruction being made to the organization and Ra's Al Ghul preparing to get his revenge against Bruce Wayne. (Batman Incorporated v2 #13) With the threat of the Untitled facing the League, Bronze Tiger led his fellow assassins in capturing Jason Todd. This was because it was deemed that the Red Hood would be the only one capable of defeating their god-like foe. Thus, they made him the new leader of the League and asked him to command them against their enemy. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v1 #21)

A splinter faction from the assassin's emerged who called themselves the League and believed the parent body was outdated. Instead of operating in the shadows, this group instead committed slaughters in the open in daylight. To combat this threat, the United States government secretly had Amanda Waller dispatched the Suicide Squad to infiltrate this extremist terrorist League. (New Suicide Squad v1 #9)

The Court of Owls were said to be a thorn in the side of the League who desired the secret of their Talon warriors leading to them seeking out Strix to join their ranks. (Secret Six v4 #12)


His followers would consist of a large cult that was known as the Brotherhood of the Demon. (Batman v1 #232) The Demon was a much wider criminal cartel which the League was held as being only a branch of it. The League of Assassins was considered its power and were also known as the Demon-Fang. (Justice League of America v1 #94) Among its many names also included the Society of Assassins. (Strange Adventures v1 #215) Such was the extent of the organization of the Sensei that it was considered that its tendrils stretched everywhere which allowed it to reach out and crush any virtue or goodness in the world. (Secret Origins v2 #1)

They were regarded as a group of martial artists who killed people for a price. (Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter v1 #13) In this respect, they operated as a business where they accepted and carried out contracts making them killers for hire. It was said that they killed hundreds of people a month. (Red Robin v1 #6) Inflicting death was considered the sacred calling of the cult and a sublime art to slay their enemies at the hands of their assassins. Such was their devotion that the Society held that it would long exist even after all its current members had died. As such, the group itself was considered more important than the individual as well as the performance of their duty. (Strange Adventures v1 #215) It was known that the League of Assassins had a particular style of swordmanship that indicated the assassin's allegiance to this group. (Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter v1 #13) The price of failure within the League was death. (Justice League of America v1 #94) The elite footmen had no capacity for mortal fear and learnt complete control over their hearts and minds. (Robin: Son of Batman v1 #8) The code of the society of assassins allowed any member to challenge the leader if they were prepared to face the consequences. (Deadman v3 #7)

Among the deadliest killers within the League were the Seven Men of Death. (Red Robin v1 #11) For a time, there existed a group within the assassin organization known as the Shadow League. This consisted of superhuman individuals with powers and abilities who were unseen and unknown even to the rest of the League of Assassins. It was claimed that they served Ra's al Ghul directly as his "Unseen Death" though in truth they served an imposter. (Green Arrow and Black Canary v1 #11) At another point, an extremist faction splintered from the ranks of the assassins and called itself the League. It believed the parent organization was outdated and detached along with being weak. Instead of operating in secrecy, the splinter League believed in operation openly and slaughtered their ones in daylight. (New Suicide Squad v1 #9) Another group was the Demon's Fist who were a school of young assassins presided over by Ra's al Ghul and their final task to graduate into the League as full members was conducting a ceremonial hunt to kill a target of their choice. (Teen Titans v6 #2) Within their ranks were the elite League of Lazarus that were a cadre of soldiers personally trained since birth by the Demon's Head to protect the Lazarus Pits. Anyone that breached the outer defences of the temple holding a Pit would then be beset upon by these assassins. (Batman/Superman v2 #7)

Newly inducted members went through an initiation where they dug a grave six feet deep and four-by-eight feet wide in order to bury their childhood, fears, doubts and weaknesses. Prior to joining, every assassin was expected to dig their own such grave for their eventual joining. (Teen Titans v6 #5) These were part of their commencement ceremony with them being commanded and expected to obey into lying in the grave that they had dug for themselves. This was a symbolic act of their old lives ending and them beginning a new life as an assassin. (Green Arrow v6 #14)

A site of particular significance was the secret city of assassins known as Eth Alth'eban, which meant Snake's Nest in Arabic. This majestic beautiful settlement that represented the world that Ra's Al Ghul wanted to bring to the world. (Red Hood and the Outlaws v1 #22) Another base was known as the Cradle which was the closest thing that could be considered a headquarters for the League. (Red Robin v1 #5) The League was noted to had made a base of operations within the small Middle Eastern country of Khadym. (Batman v3 #33) They were noted to had built a headquarters in Mongolia at one point. (Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter v1 #13)


Talia al Ghul leading the League in Batman v3 #122.
  • Ra's al Ghul :
  • Sensei : He controlled the Demon-Fang which was considered the power of the wider criminal cartel known as the Demon. (Justice League of America v1 #94)
  • Talia al Ghul :
  • Nyssa Raatko :
  • Dusan al Ghul :
  • Ebeneezer Darrk :
  • Lady Shiva :
  • Expediter : a male ranking member of the League who was in charge of its database where he was based at the Cradle. (Red Robin v1 #6)
  • Bronze Tiger :
  • Cheshire :
  • Merlyn :
  • Onyx :
  • Hook :
  • Viper : a male member of the League of Assassins who was noted to create poisons for them. (Richard Dragon, Kung-Fu Fighter v1 #13)
  • Shrike : a male master assassin who headed the Vengeance Academy in Gotham and took assignments. (Robin: Year One v1 #4)
  • Fadir Nasser : a male assassin who was a loyal servant of Ra's al Ghul and served him as the new White Ghost. (Azrael v2 #8)
  • Kitty Kumbata : a dark haired woman who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Wam-Wam : a man with a mohawk who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Shrike : a bald-headed male who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Tigris : a woman wearing a niqab who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Momotado : a man with short-black hair who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Krunk : a man with short-black hair who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • White Willow : a woman with short-blonde hair who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Los Gemelos : a man with short-black hair who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Ox : a bald-headed muscular man who was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Alpha : a man with short-black hair who wore glasses and a suit that was part of the new League that was created by Nyssa Raatko. (Batgirl v1 #68)
  • Red Talon : a female assassin who was once a student of Merlyn but she left the ranks of the League of Assassins and struck out on her own. (Batman: Orphans v1 #2)
  • Anya Volkova :
  • December Graystone :
  • Scarlet Scythe : (Action Comics v1 #772)
  • Blank : a male albino shapeshifter that was part of the Demon's Fist. (Teen Titans v6 #2)
  • Stone : a male with super-strength and earth mover who was shielded in rocky armour with him being part of the Demon's Fist. (Teen Titans v6 #2)
  • Plague : a female who had a disease touch will rust metal, rot wood, crumble stone or decay skin who was part of the Demon's Fist. (Teen Titans v6 #2)
  • Nightstorm : a male that can bend the weather to his will allowing him to weaponising into hard wind or gusting himself into flight who was part of the Demon's Fist. (Teen Titans v6 #2)
  • Mara : female who was a skilled swordsmen, martial artist and had a devilishly brilliant mind who headed the Demon's Fist. (Teen Titans v6 #2) She was the daughter of Ra's al Ghul's son Dusan who was banished from the League making her Damian Wayne's cousin with her developing a deep seated hatred of him when he was growing up due to his treatment of her. (Teen Titans v6 #3)
  • Ricardo Diaz, Jr. : bald male son of Seattle crime lord Ricardo Diaz whose criminal empire was dismantled by Green Arrow and John Diggle. Diaz, Jr departed Seattle where he came upon the League of Assassins and trained under Richard Dragon who taught him peace and patience. However, Ricardo killed his master and took his name whereupon he returned to Seattle to get revenge on the Green Arrow and Diggle. (Green Arrow v5 #32)
  • Ishmael :
  • Angel Breaker :


  • The League of Assassins were created by Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams where they made their first appearance in Strange Adventures v1 #215 (December, 1968).

Alternate Versions

  • In Batman: Brotherhood of the Bat (1996), an alternate reality Elseworlds was shown that was set 53 years in the future after the collapse of civilization. Bruce Wayne was long dead but Ra's al Ghul recognised the symbol he represented and sought to co-opt it for his own needs. After establishing a base in the abandoned Batcave, he found numerous designs for the Batsuit and summoned the elite members of both the Brotherhood of the Demon as well as the League of Assassins. These individuals gathered from around the world were used to form the Brotherhood of the Bat where they wore different designs of the Batsuit and began striking in the chaos at Gotham City which had fallen to anarchy. Tallant who was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul that had been raised in secret learnt of his heritage and infiltrated the Brotherhood of the Bat to destroy it and defeat his grandfather Ra's al Ghul.
  • In Birds of Prey: Future's End v1 (2014), a possible future showed Black Canary becoming the new leader of the League. Dinah stated she joined the League in order to destroy it but instead became its leader with the various women operating as her Red Sisters that she trained as their sensei. As such, it consisted largely of women and Dinah Lance referred to them as her Red League who freed women that were abused and imprisoned that were later offered training as well as membership into the organization.
  • In Batman Beyond v6 #7 (2017), the League of Assassins appeared in the alternate reality world setting of Future's End in the Batman Beyond era. They were shown to be led by Ra's al Ghul in the time after the Earth had been ravaged by Brother Eye where he continued his plans to cull the human race. Curare was said to had been a former member of their ranks with several assassins being sent to follow her to Neo-Gotham in order to eliminate her.
  • In Gotham City Garage v1 (2018), the League of Assassins were shown to appear in an alternate reality world that fell in a cataclysm with the last remaining city being the Garden ruled by Lex Luthor. On this Earth, the League of Assassins existed where they had shaped the world for millennia under Ra's al Ghul's guidance with them silencing kings and bringing empires to dust. Ra's had continued to rule by using the blood of his followers to sustain him but held trials to decide on an heir with a contest between Dinah Lance and Oliver Queen. The two ultimately worked together where they killed Ra's with his title passing to Black Canary who became the new leader of the League of Assassins.

In other media


League of Assassins in Beware the Batman.
League of Assassins in Arrow.
  • In Young Justice, they make an appearance in the episode "Infiltrator" where they are called the League of Shadows who captured the scientist Serling Roquette and were forcing her to develop a piece of nanotechnology called the Fog for their use. Red Arrow arrives on the scene and helps in her escape but the device remains in the assassins hands who begin using it to steal vital secrets from various business groups. They also dispatched Cheshire and later additional assassins to eliminate Dr Roquette when she was attempting to shut the Fog down but were stopped by the Team. In "Targets", Ra's Al Ghul dispatched them to apparently end Lex Luthor's peace summit between North and South Rhelasia but its revealed afterwards that the League were working alongside the Light. In "Summit", a number of assassins were summoned to deal with the Team of young heroes only to be overwhelmed by them and ambushed after its shown that several of the heroes were disguised as the League leading to their defeat. In this series, the members of the League included Ra's Al Ghul, the Sensei, Sportsmaster, Cheshire, Black Spider, Hook, and Professor Ojo.
  • In Beware the Batman, they make an appearance in the episode "Safe" where Lady Shiva dispatches a number of them to capture the scientist Jason Burr but were thwarted by the intervention of Batman and Tatsu Yamashiro. A surviving assassin gets eliminated for his failure and Shiva dispatches another group led by Silver Monkey to capture the scientist leading to an attack on Wayne Manor. During this time, Silver Monkey fights Yamashiro and reveals that she used to be a member of the League of Assassins. This news intrigues Lady Shiva who despite Silver Monkey's defeat contemplates on their next plan of action. The League openly acted under the direction of their master to acquire Jason Blurr's Ion Cortex that was used to institute a blackout across Gotham City. In this setting, Ra's al Ghul demanded control of the city in order to tear it down and make it anew. The assassins were responsible for secretly removing the Police Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department when he refused the League's demands. They were defeated when Batman reversed the chant of the Soultaker sword causing the souls within it to be free that attacked Ra's al Ghul and dragged him to the depths.
  • In the Arrowverse, the League of Assassins made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting:
    • In Arrow, the League of Assassins made a number of appearances in the live-action television series starting in the episode "Broken Dolls". It was said to had been founded in the year 1012 where it was an ancient organization of assassins. A Shadow Record was a parchment that was used to hold the names of all the current members of the League. An agent of Ra's Al Ghul confronts Black Canary and asks for her to return to his service. Moira Queen was shown to know of the League and that they believed in a code of honor. She later informed Ra's al Ghul of Malcolm Merlyn being alive leading to the League seeking to kill him. According to Sara Lance in "Deathstroke", Tibetan pit viper venom was a favored poison used by the League. Sara calls Nyssa and the League in "Unthinkable" to help fight Slade Wilson's Mirakuru enhanced army that was ravaging Starling City. Nyssa along with seven of her assassins where she stated that they did not take prisoners where they helped Oliver Queen in battling Deathstoke's forces. In "The Magician", they were known to make use of ghost-ink as a means of concealing secrets that could only be uncovered with heat. It was also shown the League followed a code of conduct that Malcolm Merlyn violated with his Undertaking leading to him becoming wanted by the assassins. They would believe him dead after the Undertaking but they would later receive word from Moira Queen informing them that he was alive whereupon they began to hunt him down. In "The Fallen", Oliver Queen was selected to become Al Sah-him who was heir to the Demon and thus successor to Ra's al Ghul. After its disbanding, a splinter faction loyal to Malcolm Merlyn formed seeking to continue his work and came to be known as the Thanatos Guild.
    • In Legends of Tomorrow, the League of Assassins made another appearance in the shared continuity with Arrow where they featured in the episode "Left Behind". After being stranded in the 1960s, Sara Lance decided to settle in this timeline by going to Nanda Parbat and joining the League of Assassins once more under Ra's al Ghul.
  • In Gotham, the League of Shadows appeared in the setting of the live-action television series starting from the episode "Heroes Rise: Destiny Calling".


League of Assassins in Son of Batman.
  • In The Dark Knight Trilogy, the League of Assassins was renamed as the League of Shadows that made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Batman Begins, the League of Shadows appears as a group that trained individuals in a number of martials arts including ninjutsu, jujitsu and several forms of Kung Fu. Their leader was a person called Ra's al Ghul and one of their top trainers was Henri Ducard. Bruce Wayne was recruited by them and trained under Ducard for an unknown length of time. Wayne was intended to lead the League to Gotham City where they intended to burn it to the ground in order to remove the corruption inherent in society but he rejected them after he refused to kill a criminal with this being an act to prove his loyalty to the League. Thus, he turned against them and seemingly killed Ra's al Ghul though saved the life of Henri Ducard. In reality, Ducard himself was the real Ra's al Ghul and continued his plan to destroy Gotham and brought his followers to the city on Bruce Wayne's birthday. At this point, Wayne had adopted the guise of the vigilante called Batman and Ra's revealed that he showed that the League worked to restore civilization as Gotham had grown decadent and that they operated by bringing a balance in human history. Their acts included sacking Rome, loading trade ships with plague rats, burning London to the ground and similar events. In Gotham, their plan was to use a stolen Wayne Enterprises microwave emitter to scatter Scarecrow's toxin around the city to cause the inhabitants to kill each other in a state of fear. Batman ultimately managed to defeat the League where Ra's himself was left to die on a train that crashed into building thus seemingly ending their plan of destroying Gotham.
    • In The Dark Knight Rises, its revealed that Bane became an inductee into the League of Assassin's after he cared for a young Talia Al Ghul. During their training, Ra's Al Ghul could not accept Bane and had him excommunicated from the League with Talia departing as well. After her father's death, she decides to fulfill his plans and has Bane embark on a mission to steal an experimental power generator in order to turn it into a bomb to destroy Gotham.
  • In Son of Batman, the League was shown as being established by Ra's al Ghul with Deathstroke being among his top ranked lieutenants with their goal being the ecological balance of the world. At some point, Talia al Ghul fell in love with Batman and became pregnant with his son Damian without his knowledge. This boy was raised among the League who were to be his inheritance when he grew up as he would command them. This development angered Slade who had intended to marry Talia and become the new leader of the League of Assassins. As a result, he orchestrated a coup that attacked the League's headquarters killing Ra's al Ghul and Talia's brother with Talia herself being captured though Damian Wayne managed to escape where he was taken to his father in Gotham City.
  • In Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay, the League of Assassins were referenced in the setting of the animated film. Bronze Tiger had been sent to infiltrate their organization and when they discovered his duplicity they targeted his fiancĂ©e who they killed whereupon they pursued him over the years as they sought his elimination.
  • In Batman: Bad Blood, the League of Assassins appeared in the setting of the animated film. They were shown to had come under the leadership of Talia al Ghul after the death of Deathstroke.
  • In Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the League of Assassins appeared in the setting of the 2019 animated film adaptation of the comic crossover. They formed an alliance with the Shredder's Foot Clan with Ra's al Ghul desiring to using the Mutagen as a means of turning the inhabitants of Gotham City into wild creatures to destroy civilization. Several of the League's assassins were transformed into animal hybrid mutants as a test of the Mutagen. The League was opposed by a team-up between Batman and the Turtles with the assassins attempting to stop the heroes from breaking into the ACE Chemicals plant. Ultimately, Ra's al Ghul was defeated and the Shredder sought to claim his organization as well as take control of the Lazarus Pits to become immortal but he too was beaten by the Batman.
  • In Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, the League of Shadows appeared in the setting of the animated film. After Apokolips conquers Earth, the League came under the leadership of Damian Wayne who was assisted by Lady Shiva.

Video games

  • In the Arkhamverse, the League of Assassins made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Arkham City, the League appears where they accompany Ra's al Ghul in his plans for Wonder City.
    • In Arkham Origins, female assassins from the League make an appearance alongside Lady Shiva.
  • In Young Justice: Legacy, the League of Shadows appeared as antagonists in the video game tie-in to the Young Justice cartoon series. Their assassins accompanied Cheshire in order to kidnap Dr Helena Sandsmark in Olympia.
  • In DC: Legends, the League of Assassins were referenced in Damian Wayne's backstory within the setting of the mobile video game.
  • In DC: Unchained, the League of Assassins appeared in the setting of the mobile video game. They were described as a terrorist organization that used assassination to curb global decadence and wanted to plot the course of human development under their leader Ra's al Ghul. During Darkseid's invasion, he managed to brainwash the League who came to serve in enacting his will on Earth.
  • In Gotham Knights, the League of Assassins appeared in the setting of the video game. They were led by Talia al Ghul following the death of her father Ra's al Ghul where they displayed a feud with the Court of Owls. Using Kirk Langstrom's research and the mystical properties of a Lazarus Pit located underneath Gotham City, Talia plots to create an army of mutant Man-Bats to eliminate the Court and purge all crime in Gotham, even if it meant destroying the city. She also managed to resurrect and brainwash Batman, hoping to use him as the leader of her army, but her plan was foiled by the Gotham Knights that was a team consisting of Nightwing, Batgirl, Robin, and Red Hood. They managed to free Batman from her control and defeat her. Following this, Talia and the League abandon Gotham, though they leave several assassins behind to keep watch on the Knights.


The League and its master in the Saga of Ra's al Ghul v1 #1.
  • Strange Adventures v1: (1968)
  • Batgirl v1 #68:
  • Batman v1 #670:
  • Batman v1 #671:
  • Red Robin v1 #5:
  • Red Hood and the Outlaws v1 #21: (2013)
  • Batman Incorporated v2 #13: (2013)
  • Teen Titans:
  • Batman/Superman v2: (2020)
  • Batman v3:
  • Shadow War Zone v1:

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