Ra's al Ghul
- For other uses of this name, see Ra's al Ghul (disambiguation).
Ra's al Ghul is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.
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Ra's al Ghul
As the leader of the 'Demon', Ra's had control over the League of Assassins, but the League was run by a few of Ra's most trusted people. Unfortunately, in the modern days, Ra's had a falling out with the former president of the League, Dr. Darrk, who kidnapped Talia as a way to get revenge over Ra's. Talia was eventually rescued by the dark hero from Gotham City, Batman, and she killed Dr. Darrk in self-defense. (Detective Comics v1 #411)
Shortly after, Ra's reached Batman, seeking his help in finding his missing daughter, who was apparently kidnapped in the same way as Batman's ward, Dick Grayson. However, Ra's had everything planned as part of a quest to test Batman's abilities and skills. When Batman learned Ra's intentions and rescued Robin, he demanded to know why Ra's put him through all that and Ra's explained that he needed to make sure he was a suitable heir for his empire. He explained that his daughter, Talia, was in love with Batman and Ra's was willing to give him her hand in marriage if he proved to be a worthy successor, which Batman proved beyond any doubt. (Batman v1 #232)
Batman did not answer Ra's straight away, and Ra's would often keep in contact with the 'Detective', informing him of strange crimes for him to solve. The first time, Ra's asked Batman to capture a rogue scientist, who was planning to spread a plague using a synthetic formula. (Batman v1 #235)
Ra’s al Ghul bankrolled corrupt businessman Gregorian Falstaff, sending him to Gotham City to destroy Wayne Enterprises. Falstaff died after having failed to destroy Bruce, but managed to severely undermine the Wayne Foundation by taking control of the business’s oil interests. Batman and Talia started a relationship, and she agreed to help him find out who Falstaff’s mysterious benefactor was. Ra’s had Batman kidnapped by his underling Captain Torrent and taken to Infinity Island. Ra’s sometimes kept prisoners on the island, controlling them with large spheres called Retrievers that patrolled the island. Ra’s spoke to Batman over a loudspeaker, showing him a viewscreen that depicted the aboveground people that lived a peaceful opulent lifestyle, while below slaved endlessly worked the mines being overseen by mutates with whips. He said Batman could choose where he wanted to end up, but would only have peace if he agreed to serve him. Catwoman, Robin and King Faraday were doing their own investigation to find Falstaff’s master, and were captured and made to work the mines. They fought off the mutates and made their way to find Talia al Ghul. She promised she was never Batman’s enemy and had come to Infinity Island to save him, but her youth was fading and she was aging for every minute she lived. She reunited with the mastermind, her father Ra’s al Ghul, who restored her youth. He offered Batman eternal youth if he served him, but warned that if he rejected his offer Batman and his friends were all as good as dead. Batman said he agreed to serve Ra’s, and Ra’s sent his companions back to the mines. Ra’s said Talia was ready to betray him for Batman, and batman would be responsible for her punishment. Ra’s assistant Saltzer told Ra’s he was being played, and Ra’s was well aware that Batman was lying, knowing the caped Crusader could never truly serve him just as Ra’s could never join him, but he respected his enemy and was interested in what plan he had to defeat him. Ra’s showed Batman the Lazarus Pit he’d discovered centuries ago, and after learning to harness its power it granted him immortality. The Lazarus Pit only worked on Ra’s, and would destroy anyone else that tried to bathe in its fiery waters. Ra’s first decided to go after Bruce Wayne when he learned Wayne Enterprises had acquired Infinity Island as part of its’ holdings, and cursed Falstaff for having failed him. During his research on Wayne enterprises he’d first learned that Batman was Bruce Wayne. Ra’s dipped his hand in the Lazarus Pit and extended it to Batman, offering him immortality. Batman rejected him, and Ra’s ordered his mutates to beat Batman. Faraday, Robin and Catwoman escaped the mines again, and Talia came to their aid, leading them to Ra’s lab where he had Batman in a containment unit, intending to transform him into a mutate. They saved Batman and subdued Ra’s. Ra’s said he always wanted Talia and Batman to fall in love, but never anticipated her being more loyal to him than her own father. Saltzer burst in and shot Talia, and Ra’s reacted by snapping Saltzer’s neck. Ra’s immersed her in the Lazarus Pit, hoping a brief exposure would heal her instead of destroying her, and his gambit paid off. Ra’s still blamed Batman for turning his daughter against him, and demanded a duel. Batman accepted, telling Faraday, Catwoman and Robin to leave because he had to handle the situation himself. Ra’s tried to push Batman into the Lazarus Pit, bemoaning that after he killed his nemesis it would take decades to find another worthy opponent. Batman overpowered him and Ra’s fell into the pit. He emerged burning up and having been driven mad by his bath in the pit, completely focused on killing Batman. Batman forced him back into the pit, causing an explosive reaction that set off volcanic activity that destroyed the island. Batman and company survived by flying off the island on a helicopter. (Batman v1 #335)
Not long after this, Ra's planned the murder of an American scientist and with help from Dr. Moon, they tried to learn confidential information from the scientist's brain. Ra's plan was thwarted by Batman, who finally realized the nature of Ra's activities and their rivalry started. (Batman v1 #240)
Later, Ra's traveled to his hideout in Switzerland in order to recover his vital strength. Eventually, Ra's died and his men started the process to revive him. Batman tried to bring Ra's to justice, but when he learned that Ra's was dead, he dropped his quest. It was then that Talia activated the machine that dropped Ra's on the Lazarus Pit, bringing him back from the dead once again. (Batman v1 #243) With his strength increased and his mind crazed, Ra's attacked Batman and his friends before Talia could stop him. She then helped Ra's escape from Batman and they traveled to one of Ra's secret bases in the desert, where Ra's started to gather supplies to rebuild what Batman had destroyed and hasten his plan to cleanse the world. However, Batman soon found him and Ra's challenged Batman to a duel with swords to the death. Their combat lasted for hours and Ra's came up victorious when Batman was stung by a scorpion. Ra's left Batman to die, but Talia gave him the antidote and allowed Batman to recover before he could finally capture Ra's al Ghul. Ra's was then carried away from his desert fortress by Batman, who planned to deliver him to the authorities. (Batman v1 #244)
While locked in his cell at the Gotham Prison, Ra's planned his revenge against Batman. Soon, the Dark Knight was blamed for the murder of Talia and Ra's was eventually interrogated by Batman about this event. Ra's confessed that he planned Talia's death in order to frame Batman and after revealing the truth, he shot himself, making it look as if Batman had also killed him. (Detective Comics v1 #445) However, it was all part of a plan to turn the Gotham City authorities against the Dark Knight. Batman eventually found the truth and confronted Ra's, who had faked his and his daughter's death, turning Batman into an outlaw. The ultimate goal was to force Batman to join him as his heir, but the Caped Crusader refused and tried to take Ra's al Ghul back to prison. In the final confrontation, Batman was distracted saving Talia's life, which allowed Ra's to remain free, even though it seemed as if he died inside a burning circus tent. (Detective Comics v1 #448)
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Ra's al Ghul was a male human born over six hundred years ago to a nomadic tribe living in the deserts of Arabia. His birth name was lost to the ages but it was noted that at the time of his birth that a prophet saw a great potential in the child who was destined to be either mankind's saviour or to destroy all that lived on the Earth. From a young age, he came to have a love for reading and used this knowledge to become a physician. At some point, he left his tribe in order to live in the city where he came to be involved with a woman named Sora who became the love of his life and whom he took on as his wife. During this time, he came to the attention to the ruler of the city where Salimb took the young man to be his personal physician. Thus, he spent much time with the king and was of a similar age as his son and only heir Runce. Even back then, the young prince was a cruel person who only sought his own enjoyment where he often tried to force himself on Sora much to her anger. However, the physician and his wife were unable to do much beyond bear the prince's actions. This was until one day when the prince fell deathly ill and even the physicians medicinal knowledge was unable to save him. This saw him seek other means to cure the king's son and one night he had a dream of a place of great power that could save Runce. Thus, the physician had an expedition gather to a site where they began to dig a pit and gathered chemicals that prepared it with this leading to his discovery of the Lazarus Pit. In that moment, the prince had expired but the physician placed him in the pit where he was revived from death. However, the pit had already made the sadistic prince be driven completely insane and he attacked Sora where he attempted to have his way with her. The physician attempted to save his wife but despite his efforts he was unable to match the prince's maniacal strength were in his insanity he killed Sora. It was then that he regained his senses as his father came where the king was overjoyed at seeing his son. The physician attempted to reveal that Runce had killed Sora but the king hid this fact to protect his son and instead claimed that the physician killed his own beloved. Thus, he had the physician arrested where he was unwilling to accept his own son's culpability and instead sentenced the physician to be placed in a cage with his dead wife that was to be placed in a pit to suffer a slow tortured death. He remained there for many days and beset upon by rats but was saved by a man who wanted to repay a debt to the physician for helping providing medicine for his mother to ease her passing in her final moments. (Batman: Birth of the Demon v1 #1)
Originally a physician from a nomadic tribe in north Africa that worshipped a great demon named Bisu, a prophet visited his mother as she gave birth, proclaiming that it was his destiny to be mankind's savior or destroyer. As a young man, he left his tribed and married a woman named Sora, but Runce, the son of the Salimb desired Sora as well, and despised the Physician.
Obsessed with finding a means to cheat death, the Physician used alchemy to create the first Lazarus Pit. His oppurtunity to test it soon came when Runce fell ill and came near death. The Salimb begged the Physician to save his life, and Runce was placed in the pit. Runce was healed, but in the moments of madness following his bath in the pit, Runce struck out and raped and murdered Sora. Rather than hold his son accountable, the Salimb charged the Physician with the murder of Sora and allowed Runce to pronounce sentence. Runce ordered that the Physician be buried in the desert in a cage with the corpse of Sora and be left there.
The Physician was rescued by the son of a woman whom he treated and they fled into the desert, where the Physician rejoined his tribe, under the leadership of his uncle where the two drew the Salimb and Runce into a trap and killed the both of them. The nomads then burned the city to the ground, wiping out all traces of it. But the Physician himself fell ill, and for the first time used his Lazarus Pits. He found a remaining statue of Bisu, and destroyed it, proclaiming himself mightier than Bisu. Mightier than any.
Soon enough, the Physician took the name Ra's al Ghul, and travelled the world, gaining an army of followers. At some point, he consorted with a young Jewish woman in Russia and fathered a daughter on her named Nyssa. As an adult, Nyssa followed her father in his crusade, Ra's hoping that she would one day produce an heir for him. But she abhorred his methods, and peacefully left. Ra's al Ghul gifted her with one Lazarus Pit for her own use.
In the early 20th century, Ra's and Nyssa met again, when he'd learned that she gave birth to a son. He demanded that she give him the child, but Nyssa refused. Decades later, Nyssa's town was overrun by Nazis, and she and her family marched into a concentration camp. Her children and husband were killed. It was here that Ra's visited her, and she begged him to free her, but Ra's refused. Saying she refused to join him and now she could see the evils of humanity for herself. Nyssa was experimented on and left barren, unable to produce children.
In the late 20th century Ra's al Ghul fathered another daughter when he met a lovely woman at Woodstock whom reminded him of Sora, Talia. After being aided by the Batman against Doctor Darkk, Talia fell in love with the hero. Ra's decided to test Batman, hoping to determine whether or not he would be a worthy son-in-law and heir. He captured Robin and faked the kidnapping of Talia. After a thorough investigation, he discovered the true identity of Batman, and approached him in the Batcave in order to lead him on a wild goose chase. Batman quickly figured out that it was truly a test. However, Batman turned down the proposal. Over the next few weeks, he was used by Ra's al Ghul, and continued to be tested. Finally, Batman began to see Ra's al Ghul for what he was- a dangerous megalomaniac. He vowed to bring al Ghul down.
In 1923, his daughter Nyssa was in Paris where she had been pregnant and given birth to a son named Daniel. Ra's had learnt of the birth and invited Nyssa to meet him at a café. He asked her to give him her child but she refused leading to him calling Ubu to threaten her life. However, her servant Shoshana pulled out a gun on the Demon's Head forcing Ubu to allow Nyssa to depart with her child. (Detective Comics v1 #783)
Though his body dissolved, the pit did not allow him to die and he came to be reconceived within it allowing him to be born again. Upon emerging, he came to see his second coming as a sign that his vision for the world would prevail. (Batman Annual v1 #8)
Over the years, Ra's al Ghul has made several attempts to fulfill his goal of a pure Earth- all of them were defeated, making him further impressed with Batman. He unleashed the Clench virus on Gotham City, which killed many; he hacked into Batman's computer and stole the files on the Justice League of America in order to destroy them; and he began genetically altering humans, gaining new servants in the forms of Whisper A'Daire and Kyle Abbot. While he respects Batman, he has come to realize that he will never join him. Finally, he was betrayed by Talia, who went to run Lexcorp when Lex Luthor became the President of the United States
Then Nyssa returned, vowing vengeance upon Ra's al Ghul as he was being weakened. With Batman destroying his Lazarus Pits, a rapidly aging and ailing Ra's went to Batman and offered him a means to speak with his parents in exchange with one pit. A serum that once taken would allow its user to commute with the dead. Batman took his time to decide whether or not to use it, but finally agreed and allowed Ra's his Lazarus Pit.
Ra's used the Pit and healed himself, and awaited Nyssa (and Talia whom Nyssa managed to brainwash). Batman arrived but was subdued by the Tribe of Ubu and Ra's stabbed Talia to keep him distracted. Ra's finally revealed to Nyssa that he had long planned this, for her to be hardened and thus be an ideal successor. Finally able to see humanity's evil, he allowed Nyssa to stab him and take his name. Nyssa was the new Ra's al Ghul.
Batman himself, burned the corpse of the man who had been one of his greatest enemies.
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.
After his mothers death, he began to have visions of a demon though he would deny that they haunted him. He instead focused on science with his desire to cheat death leading to him being inspired to create the Lazarus Pits. The creation of the pit ultimately led to the death of his wife Sora. Despite that, he refused to believe in gods and demons even when he was nearly buried alive. He then looked to destroy every trace of the demon including the city, its people, its history and even its teachings. Afterwards, he believed he needed to reaffirm his faith in science and decided to subject himself to the Lazarus Pit. This led to his rebirth as Ra's al Ghul where he took his new identity and went about trying to resurrect his mother. Upon her resurrection, she revealed that she had seen a vision of a demon residing within the Lazarus Pit that needed to be freed where it would help purge the world. Ra's had believed that his mothers resurrection would have healed her of her faith in the demon but it instead just strengthened it. Despite that, he set about creating his empire where he created the League of Shadows to help save the world whilst then creating the League of Assassins to kill anyone that opposed them. He then created the League of Lazarus to find locations for the Lazarus Pits. Over time, his parent named Mother Soul began to spread her teachings and gained many followers from Ra's ranks. Eventually, this resulted in war erupting between Ra's League of Shadows and League of Assassins against Mother Soul's League of Lazarus that fought over the Lazarus Pits. The conflict was short-lived with Mother Soul and her League of Lazarus banished to the remote Lazarus Island after being unable to kill his own mother. Instead, he decided to use magic for the first and only time where he bound Mother Soul to the island preventing her from ever leaving it. (Robin v3 #10)
He attended a gathering of immortals that were seeking to stop the coming of Barbatos. (Dark Nights: Metal v1 #2)
He was then approached by General Zod who wanted to use the Lazarus Pits as a means of resurrecting the deceased inhabitants of Kandor City who died at the hands of Rogol Zaar. However, Ra's al Ghul refused and Zod looked to find one of the Lazarus Pits in order to use it for himself. This led to the Demon's Head seeking out Kryptonite as a defence against the Kryptonian which brought him to the attention of Batman along with Superman. He led the two heroes to one of the hidden Lazarus Pits temples but were too late to stop Zod. (Batman/Superman v2 #7) The three then battled the now crazed Kandorians who attacked everyone around them including Zod. This forced the four to try and work together. However, Ra's intended to kill the miniature Kryptonians though his efforts were stymied by his 'allies' who wanted to avoid killing. The Demon's Head then made use of a red sunlight grenade to knock out the Kandorians and remove their powers with Zod placing them back into the Bottle City. Ra's then struck at Bottle City in an effort to kill the Kandorians with Zod in a murderous rage with him intending to murder the Demon's Head. Batman managed to convince General Zod to spare Ra's though the Kryptonian decided to throw the Demon's Head into the forest with the intention of seriously injuring him before departing. Ra's managed to evade capture and escaped in his craft though the incident was a humiliating defeat for him. (Batman/Superman v2 #8)
Feeling his time came to an end, he decided to make restitution for his past crimes. This saw him convincing Talia to join him in surrendering himself to the authorities in the United States. Arriving at the Markovian Embassy, Ra's al Ghul was killed seemingly by Deathstroke with a bomb detonating that destroyed his body. (Shadow War: Alpha v1 #1) His daughter Talia was badly injured where she took over her father's empire where she declared war against Deathstroke and his Secret Society of Super Villains. (Batman v3 #122)
Personality and attributes
His very name meaning "The Demon's Head," Ra's al Ghul has walked the Earth for over six hundred years. His keen scientific mind was well ahead of his time, as he discovered a way to live forever by creating the Lazarus Pits. Through the centuries, Ra's al Ghul built his wealth and power and attracted hundreds of followers to his cause. His sole desire, to rule over a purified Earth, would involve the death of billions if he were to succeed.
He once came to operate under the masked guise of the Messiah of the Crimson Sun. (Batman Annual v1 #8) At one point, he operated under the identity of a landed count where he took the name Raymond de su Mer. (Birds of Prey v1 #32)
According to his mother, Ra's was bright as a star in the heaven but was stubborn as a bull. (Robin v3 #10)
He believed that science was the only truth in the world. (Robin v3 #10)
Since his youth, he came to consider death to be the 'great enemy' who was mankind's greatest and final foe. Back then, he said that he had hated death as it lurked nearby to snatch everyone's loved ones. He believed that death mocked everyone's dreams, hopes and aspirations with it being a cruel master. Despite that, he claimed to not had feared death and was curious to see the face of mankind's foe. He once had a dream where he conquered death and slew the foe making him the winner in their great battle. (Batman: Birth of the Demon v1 #1)
Around a century ago, he concluded with a doctor-like prognosis that for the human race to survive then millions had to die. (All-Star Batman v1 #9) He claimed he was neither criminal nor genius but rather an artist who envisioned an Earth that was clean and pure. (Batman v1 #244)
Since his early life, he had been a man of science and did not believe in magic nor gods. (Batman: Birth of the Demon v1 #1)
It was said that the Sensei was actually the father of Ra's al Ghul. (Batman v1 #671) According to one account, his mother was Rúh al Ghul who came to be known as the 'Soul of the Demon' and even adopted the name of Mother Soul after becoming immortal like her son. (Robin v3 #7) She had been afflicted with visions that guided her most of her life with this leading to a source of conflict with her son. Despite their disagreement, she had said that she would have done anything for her son. (Robin v3 #10)
In his early life, he came to fall in love with a woman named Sora who became his devoted wife where she stayed with him until her death at the hand of the king's son. (Batman: Birth of the Demon v1 #1)
Among the eldest of his children was a son born centuries ago named Dusan al Ghul. His birth was out of necessity where he was the product of a union to strength Ra's hold over some long extinct people. However, the albino skinned child was seen with nothing but disdain from his father and was never intended to inherit the empire. Instead, Dusan served as the loyal family retainer where he operated under the name of the White Ghost. Despite his treatment, he was loyal to his father and longed for him to say his name. (Detective Comics v1 #839)
At one point, he came to romance Dinah Laurel Lance using one of his assumed names. (Birds of Prey v1 #32)
Over the centuries, he came to meet a number of historical figures. Napoleon had once remarked to him, "... the best traps are laid with live bait." (Batman Annual v1 #8)
Powers and abilities
In his early life, he came to be a well-read person which allowed him to learn medicine and become an excellent physician. (Batman: Birth of the Demon v1 #1) He came to be regarded as the greatest mind the world had ever known. (Shadow War: Alpha v1 #1)
He noted that whilst he appeared to be in his 50s that in fact he was over 400 years old with him having lost count of his age around the time of the Black Plague. (Azrael v1 #6) Some accounts claimed that he was actually closer to being 700 years old. (Batman Annual v1 #25)
Ra's al Ghul had a personal plane and transport that was known as the Demon Wing that could fly him anywhere around the world. (Batman/Superman v2 #7)
He commanded a vast organisation that was known as the Brotherhood of the Demon. (Batman v1 #232) Their existence had been whispered in the darkest places for 500 year that were cartel of criminals which had slowly sucked its way into the rich veins of the Earth. It was said to be known by many names with the most common being the Demon. (Justice League of America v1 #94) His personal guard were warriors known as the Death of the Desert. (Batman v3 #73)
During the creation of his empire, he began to create a number of groups all of whom that had a dedicated purpose. The League of Shadows were created with the purpose of saving the world. (Robin v3 #10)
Meanwhile, he had created the League of Assassins to eliminate all those that would oppose him. (Robin v3 #10)
Finally, the League of Lazarus was created as a group of priests that would seek out locations of the Lazarus Pits. (Robin v3 #10) The Demon's Head was said to had also personally trained this elite cadre of warriors to protect the pits. (Batman/Superman v2 #7) Control over the League of Lazarus was lost after its ranks came to be devoted followers of Mother Soul. (Robin v3 #10)
Ra's was also noted as holding membership among the Council of Immortals. (Dark Days: The Forge v1 #1)
Among the most closely guarded secrets of Ra's al Ghul was the Nain Pit that was similar to the Lazarus Pit. It sacrificed a life in order to restore a deceased person to the world of the living. As such, it took a life for the Pit to bring someone to life. Due to its nature, it was kept under heavy guard by the most elite warriors of Ra's al Ghul. (Batman v3 #74)
One of his residences was the Demon Palace that was located in Nepal. (Shadow War: Alpha v1 #1)
- Ra's al Ghul was created by Julius Schwartz, Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams where he made his first appearance in Batman v1 #232 (June, 1971).
- IGN in their Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time List had ranked Raʼs as #7 on their list.
Alternate Versions
- In Superman/Batman v1 #17 (2005), Ra's al Ghul appeared in an alternate version of history that was interfered with by the Legion of Super-Villains who sought to raise Batman and Superman to be their enforcers. One version of history saw Ra's al Ghul with the future supervillains aid took over the world starting with Eastern Europe before taking over Earth. He became the supreme ruler of the planet and had superheroes targeted and killed with the Justice League dying from his actions.
- In Gotham City Garage v1 (2017), Ra's al Ghul appeared in the alternate world setting where the Earth was devastated with the sole surviving city being the Garden under the control of Lex Luthor. On this version of the world, Ra's al Ghul and his followers managed to survive where they operated in the shadows. He sought an heir with him to take over from him with Black Canary and Green Arrow vying for the position of Demon's Head along with the power behind it.
- In Batman v3 #74 (2019), it was revealed that Ra's al Ghul had existed in the alternate reality of the Flashpoint. On that world, Thomas Wayne had become Batman after the death of his wife and son where he was responsible for killing Talia al Ghul. Ra's then took her body to the Nain Pit and sacrificed his life so that his daughter would be restored.
In other media
- In the DC Animated Universe, Ra's al Ghul made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
- In Batman: The Animated Series, Ra's al Ghul made his first appearance in the animated television series in the episode "Off Balance" where he was voiced by actor David Warner. In "Showdown", it was stated that in the course of his 600 year old life that he sired multiple children where during the late 1800s he had an adult son by the name of Arkady Duvall. During this time, Ra's had established a base of operations in North America where he looked to end development of the region as he believed it was destroying the planet. Thus, Arkady was set to help manage his operations as they attempted to make a flying machine that would destroy the developing railroad that was the target of Ra's operations. Though at his side, Ra's al Ghul believed that his son's nature meant that he was too unstable and not worthy to inherit his empire though he still had use for him. Their plans was stopped by the intervention of a bounty hunter named Jonah Hex who had been hunting Arkady for his crimes. With his plot thwarted, Ra's escaped and left his son to be captured with Arkady spent 50 years in hard labour though the use of the Lazarus Pit in his youth meant that he could live out his sentence. The experience though broke his mind and Ra's lost track of him after his release where he wanted to bring his son back home before his long life ended.
- In Superman: The Animated Series, Ra's al Ghul appeared in a guest appearance in the animated television series in the episode "Knight Time" where he was voiced by actor David Warner.
- In Batman Beyond, Ra's al Ghul appeared in the animated television series in the episode "Out of the Past" where he was once again voiced by actor David Warner.
- In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Ra's al Ghul made an appearance as an antagonist in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Peter Woodward.
- In Young Justice, Ra's al Ghul appeared as an antagonist in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Oded Fehr.
- In The Batman, Ra's al Ghul appeared as an antagonist in the animated television series where he was voiced by actor Lance Reddick.
- In the Arrowverse, Ra's al Ghul made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
- In Arrow, Ra's al Ghul made his first appearance in the live-action television series in the shows third season where he was portrayed by actor Matthew Nable.
- In Legends of Tomorrow, Ra's al Ghul made a guest appearance in the live-action television series where he was once again portrayed by actor Matthew Nable.
- In The Dark Knight Trilogy, Ra's al Ghul made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
- In Batman Begins, Ra's al Ghul first appeared as the main antagonist in the live-action film where he was portrayed by actor Liam Neeson whilst actor Ken Watanabe played the decoy version of the character.
- In The Dark Knight Rises, Ra's al Ghul had a cameo appearance in the live-action film where he was once more portrayed by actor Liam Neeson.
- In Batman: Under the Red Hood, Ra's al Ghul briefly appeared in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Jason Isaacs.
- In Son of Batman, Ra's al Ghul appeared briefly in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Giancarlo Esposito.
- In Justice League vs. Teen Titans, Ra's al Ghul appeared in the animated film where he was voiced by actor Terrence C. Carson.
- In Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ra's al Ghul appeared in the animated film adaptation of the comic story where he was voiced by actor Cas Anvar.
Video games
- In Batman: Dark Tomorrow, Ra's al Ghul appeared in the 2003 video game where he was voiced by actor Don Leslie.
- In DC Universe Online, Ra's al Ghul appeared as a character in the setting of the MMORPG video game.
- In Injustice 2, Ra's al Ghul was referenced in the setting of the fighting video game.
- Batman v1: (1971)
- Detective Comics v1:
- Batman: Birth of the Demon v1:
- JLA v1:
- Red Robin v1:
- Red Hood and the Outlaws v1:
- Batman Eternal v1:
- Teen Titans:
- Batman and the Outsiders:
- Batman/Superman v2: (2020)
- Robin v3:
- Shadow War: Alpha v1: (2022)
External Links
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