Mereoleona Vermillion

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Mereoleona Vermillion is a female anime and manga character who features in Black Clover.




Mereoleona Vermillion in Black Clover v1 #15.

Mereoleona Vermillion (Japanese: メレオレオナ・ヴァーミリオン, Hepburn: Mereoreona Vāmirion) was a female human born in the Clover Kingdom as a royal of the House Vermillion. She was the first daughter of the family with her having two younger brothers named Fuegoleon Vermillion and Leopold Vermillion. She came to be trained by Acier Silva whom she was never able to defeat despite her strength and elemental advantage. When she was young, she once came to disparage the Magic Knights leading to a fight with her younger brother Fuegoleon. The resultant blaze came to destroy a part of the Vermillion Estate with the event coming to be known in the kingdom as Hot-Blooded Tuesday. A day later, she came to receive her Grimoire and continue her training. Years later, she was offered the captaincy of the Crimson Lions squad but refused with the position instead going to Fuegoleon.

Sometime later, Fuegoleon suffered from an attempted assassination that left him in a coma. This led to the Magic Emperor Julius Novachrono requesting that Mereoleona Vermillion take over as acting captain of the Crimson Lions. She came to accept the assignment where she attended the annual Star Awards Festival. The Crimson Lions came to be placed fifth in the contest leading to Mereoleona berating them on letting Fuegoleon down and her deciding that the squad needed further training in the hot springs. She later heard of Black Bull recruit Asta along with new Golden Dawn member Yuno to see their power.

After the Crimson Lions were placed fifth, Mereoleona berated them for letting Fuegoleon down and decides that they should all further train in hot springs. When she hears Asta exclaim about the idea of the training camp, she grabbed him with a paw of fire and invites him to come along. Yuno goes to leave, but she grabs him as well since she wants to see the power of the two best rookies. Yami Sukehiro was amused at the rookie's expense where he began praising his own strength as he laughed at Asta getting taken away. However, Mereoleona arrived where she grabbed Yami as well in order to forcibly take him away for further training. She goes on to grab Charlotte Roselei and Noelle Silva and carries them all off to the Ultime-Volcano Mountain Trail. She encourages them to reach the summit and the hot spring there, but none of them are excited. She then kicks Asta and Leopold onto the trail because they are distracted. When Noelle begins to doubt herself, Mereoleona notes how the girl has changed and challenges her to be like her mother, which motivates her. When Asta collapses from exhaustion, Mereoleona tells him to go home as he lacks the magic and the determination to climb the mountain, and speculates that luck let Asta reach the second place rookie and could let him become Magic Emperor. However, Asta disagrees and was motivated to continue. However, he struggled to come up with an answer and makes a joke of it, which incites Mereoleona to threaten sending him home. She then leaves him to struggle. After Asta accesses his Anti Magic and loses control of the transformation, he shoots straight to the top of the volcano, where Mereoleona is waiting for him. She releases her mana and jumps at him while he warns her to run away. Pointing out that lionesses are the hunters of their prides, she leaps midair to Asta's left and punches him, sending him crashing into a rock. She compliments him for improving and then demands that he strip to enter the hot springs. After everyone reaches the summit, Mereoleona sends back those who did not arrive before sunset, and invites the rest to soak in the hot springs. Sol Marron divides the pool, and the women all undress and enter one side. Mereoleona drinks sake as she soaks and offers some to Charlotte, who refuses, which Mereoleona finds insulting. Charlotte then faints after thinking about Yami naked, leaving Mereoleona confused. Mereoleona notices Noelle and is reminded of Noelle's mother, Acier. She compares the two, highlighting Acier's strengths that are Noelle's weaknesses, but points out that Noelle will surpass her mother with her own strength.

Several days after the Royal Knights Selection Exam, Mereoleona barges into the Black Bulls' base. She presents Yami with a gift of alcohol and then carries off Asta, Noelle, and Luck Voltia. In the Royal Capital, Mereoleona addresses the assembled Magic Knights and announces that they are the Royal Knights squad and she is their captain. After counting heads, she realizes someone is missing. As Zora Ideale drops in late, Mereoleona attacks him, but he counters it, which impresses her. After yelling at the distracted Black Bulls, Mereoleona orders everyone to change into their new robes. She then introduces three additional Knights who were chosen: Siren Tium, Cob Portaport, and Nozel Silva. She questions Nozel's decision to join, but King Augustus Kira Clover XIII explains that a royal captain is needed for the Royal Knights. Mereoleona then announces that the Eye of the Midnight Sun's hideout is the dungeon in the Gravito Rock Zone. After gathering the squad beneath the dungeon, Mereoleona explains the layout and divides the squad into five teams, choosing Asta and Zora for herself. Zora tosses a rainbow stink bug at her, but she catches it and smashes into his face. When Zora questions why she would take two commoners, she explains that she respects strength, not social status. She then tells the teams to head for the center room and to use whatever means or magic they wish. As her team enters the dungeon, they are confronted by three mages, and seeking revenge for her brother, Mereoleona incinerates them with her flaming aura as she dashes past them and declares that she will defeat Licht. As the group makes their way deeper, Rhya joins the group disguised as Asta, so Mereoleona burns both of them. Rhya drops his disguise and confronts Mereoleona; however, she quickly smashes through his Dark Cloaked Avidya Slash and punches him directly. Rhya is forced to keep retreating and attacking from long-range, but Mereoleona repeatedly smashes through the spells and closes the distances. Without hesitating, Mereoleona punches Rhya's copy of the Demon-Slayer Sword and then unleashes a Calidus Brachium Barrage, using Mana Zone to hit from every angle. She continues the barrage as Rhya falls back. Unable to escape, Rhya activates his self-destructive magic, but Asta nullifies it before Mereoleona's strikes could set it off. After Asta punches Rhya and demands to hear his story, Mereoleona grabs the boy and threatens him for intruding. She declares that the Eye of the Midnight Sun must be crushed, but Asta counters that they should strive for a world of understanding each other, which impresses Mereoleona with the audacity.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Mereoleona Vermillion was a woman with blue eyes and long, wavy vermilion colored hair where she had red markings around her eyes, and a single sharp, pronounced canine tooth. Her skills as a fighter led to her being known as the Uncrowned Undefeated Lioness (無冠無敗の女獅子 Mukan Muhai no Onna Shishi).

She was notable for her hostile attitude and short temper with her being a loud and aggressive woman that believed actions showed more than words.

Though holding no patience, she showed a deep understanding on how to motivate others even with people she had recently met. She came to respect anyone who was willing to get strong and did not judge others based off their upbringing or lineage.

It was said that she disliked living in the Royal Capital and instead most of the year out in the wilderness where she hunted wild animals and basked in natural mana.

Mereoleona Vermillion was the eldest daughter of the noble House Vermillion where she had two younger brothers namely Fuegoleon Vermillion (フエゴレオン・ヴァーミリオン, Fuegoreon Vāmirion) and Leopold Vermillion (レオポルド・ヴァーミリオン Reoporudo Vāmirion).

Powers and abilities

Mereoleona Vermillion was a human who possessed Mana (魔マナ) that allowed her to use magic. As a royal and captain of a Magic Knights squad, Mereoleona possesses an immense amount of magic power. Mereoleona was an extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat who was easily able to overpower any opponent she encountered.

She came to gain a Grimoire (魔導書グリモワール, gurimowāru) where the book allowed her to cast specific spells. Mereoleona was a wielder of Fire Magic (炎魔法 Honō Mahō) that she could utilise to achieve various feats. These included shaping it into attacks or even manifesting them as paw-like limbs that she could use to grab someone without burning them.

Among her techniques included:

  • Fire Magic: Calidus Brachium (炎魔法『灼熱腕カリドゥス・ブラキウム』 Honō Mahō "Karidusu Burakiumu") :
  • Mana Zone: Calidus Brachium Barrage (マナゾーン『灼熱腕カリドゥス・ブラキウム』連撃 Manazōn "Karidusu Burakiumu" Rengek) :
  • Mana Zone Full Release: Fire Magic: Calidus Brachium Purgatory (マナゾーン全開 炎魔法『灼熱腕カリドゥス・ブラキウム』煉獄 Manazōn Zenkai Honō Mahō "Karidusu Burakiumu" Rengoku) :
  • Fire Magic: Hellfire Incarnate (炎魔法『業火の化身』 Honō Mahō "Gōka no Keshin") :
  • Mana Zone Full Release: Fire Magic: Calidus Brachium Purgatory: Abyss (マナゾーン全開 炎魔法『灼熱腕カリドゥス・ブラキウム』煉獄・深淵 Manazōn Zenkai Honō Mahō "Karidusu Burakiumu" Rengoku Shin'en) :

Mereoleona was also skilled in the advanced Mana Zone (マナゾーン Manazōn) ability whereby she controlled all the mana in her immediate area which she used to enhance her spells power and range whilst also using it to predict an enemy's attack.

A noblewoman of House Vermillion (ヴァーミリオン家, Vāmirion-ke), she part of one of the three royal families of the Clover Kingdom (クローバー王国, Kurōbā Ōkoku). She was a member of the Magic Knights (魔法騎士, Mahō Kishi) and came to be the acting captain of the Crimson Lions (紅蓮の獅子王, Guren no Shishiō). She was also chosen to be the leader of the newly formed elite Royal Knights (王撰騎士団ロイヤルナイツ Roiyaru Naitsu).


  • Mereoleona Vermillion was created by Yūki Tabata and featured in the setting of the Black Clover universe.

In other media


Video games


  • Black Clover:

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