The Nietzscheans, also known as Homo Sapiens Invictus, are a genetically engineered offshoot of Humanity that feature in Andromeda.
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The Nietzschean race originated in the year 3474 on Ayn Rand Station under the direction of a gifted human geneticist Dr Paul Musevini who left him home planet of Earth and headed out into space with 3,000 of his followers. This was because his views were not considered proper by the rest of the Human race and he was ultimately shut out of the scientific society. After four months of travelling, the Musevini fleet arrived in the Omari Globular Cluster which was just outside the Milky Way Galaxy. Once there, a habitable planet was found orbiting the Beta Sirius Omega star where Musevini and his followers settled on a world they called Fountainhead which they declared the home world of a new Human race called the Nietzscheans. After sometime, the Ayn Rand Station was built in orbit which served as a vital link for the colony of Fountainhead. By 3477, Drago Musevini was born who was the genetically engineered child of Paul Musevini who created him through the use of time travelling and by obtaining a piece of DNA from Beka Valentine to help create a progenitor genetic code. His birth marked the creation of the first true Nietzschean who's genetic modifications made him the revered Progenitor for the new surace of Humans who were to be superior then their creators. His birth also resulted in the formation of a new Pride family called Pride Musevini. With the Progenitor Dragon Musevini's advanced physiology being that of all future Nietzscheans. Marked improvements included superhuman strength, endurance and bony spikes on each formarm called "bone blades".
Ayn Rand Station's completion occured in 3478 which was done so by converting one of the largest ships into a space station. The Political Capital was located at the station while settlements were formed on Fountainhead which continued to grow and develop. Once the people began to willingly embrace the philosophy of Dr. Musevini who's ideals were based on elements of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ayn Ran, Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins. Three years later, nearly 4,000 more Nietzscheans were born with them being the first members of Homo Sapien Invictus and being the first generation of Dr. Paul Musevini's genetic manipulations. However, Dr Musevini would meet his end in 3496 under mysterious circumstances which involved a rare type of poisoning by arsenic. At age 19, his son Drago Museini took on the mantle of leadership of his new Nietzschean people. The nature of his fathers death made many suspect that Drago was involved in removing his creator but there was no evidence that proved such claims. A year later in 3497 a second Nietzschean Pride was formed who were called the Drago-Kazov Pride who were created when the Progenitor Drago Kazov broke ties with Pride Musevini and formed an alliance with a wealthy and numerous group of powerful men along with women of the Kazov clan. Since its formation, the Drago-Kazov remained as a dominant force in Nietzschean society and even among alien as well as Human worlds for millennia with them forming a key role in intergalactic affairs. A year later saw the emergence of numerous new families such as the Kodiak, Sabra, Maroon, Jaguar, Orca, Banyamulenge, Al-Sharif and the Three Rivers Prides.
The Progenitor Drago Musevini led the entire Nietzschean race through decades long age of prospertiy leading them through a Golden Age. He eventually died of natural causes in 3530. The years after his death would nearly deify him as a god to his people who greatly revered him. His mummified remains were preserved by the Drago-Kazov, the very Pride he had founded and led through its glorious history. Also at the time, Rheged Mossadim of the Three Rivers Pride waschosen as the new leader of the Nietzschean people. After thirty one years in the year 3561, the Nietzschean race had not only survived but prospered; establishing their first colony called Zarathustra in 3576. In time, another colony was founded called Enga's Redoubt in the following year with Midden colonised in 3579 with Dawkinstown and Victoria being settled in 3585. A year later, Barbarossa was established with Hawking founded a year after that. Kagame's World was colonised in 3594 and Cestus Mortialis in 3599 and Enkindu in 3608. Around four years later, the Neitzschean Alliance was formed once the Bedford Forest Colony was created with the last of the Nietzschean Colonies being founded in 3616 on Hephaistos IV. With their spread complete, the Nietzschean Alliance continued to govern themselves with their strongest and most able men becoming their leaders as well as the Alpha Males being the heads of the most powerful of the Prides which included the Drago-Kazov, Jaguar, Kodiak, Maroon and Sabra often competing against one another in single combat in order to determine who would be the next leader of the Neitzscean Alliance.
The Nietzschean Alliance
In 3618, a formal first contact was made with the Systems Commonwealth with a quick but cautious alliance being formed between the two. The Nietzscheans were happy to find their long lost Human cousins and returning to them. They did not complete join the Commonwealth as they wished to remain independent but continued to be a loose ally with a sharing of culture, technology and other similar interests happening between the two. However, by 3627 they formally joined the Systems Commonwealth. Their belief in genetcally based survivalism and self improvement meant that they quickly spread throughout known space and reproduced at a rapid rate until the 52nd century where they formed 8% of the total Human population of the Commonwealth and also a powerful military force throughout the galaxies. (Website: All Systems University Timeline) At some point before the Fall, the Nietzschean's made a coordinated effort to map the slipstream by sending a fleet of slip-scouts one which was called Deep Midnight's Voice. Rumor spoke that the navigation technology of the Nietzscheans at this point was advanced enough to be superior to the High Guards. The pilots on the completion of their journey would have then the most complete map of the realm which started from the Local Group to the Virgo Cluster along with 10 billion transit points in between. This made it extremely valuable as it would make space travel 100% accurate allowing AI's to navigate without the need for organic pilots. However, during its journey, the vessel was lost 300 years ago in a gravity knot and its story became the stuff of legend among the Nietschean people. The myth around the ship made it a powerful force and it was said that any Pride that discovered it would be able to command the allegiance of another immediately. (Episode: Deep Midnight's Voice)
For several centuries, Nietzschean men and women from various Prides served as loyal citizens of the Commonwealth where they obeyed its laws and even served within their military. However, discontent began to emerge and began to grow for decades with many viewing the Commonwealth's rigid structure as decadent and unfulfilling for their kind. This reached a breaking point in 4840 CY after the Magog Invasion where many of the frontier Nietzschean colonies such as Brandenburg Tor falling to the alien invaders during the front line engagements between the two sides. (Website: All Systems University Timeline) Old colonies such as Dawkinstown, Hawking and Kagame's World were only a few of the Nietzschean planets that were despoilded and terrorized by the Magog. As a result of this, many Nietzscheans viewed the Commonwealth's response as insufficiently aggressive. Thus began talk of Nietzschean Succession with the Drago-Kazov Pride leading a rebellious view of an insurrection. Though many of their kind opposed such a radical course of action, they began to relent to them when the Systems Commonwealth signed the Treaty of Antares which left a peaceful conclusion to the Magog Invasion. (Episode: Under the Night)
The signing of the peace treaty in 4855 CY was viewed by most Nietzscheans as the ultimate betrayal of their losses they had suffered as the hands of the Magog. The Commonwealth diplomats did not realize that by placating a dangerous foe in the form of the Magog, they had ignited the fire of rebellion creating a hidden enemy in the form of the Nietzscheans. A majority of the Nietzschean race began to prepare for a full scale assault in a process that took years to complete with he aim of turning against the commonwealth in secret with shipping firms buying and buildings ships quickly with the mind of converting harmles civilian ships into deadly militaristic ones. Passenger liners became trooper carriers while cargo ships became cruisers or destroyers and couriers into deadly stealth attack fighters. Among the Home Guard units on Nietzschean worlds, new personnel and special equipment began to stream in with even the elite High Guard units such as Argosy and Lancer Corps getting many new Nietzschean officers who sought to betray their commanders in the future. A large armada of 10,000 ships was assembled in Hephaistos system with many smaller battle groups spread across the System Commonwealth's territory where they were ready to attack once the signal was given. (Episode: Under the Night) That time came in the Hephaistos System at the black hole when the Nietzschean insurrectionists sent a distress signal to a large group of High Guard vessels who were brought into a trap where they were picked off one by one. In 4858, over 200 ships were destroyed in this manner until the captain of the Andromeda Ascendant managed to draw away the fleets fire long enough to allow them to escape into Slipstream in order to warn the Commonwealth's high command. With their secrecy broken, the Nietzscheans openly attacked and struck them hard with the intention of overthrowing the Systems Commonwealth and replace with with a Nietzschean Empire. (Episode: Under the Night) During the Neitzschean Uprising, a common Nietzschean tactic was the capture of High Guard officers and used them as Human shields against their own ships. (Episode: Double Helix) To the Nietzscheans, the uprising was known as the Nietzschean Tactical Offensive. (Episode: Angel Dark, Demon Bright)
Through the opening stages of the war, the Nietzscheans inflicted devastating losses on the High Guard fleets as well as their ground forces. Despite the Commonwealth's superiority, their more peaceful nature was no match for the more war-like mindset of the Nietzscheans - thus it appeared that defeat seemed imminent. The Nietzscheans plans were to form their post-Commonwealth empire under the leadership of the powerful Drago-Kazov Pride. However, rather then die after their initial losses, the Commonwealth regrouped and fought back fiercly with some victories achieved against the Nietzscheans by Commonwealth loyal Nietzscheans who fought to preserve their governments ideals. Thus, a war that was supposed to last mere weeks took two years with the possibility of mutual annihilation being the end result of the Commonwealth Civil War. (Website: All Systems University The Nietzschean Betrayal) It was also known where Nietzschean captains began killing loyal High Guard crews, the vessels AI's in turn rebelled against the Neitzschean who at first intended to use the ships against the Commonwealth by erasing the vessels AIs but this proved impossible. As a result of this, upon the successful defeat of the Commonwealth, the Neitzscheans simply removed the ships slipstream core and dumped them powerless in a prison camp code named Tartarus. At least 50 such vessels suffered this fate where they were trapped for many years whilst the Neitzschans decided on their fates. (Episode: The Knight, Death, and the Devil)
Around 13 months after the Battle of Haphaestus, the Neitzschean fleets began to prepare for their final offensive against the Commonwealth. A Neitzschean fleet of 1,500 ships were assembled with 100,000 soldiers present to secure victory over the enemy. This would lead to the climatic Battle of Witchhead Nebula where the Commonwealth fleet was destroyed but the Nietzscheans were weakened to such an extend that they were unable to form a unified empire as they had planned. Ultimately, history would record that only 500 Neitzschean ships were present, the rest destroyed by a time travelling Andromeda Ascendant though this was unknown to the rest of the universe. Much of the Nietzschean fleet consisted of the dominant Drago-Kazov Pride and in their weakened state, they were betrayed by Pride Jaguar thus bringing about the collapse of the Nietzschean Alliance as well as ending their dreams of a unified Nietzschean Empire. This was attributed to being the prime reason why the Nietzscheans did not conquer the Known Worlds and brought about the Long Night. (Episode: Angel Dark, Demon Bright) At the end of the war, the Volsung Pride who were a direct offshoot of the Kodiak Pride were slaughtered on their orbital station when it exploded around the planet Castalia. (Episode: All Great Neptune's Ocean) Shortly after the end of the conflict, the Magog began to cross the Quarantine Zone in great strength and numbers that were not seen before with swarm fleets numbering in billions roaming over known space who began to attack anything they approached - be it Commonwealth or Nietzschean. Without a central governing, many worlds were left to fend for themselves and the dream of the great Nietzschean empire was shattered. (Website: All Systems University Timeline)
Later years
In the aftermath of the war, the Nietzscheans were known to not enjoy good relations with other races due to their actions in the Fall of the Commonwealth. (Website: All Systems University Nietzscheans) Nietzschean slavers were also known to prowl the spaceways for merchandise with Guard Station GS-92196 being one such site though their ships were destroyed with the slavers themselves killed by the zealous children that manned the station. (Epiode: To Loose the Fateful Lightning) At this time, the strongest of the Prides was the Drago-Kazov who were only challenged when the Sabra and Jaguar Prides were facing the prospect of being united. To that end, Drago-Kazov attempted to prevent Elsbett Mossadim from going to the Jaguar homeworld despite her actually being an assassin sent by the Sabra Pride to eliminate their two century old enemies. However, the intervention of Captain Dylan Hunt led to the Sabra and Jaguar Prides uniting their forces with the Sabra Golden Light Battalion coming to the aid of Mossadim to fight against the Drago-Kazov forces. This led to a pre-mature start of hostilities between the Dragon-Kazov and the now newly formed Sabra-Jaguar Pride. (Episode: The Honey Offering) When Captain Dylan Hunt of the time displaced starship Andromeda Ascendant began his attempts at reforming the Systems Commonwealth, he met with the leader of the Sabra-Jaguar Pride - Archduke Archduke Charlemagne Bolivar. Despite an assassination attempt on the assembled delegates, the Sabra-Jaguar agreed to be a part of the Commonwealth. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth) By CY 10089, the minor Prides around the Known Worlds became increasingly dissatisfied with the predations and tyranny of the Drago-Kazov. (Episode: Vault of the Heavens) This led to a large conflict erupted between these minor Prides and a Dragan fleet in the Demilitizarised Zone which erupted because the Drago-Kazov believed their enemies were in possession of Deep Midnight's Voice which held a map of the entirety of the slipstream. (Episode: Deep Midnight's Voice)
As part of his plas in restoring the Nietzschean race, Tyr secretly met with the new Fleet Marshal of the Drago-Kazov who was William Ataturk and presented him the DNA results that showed that he was the genetic reincarnation of Drago Musevini. He demanded his place as leader of his race though the Marshal questioned Tyr's appearance. Ataturk was somewhat convinced by Tyr's responses but noted that the timing was a problem as a united Nietzschean Empire would draw unwanted attention from the restored Commonwealth hough ultimately agreed to the proposal and presented Tyr with the shroud of Drago Musevini as a symbol of his position. (Episode: Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath) Events ultimately led to the Nietzscheans once again betraying the restored Commonwealth and secedng en masse. They began making suspicious actions around Enga's Redoubt and numerous rumors about attacks on various worlds. A showdown occured at Enga's Redoubt over the bones of Drago Musevini with a stand off against the starship Andromeda and its Captain Dylan Hunt. Despite Tyr openly being revealed as the leader of the Nietzscheans, the battle turned against them when Tyr apparently abandoend them and the Drago Kazov coming under attack from a Kalderan and Ogami armada as well as attacks against the High Guard. (Episode: Shadows Cast by a Final Salute) In this era, among the greatest shipyards in the Three Galaxies was the Nietzschean controlled one at Almagest though these used slave labor. During an encounter on the planet, Captain Hunt feared a possible alliance between the Nietzscheans and the Collectors. (Episode: Double or Nothingness) By this point, Tyr Anasazi had been captured by the Commonwealth which led to various Prides seeking him out in order to free him as they believed him to be reincarnation of Drago Museveni. Once freed, Anasazi had begun his plans to unite the Prides in the Three Galaxies and believed he should stand against the Abyss. However, he worked with an agent of the corrupt Collectors who desired the Route of Ages and thought that the only hope for survival was servitude to the Spirit of the Abyss. However, certain Commonwealth loyal Nietzscheans despised Tyr as they viewed him as being the examples of everything wrong with their race. (Episode: Soon The Nearing Vortex)
A typical Nietzschean appeared similar to Humans with the only distinction being the bone blades by their arms. (Episode: Under the Night) They were normally larger than Humans as well as faster and stronger compared to their parent species. (Website: All Systems University Lifeforms) A Nietzschean was easily able to overpower a normal Human and lift them with just a single arm. (Episode: The Honey Offering) Their nutritional requirements also differed as they were able to eat a large variety of foods, (Website: All Systems University Lifeforms) Their senses were far more acute compared to Humans which allowed them to detect increased heart beat and see prespiration when a person was in an exerted or agitated state. As such, Nietzschean vision was good enough to distinguish a Human cornea from a contact lense and these traits also allowed them to determine if a Human was under the influence of mind altering drugs with ease. (Episode: It Makes a Lovely Light) Their ear canals were also superior to the point that it extended into the ultrasonic range but meant that certain weapons such as shrillers irritated them to a great degree. (Episode: Bunker Hill) They also had an acute sense of smell. (Episode: Conduit To Destiny)
Furthermore, they were immune to a wide variety of poisons as well as diseases. A number of other benefits included the ability to breathe chlorine gas without harm though this was only a limited ability and exposure for longer then 30 minutes resulted in damage to their bodies. (Website: All Systems University Lifeforms) Their genetically engineered nature meant that they possessed a more durable physiology allowing them to swim at depths which would kill an ordinary Human and survive for maybe 12 minutes with oxygen. (Episode: All Too Human) As such, they were quite capable of surviving environments that were much more hostile and harsher for Humans. (Website: All Systems University Lifeforms) In fact, their bio-engineered immune system that possessed nanobots of their own that were able to fight off nano-viral attacks whilst later repairing the damage. (Episode: Music of a Distant Drum) Homo sapiens invcitus was known to possess the same number of chromosomes as an unmodified homo sapiens though this was of a smaller sampling as no Nietzschean carried the genes for astigmatism, acromegalia or arterial sclerosis. (Episode: Home Fires)
Their genetically engineered nature meant that they prided themselves on thriving in conditions where normal Humans were incapable of treading. Similar to Humans, they reproduced biologically similar to their parent species with a single male and female required to create a child. Children entered puberty around 10 to 14 years of age with an average of 11.5 years of age. The normal lifespan of a Nietzschean was 150 years. (Website: All Systems University Lifeforms) This gave them a shorter lifespan compared to a heavy worlder who lived to 180 years. (Episode: Conduit To Destiny) It was believed that Nietzscheans if they survived a battle came back stronger with no member of this race of supermen being deemed as non-combatants as even a child of three years was able to disembowel a man. (Episode: All Great Neptune's Ocean) Another concept amongst the Nietzscheans was that of genetic reincarnation where a member of their species was born with the same genetic characteristics as well as features as that of a distant ancestor. (Episode: Una Salus Victus) It was known to be quite a rare event though it was known to happen from time to time. (Episode: Home Fires)
The bone blades were a natural growth and part of their biology which fully developed by mid-puberty. They were either perpendicular to a forearm or lie on a forearm with blades pointing towards the arm albow. They were controlled by voluntary muscles on each forearm that was attached to the bone blades which were composed of a bone-like substance and can be used as a weapon in personal combat allowng them to stab an enemy. The removal of the blades without anesthetic caused a Nietzschean a great deal of pain but the bone blades were capable of growing back. Bones blade were typically removed in order for a Nietzschean to pass as a normal Human. (Episode: Tunnel at the End of the Light)
Nietzscheans were known to be physically strong with this combined with their bone blades being used in martial arts styled combat. (Episode: Under the Night) The blades were capable of being used as stabbing weapons in melee strikes. (Episode: Music of a Distant Drum) This allowed a Nietzschean to dispatch humanoid opponents by striking the bone blades at the neck in order to kill the target. (Episode: Force Perspective) Through surgery, it was possible to remove the bone blades and make a member of this race appear as Human. (Episode: Tuennl at the End of the Light) Nietzscheans often looked down on other members of their kind that had their bone blades removed and referred to the process as being "de-clawed". (Episode: Vault of the Heavens)
The Nietzscheans follow the teachings of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who believed that strife and confict would inevitably reshape men into something better as well as stronger than they once were. Being a Human subspecies, they took the words to heart and used genetic engineering as well as nanotechnology to reshape themselves into a superior form of life - the ultimate survivors. (Website: All Systems University Lifeforms) Drago Museveni was known to had essentially created a race of loyal, overachievers who stood in the Commonwealth as some of the best poets, artists, architects and mathematicians. These traits meant that it was partly the reason why no one would see them betray the Commonwealth. (Episode: Deep Midnight's Voice) Thus, they built their culture on the twin pillars of social Darwinism and Dawkinite genetic competitiveness. They had a single minded devotion to self improvement as well as the propagation of one's own genes though this can seem somewhat selfish and arrogant to others. (Website: All Systems University Lifeforms) As a result, Nietzscheans were not known to harm themselves in any capacity as it was described as being "anti-survival". (Episode: All Great Neptune's Ocean) Frustration was not described as a Nietzschean quality as it was deemed to be too exchausting for their kind. (Episode: Harper / Delete) This also meant that Nietzscheans typically did not feel "love" for their mates the way normal Humans did and did not believe in any form of "magic" to the attraction between a male to a female. They instead believed that it was a science and based it around the concept of reproduction down to the genetic level with feelings of "love" simply being instincts designed to ensure the survival of the persons lineage. (Episode: Double Helix)
Their belief in perfection meant that they did not tolerate weakness which was partly the reason why they overthrew the Commonwealth as they believed that it compromised and made deals with its enemies which meant it was unfit to survive. In fact, they believed that every single day was a constant battle for survival making them skilled in the arts of combat. Nietzscheans were known not to believe in optimism as they believed it inhibited survival traits. (Episode: Under the Night) One of the physical embodiments of their philosophy was emphasized by the Dragonia Vine; a genetically engineered plant created by Drago Musiveni and was one of his first successful creations. These beautiful plants created a pleasant scent but when one moved their hands to the vines, the plant reacted by attempted to squeeze the life out of the intruder. This represented the Nietzschean view of the cosmos in that they saw it as a beautiful place yet dangerous at the same time. (Episode: Point of the Spear) Certain Nietzscheans did not believe in the concept of keeping slaves as they felt that it resulted in a dependency which was ultimately a weakness. (Episode: Music of a Distant Drum) A similar view was held towards drugs as they led to dependency with such a state ultimately bringing about the death of the individual. (Episode: It Makes a Lovely Light)
They were quite capable of treachery and cheating in order to achieve their goals as seen by the fact that during the Nietzschean Uprising; the Nietzscheans were known to use High Guard officers as hostages as well as Human shields against their own forces. (Episode: Double Helix) In fact, it was believed that Nietzscheans tended to pick fights that they knew they were capable of winning. (Episode: The Risk-All Point) Nietzscheans were not known to destroy planets that they were typically stationed on with the only weapon in their arsenal capable of such a feat being Maxim Charges which contained two AS4V. (Episode: The Mathematics of Tears) In terms of military tactics, Nietzscheans were known to maintain long periods of radio silence. (Episode: Una Salus Victus) Nietzschean soldiers were known to sometimes be equipped with personal ECM Units which prevented smart bullets from having an effect on them. (Episode: The Knight, Death, and the Devil)
Nietzscheans survivalism tended to mean that members of their kind were quite treacherous and backstabbing. It was claimed by other races that the Nietzscheans were genetically engineered to be paranoid, selfish and treachorous. Nietzscheans were not above cheating in games and only classed it as being cheating if they got caught in the act. Their paranoia and fixation with meaning was that even those people that played honestly suffered from the deception of Nietzscheans cheating in a game as they believed their opponent also held the desire to win at any cost. (Episode: Double Helix) This had taken an effect on their attempts at forming a star spanning empire as the various Prides tended to compete with one another. Certain members of their kind, such as Gaiton and Tyr, were often dismayed at the state of their people as they believed that they were destined for greatness. (Episode: Deep Midnight's Voice) Some members of the species believed that their race were destined for greatness by being living gods and warrior poets but had fallen into becoming little more than cowards and bullies. Such individuals believed that their kind instead preyed on the weak and fought one another as a sport. (Episode: The Unconquerable Man) Furthermore, they saw the worst traits of their kind were being selfish, self-absorbed, unaware of their own limitations. These same individuals believed that a Nietzscheans life involved constant evolution instead of maintaining a static existence. (Episode: Soon The Nearing Vortex)
The species was known to practice slavery with vessels containing such slavers being sent into inhabited regions in order to capture living beings. (Episode: To Loose a Fateful Lightning) Others established orbitals around planets and conducted a reign of terror on such worlds in order to capture slaves with such individuals getting tatoos on their bodies to mark their status as slaves. (Episode: All Great Neptune's Ocean) After the Fall, certain Prides were known to keep planets under their brutal suppression with any acts of defiance leading to the subjects being punished; either through execution of members of the male population or even dropping atomic bombs at certain sites. This meant that certain Nietzscheans believed that intimidation and strength werethe only currency their species needed. They often referred to normal Humans as being "kludges" which was a derogatory term whilst Nietzscheans were given the term "uber". (Episode: Music of a Distant Drum) Nietzschean arrogance was believed to be a trait that led them to be blind of the skills of "kludges". (Episode: Harper / Delete) Among the foes the Nietzscheans faced were the Knights of Genetic Purity who their children often referred to them as Genites. (Episode: Immaculate Perception) In terms of currency, the Drago-Kazov Pride was known to possess a monetary system involving Eagles. (Episode: Exit Strategies)
Amongst the Nietzscheans, the bones of Drago Museveni were considered sacred due to the fact that he was considered the progenitor of their race. (Episode: Music of a Distant Drum) They were considered the one thing that any Nietzschean would die for and the one thing that they valued over their own existence. Furthermore, they held the belief that the genetic reincarnation of their Progenitor would at some point arise and claim leadership over all Nietzscheans. This was another reason for keeping the remains of Drago Museveni as it was the only way through which the identity of the genetic reincarnation could be verified. (Episode: Una Salus Victus) One of Musevini's sayings was "The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy." (Episode: The Honey Offering) Another of his sayings written in his "Manifesto" in CY 8433 was "Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Which is a problem, if you have no power." (Episode: The Prince) In CY 8428, Musevini wrote "Primary Reflections" where he said "The soul of the Nietzscheans is this: We are arrogant. We are vain. We are manipulative. We are selfish. And we love our children." (Episode: Immaculate Perception)" Drago Museveni inn CY 8451 said "It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." (Episode: The Unconquerable Man) His reputation meant that Nietzscheans considered him to be a scholar, a poet and to be a living god for their people. (Episode: Deep Midnight's Voice) One of the few relics that they kept was the Shroud of Drago Museveni which was in lieu of a crown. (Episode: Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath)
They possessed a number of folklore about themselves with one of which surrounding that of the Dragonia vine which signified leadership but also a lonely and bloody end. (Episode: Shadows Cast by a Final Salute) Following the Fall of the Commonwealth, the Nietzscheans developed a legend regarding the Battle of Witchhead. During the battle, Nietzschean victory over the High Guard seemed assured until an Angel of Death emerged that summoned forth the fires of hell. As a result, the Nietzschean fleet was struck down and crippled with their great victory turned to ashes. (Episode: Angel Dark, Demon Bright)
- The Angel of Death was later revealed to be the time travelling Andromeda Ascendant'.'
Prides and Family Life
To Nietzscheans, everything was about winning - even in terms of simple gameplay as to lose would deem the individual was inferior. (Episode: Double Helix) In addition, Nietzscheans believed that the best way to improve themselves was continous self assessment. (Episode: The Unconquerable Man) As such, to a Nietzschean a game was never solely just a game but a challenge to the prove their superiority. If this was the case, then the very genes of the Nietzschean became suspect to others of their kind which in turn would mean that no female members of the species would select the individual as a mate. As a result, their genes would die as a result without the capacity to reproduce with a willing female. However, the more success a male achieved, the more females would find him desirable with males attracting multiple females to them. Thus, the more they were chosen; the more the male got the chance to pass their genes to their multiple children thus ensuring their family lineage. This in turn meant that the more children that were born, the more likely that the Nietzscheans males genes would live on - eternal till the end. The intense focus on genetics meant that the most important thing that a female could give their chosen mate was the Double Helix; these were armbands that represented the male and females DNA which was now bound together by metal. This conferred the most honored title a Nietzschean male could hold namely to be a husband and father. (Episode: Double Helix) In fact, genetic propagation was considered one of the few endeavors by a Nietzschean that was worth the risk of death. (Episode: The Banks of the Lethe) Female Nietzscheans were were regarded as exceptional fighters but assigned on suicide missions of great importance often had their ova removed in order to be implanted in lower ranking women of the Pride so that the lineage and obvious superiority of the genetic samples would continue to the next generation as well as for the improvement of the Pride. (Episode: The Honey Offering)
They described themselves as being a complex race with equably complex relationships. It was believed that no Nietzschean would ever spill the blood of their own Pride. (Episode: Harper / Delete) Their clans and families were divided into large groups that were called Prides with the numerous clan mwmbers were often related to one another as a result. Within these, the dominant male took the position of Alpha and served as leader to the Pride. Such individuals were known to possess over dozens of brides and numerous children which demonstrated their important position. Members of a Pride that were sterile and had no potential of producing children were considered worthless. When female Nietzscheans were bonded with a male, it was not uncommon for the male to be discarded in favor of a more superior breeding specimen. During matters of mating, lineage and the superiority of a mate were important factors. Many male Nietzscheans yearned for a fertile female and joining an established Pride. But before they could be accepted, a genetic sample was required in order to verify the claims of the Nietzschean in question. Ultimately, all Nietzschean males yearned to become a husband and a father in order to continue their lineage. The smallest Prides were capable of holding just under a hundred Nietzscheans. (Episode: Double Helix) Control over mating and the internal politics of the Pride were often left in the hands of the Pride's Matriarch who's duty lay with their family's survival. (Episode: Immaculate Perception) More larger Prides were capable of holding upto thousands or even millions of Nietzscheans. It was also known that rival Prides were sometimes known to arrange marriages between their first born children which sometimes led to a merger between the two families. (Episode: The Honey Offering)
The Alpha Male was the strongest, smartest and quickest of the males of the Pride and the one who survived having his comrades being removed which signified his superior genetics as well as his worth. The Pride Matriarch was the strongest of the females within the group and did not necessarily have to be the wife of the Alpha Male as she could be another female relation. Her duties was to ensure that the genes of prospective mates were good ones and that they benefited the Pride as a whole if they reproduced. A further duty was the removal of weak genes within the Pride and ensure that they did not contribute to the clan. This was accomplished first by preventing entry to those with such weak qualities but can also encompass the killing of those within the Pride to ensure the survival of the rest of the group.
Those Nietzscheans without a Pride were considered orphans and were shunned for being failures in surviving. Due to the value of propagation seen in Nietzschean females, they were normally not assigned military duty though this was only the case with those that could breed. Those incapable of bearing children were allowed to serve in their Pride's military forces. Typically, Nietzscheans killed any of their children that were defective though this was not always the case. (Episode: Una Salus Victus) In addition, it was known that those Nietzscheans that lost their Pride were forced to adopt a nomadic life such as being mercenaries in order to prove their genetic worth to others of their kind. This was in order for another Pride to accept them by proving their genetic worth. (Episode: An Affirming Flame) Normal Nietzscheans did not believe in the concept of cross-breeding as they felt it was detrimental to the propagation of the race and thus stated that they never felt attraction to females outside their species such as Humans. (Episode: Forced Perspective) Despite this being the case, it was known that certain Nietzscheans did enjoy carnal relations with normal Humans. (Episode: The Honey Offering)
Their unique view on survival of the fittest meant that reproduction and the propagation of their species held a high place among their kind. Mating involved a practice of modified pair bonding with various males competing to win the favor of a reproductive age females who chose their mates based on genetic fitness rather then emotional compatability. This meant that it was not uncommon for a high status male to have more than a single female consort or a female to have many husbands. Ultimately, however, the females had full control over their options of mates with them choosing a male and not the other way around. Families were capable of being quite large with only a single male with ten or mroe wives along with thirty or more children.
For a Nietzschean to marry and reproduce, they were required to be present their prospective mate to the Pride's Matriarch who commonly did a genetic scan to determine if the genes of the male or female were strong. If approved, the couple were married in a private ceremony which involved only the two of them. Bracers were exchanged between the to which signified that they were one.
The unique nature of their reproduction and their genetic engineering meant that Nietzscheans had a remarkable phenomena called Genetic Reincarnation. This was the condition where a Nietzschean was capable of being born with the genetic makeup that was identical to that of an ancestor which was impossible among ordinary Humans though it is not unheard of among Nietzscheans. This was because every passive or recessive gene was removed from them to prevent any biological defect allowing their gene pool to perpetuate itself indefinately making it several times smaller than that of ordinary Humans.
The effect of Genetic Reincarnation played heavily among Nietzschean beliefs who hoped that someday that the legendary Progenitor Drago Musevini would be reborn once more with him reuniting te Prides and lead them to total dominion over all the species of the galaxies.
- Drago-Kazov :
- Kodiak : a notable Pride that were responsible for the protection of the Progenitor Drago Museveni's bones until they were betrayed by their allies leading to the groups destruction except for a few survivors. (Episode: Double Helix)
- Orca : a small Pride that participated in the betrayal of Kodiak Pride. (Episode: Double Helix) Was later destroyed by the Genites. (Episode: Immaculate Perception)
- Volsung : an offshoot of Kodiak Pride who practiced slavery with an orbital station around Castalia until it was destroyed by the Castalian Republic. (Episode: All Great Neptunes Ocean)
- Sabra-Jaguar : originally two separate Prides known as the Sabra and Jaguar who were enemies of one another until an arranged marriage as well as the threat of the Drago-Kazov forced the two to merge together. (Episode: The Honey Offering)
- Mandau : seen in the Post-Fall period who were described as being parasites and slavers. (Episode: Exit Strategies)
- Condor : a small post-Fall Pride that numbered only in a thousand strong that was massacred by an attack from the Genites. (Episode: Immaculate Perception)
- Lynx : another small post-Fall minor Pride that lived in the Vadra Sector that fell victim to a Genite attack. (Episode: Immaculate Perception)
- Kenja : post-Fall Pride who "killed to live" and participated in the assault that destroyed the Crimson Sunrise. (Episode: The Risk-All Point)
- Rakhshasa : post-Fall military Pride based at Carva Rakhshasa who were formerly led by Calleb Voth until he was deposed by his more aggressive sister Malea Voth. The banished members of the Pride became pirates that faced a power struggle with Mallea and were involved in the attempt at acquiring the File-D weapon. (Episode: Harper / Delete)
- Tyr Anasazi : male Nietzschean who was a member of the Kodiak Pride until its destruction and lived the life of a mercenary whereupon he joined the crew of the Andromeda Ascendant. (Episode: An Affirming Flame)
- Gaheris Rhade : male second officer of the Andromeda Ascendant who was a close friend of Dylan Hunt but betrayed him during the Battle of Hephaistus during the Fall which led to his death. (Episode: Under the Night)
- Telemachus Rhade : male genetic reincarnation of his ancestor, Gaheris Rhade with Telemachus surviving in the remote colony established by Sara Riley on the planet Tarazed. Telemachus became an Admiral in the Home Guard forces that protected the planet where he was wounded twice in battles against the Kalderans. (Episode: Home Fires)
- Iskinder Kasad : male commanding officer of the Clarion's Call in the High Guard who was noted for being brutal with his Lancers revered him as if he were a god. He slaughtered the crew during the Fall whilst sabotaging the troop ship preventing Ryan from intervening. (Episode: The Knight, Death, and the Devil)
- Promethieus Wellington : Long Night era Alpha Male Nietzschean who led the Lynx Pride in the Vadra Sector and sent a distress call when he along with his family were massacred by the Genites. (Episode: Immaculate Perception)
- Freya : female Nietzschean of Orca Pride during the Long Night who chose Tyr Anasazi as her mate. (Episode: Double Helix) Their union allowed her to give birth to a son though she was later killed during a Genite attack. (Episode: Immaculate Perception)
- Olma : Matriarch of Orca Pride in the Long Night who judged Tyr Anasazi worthy of mating with Freya. (Episode: Double Helix) She watched over Tamerlane Anasazi and determined he was the genetic reincarnation of Drago Museveni whereupon she left with Tyr after Orca Pride was destroyed by the Genites. (Episode: Immaculate Perception)
- Errin Shohashi : female of Kenja Pride in post-Fall era, she enlisted in the restored High Guard and was the first officer of the Crimson Sunrise under Captain Grissum until its destruction. She survived on the Eureka Maru she was suspected to be a sabotuer but proved her loyalty with it being shown that Captain Hunt had an obvious attraction to her. (Episode: The Risk-All Point)
- Shig : a male Nietzschean in post-Fall era who headed the Almagest construction yards. (Episode: Double or Nothingness)
- Lipp-Sett : a male Nietzschean in post-Fall era who headed the Almagest construction yards. (Episode: Double or Nothingness)
- Calleb Voth : male Nietzschean in post-Fall era who was the Alpha of the Rakhshasa Pride and had a son during his reign before being deposed and exiled by his sister Malea Voth. This led to him adopting a life of piracy in order to survive along with his forces where they attacked the Commonwealth ship Magellan Melro in order to acquire the Magog weapon known as File-D. However, his son was kidnapped by his sister who wanted the weapon but both were outsmarted by Dylan Hunt. (Episode: Harper / Delete)
- Malea Voth : sister of Calleb Voth who deposed him and took command of the Pride where she intended to kill her nephew unless she gained the File-D weapon acquired by her brother. (Episode: Harper / Delete)
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