Sabra-Jaguar Pride

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The Sabra-Jaguar Pride is a group that features in Andromeda.




In CY 10087, the Sabra Pride and Jaguar Pride were known to be dominant force within their region of space but were engaged in a brutal war with one another. A lasting peace was agreed when it was held that Elssbett Mossadim of Sabra Pride was to wed first born son of Jaguar Pride. Despite this being the case, both sides expected treachery and planned to betray their ally at the first available opportunity with the Sabra establishing a hidden fleet to assault the Jaguar Homeworld. Furthermore, Elssbett Mossadim was actually intended to use the wedding as a means to assassinate the ruling Jaguar family with a neutron bomb which would kill her in the process. It was thus intended that in the aftermath, the disorganized Jaguar would be annihilated by the Sabra thus ending their long standing stalemate. The transportation of the bride was arranged by Tyr Anasazi who offered the services of Captain Dylan Hunt's Glorious Heritage class heavy cruiser, the Andromeda Ascendant. However, knowledge of the wedding was discovered by the Drago-Kazov who intended to capture Elssbett who's assassination plan was discovered by Hunt who in turn attempted to stop it. As they were being chased to the Jaguar Homeworld, Captain Hunt forced Elssbett to commit the Sabra invasion fleet to protect her which combined with the defensive forces of the Jaguar thus bringing about a pre-mature start of hostilities with the Drago-Kazov. Forced into a war, the Sabra and Jaguar had no choice but to continue with the marriage alliance which created the newly formed Sabra-Jaguar Pride. (Episode: The Honey Offering)

Afterwards, Arch Duke Charlemagne Bolivar of Jaguar Pride was dispatched to the Andromeda Ascendant in order to take part in the new Commonwealth mutual defense pact signing. Despite not being invited, Archduke Bolivar highlighted the strengths of the Sabra-Jaguar and successfully joined the defense pact. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth) Afterwards, the Drago-Kazov were engaged in open hostilities with the Sabra-Jaguar and began retrofitting all their decommissioned starships in order to double their fleet for the conflict. This led to Elsbett Mossadim calling upon the mutual defense pact that Sabra-Jaguar signed with the newly restored Systems Commonwealth and gain the help of the Andromeda Ascendant to fight their enemies. In order to thwart her, the Drago-Kazov dispatched heavy fighters to destroy Mossadim's transports but they in turn were destroyed when the Andromeda Ascendant came to Elsbett's aid. As part of the Drago-Kazov's push to the Jaguar homeworld, they quickly annexed the Hruska and Barbour systems; the former being the key to the entirety of the Diogenes cluster. The Drago-Kazov fleet engaged the enemy in the Kulich system where it was revealed that the Dragans warships were simply empty vessels with slipstream drives. As the Sabra-Jaguar and their allies moved in, Cuatemoc commanded the ships launch their slipstream drives into the enemy forces which deposited them all across the Orion Arm. Victory was assured for the Dragans until Dylan Hunt slaved the fleet into the Andromeda Ascendant which returned to Kulich with the Drago-Kazov in pursuit who were destroyed in the damaged slipstream route. (Episode: Bunker Hill)

During the ratification meeting of the Commonwealth, the Sabra-Jaguar dispatched Fleet Admiral Zhukov Pashtun as their ambassador. The senator was present onboard the Andromeda Ascendant when it was attacked by aliens from a pocket universe. Seeing the potential for dying, Pashtun attempted to leave but was stopped by the vessels crew. Later, his personal fleet arrived to take him and any other delegates away from the battlefield but Seamus Harper after standing up to the admiral earnt his respect. He stated that his fleet would aid the Andromeda Ascendant if they proved capable in fighting the alien invaders. After initially struggling, the Andromeda Ascendant managed to destroy several alien warships which led to Fleet Admiral Pashtun returning to his flagship and giving aid in the battle. His forces were damaged in the wave upon wave of enemy attackers but they managed to delay the invaders long enough for a modified Nova bomb to be deployed into a dimensional portal which the aliens used to invade the universe. (Episode: The Tunnel at the End of the Light) In CY 10089, the Sabra-Jaguar dispatched a fleet to aid the New Systems Commonwealth forces at the planet Samsarra which was being invaded by the Pyrians with the detachment being led by Vice Admiral Kosugi. They managed to get an initial victory over the Pyrian forces in the system until the arrival of the enemy reinforcements which devastated the Commonwealth forces. When Kosugi learnt of the Pyrians launching invasions of the Known Worlds, the Vice Admiral decided to pull his forces from Samsarra in order to defend the Jaguar Pride homeworld of Vinsamos. (Episode: Point of the Spear)


There were three traits that the Sabra-Jaguar were well known for which included the fact that they would constantly remind others of their own superiority, were infamous for their treachery and the fact that they possessed the third largest military in the Known Worlds. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth)


  • Elssbett Mossadim : female of Sabra Pride who in CY 10087 was arranged to marry into the Jaguar Pride to bring a peace between the two groups; was actually an assassin sent to eliminate the Jaguar ruling family but was forced to continue with the marriage due to Dylan Hunt causing a pre-mature war with the Drago-Kazov Pride. (Episode: The Honey Offering) She was known to had her first child with Charlemagne Bolivar. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth)
  • Charlemange Bolivar : male of Jaguar Pride noted for his decadence and cunning, he signed the Sabra-Jaguar Pride into the new Commonwealth Charter thus effectively making them members and part of its mutual defense pact. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth)
  • Zhukov Pashtun : male senator from the Sabra Pride homeworld, head of military intelligence and former secretary of the Sabra Polit Bureau. No wives or children as well as was estranged from family and was dispatched to the ratification meeting of the new Commonwealth Charter. (Episode: Tunnel at the End of the Light)
  • Kosugi : Vice Admiral of the Sabra-Jaguar sent to command their forces at Samsarra. (Episode: Point of the Spear)


  • Andromeda:

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