Pharah (Overwatch)

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Pharah is a female video game character who features in Overwatch.



Fareeha Amari was a female human born in Canada as the daughter of Ana Amari and her father Sam English. After her birth, the family settled down in Cairo. As an infant, she was perpetually cranky and never napped. Initially, Fareeha had a good relationship with her mother, who taught her martial arts. As a child, Fareeha was a multitasker—chewing and running, reading and singing, solving sums while practicing pirouettes, and asking complicated questions while pretending to be a tightrope walker. Fareeha was 6 years old when the Omnic Crisis began. Her mother was recruited into Overwatch, which meant that she would have to be far away. Fareeha called her mother a hero, even if Ana simply considered the job to be her duty. Fareeha came to know some of her mother's fellow strike team members such as Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes. When she was seven, she called her mother via an encrypted channel, begging her to come home. The transmission was interrupted by an explosion on Ana's end, prompting Reyes to investigate. Spooked by the explosions, Ana taught her about tactics concerning the time between detonations, and how they applied to omnic attack patterns.

Fareeha enlisted in the Egyptian Army. Her dogged persistence and tactical prowess caused her to rise up through the officer ranks. She was a courageous leader and earned the loyalty of all who served under her. With her exemplary record, Fareeha was well placed to join the ranks of Overwatch, but before she had that opportunity, Overwatch was disbanded. After leaving the army with a commendation for distinguished service, she was offered employment with Helix Security International, a private security firm contracted to defend the artificial intelligence research facility beneath the Giza Plateau. The top-secret facility was touted as vital to the safety of not only the region but countries across the globe. Fareeha gladly accepted the choice assignment and received training in the Raptora Mark VI, an experimental combat suit designed for rapid mobility and devastating firepower. Under the call sign Pharah, she worked to safeguard the AI installation. Though she mourned Overwatch's passing, she still dreamed of fighting the good fight and making a difference on a global scale. She was assigned to a strike team under the command of Captain Khalil, with the rank of lieutenant.

As a child, Fareeha grew up in the company of Overwatch where she was considered an Overwatch asset by Talon, despite not being a member herself. She was often mentioned in Talon's files on her mother.


Personality and attributes

After her mother was reportedly killed in action, she got her udjat, to honour her memory. Her mother had borne a similar tattoo, and told her it was a symbol of protection. At the time, Fareeha had assumed that it meant that her mother would always protect her. Ana later sent letters to Fareeha, explaining her absence, but Fareeha never gave a response.

Powers and abilities

She was provided an experimental combat suit known as the Raptora Mark VI that was designed for rapid mobility and devastating firepower.

In the field, she carried a rocket launcher that was a long-range explosive projectile weapon.


  • Pharah was created by Blizzard Entertainment where she was voiced by actor Jen Cohn and featured in the Overwatch setting.


  • Overwatch: (2016)
  • Overwatch 2:

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