Spirit of the Abyss

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The Spirit of the Abyss is a powerful entity that appears in Andromeda.




It was claimed that the Spirit of the Abyss had been defeated once before with evidence of this being present in future eras in the forms of various texts. (Episode: Soon The Nearing Vortex) At some unknown point in the past, the Abyss was known to had created the parasitic species known as the Magog who were considered its harbingers of destruction. (Episode: The Widening Gyre) At some unknown point, it was believed that this entity was responsible for the destruction of the homeworld of the Prescient. (Episode: Pieces of Eight)

In order to prevent knowledge of its part in the downfall of Brandenburg Tor, the Abyss dispatched the bounty hunter Jeger to find and kill the All-Systems University Special Collections Division agent Renvik. Jeger was only partially successful in his goal as he did eliminate the Perseid but not before he passed his knowledge to Seamus Harper. Following his initial failure, Jeger reported to the Spirit of the Abyss that he believed that the data they were looking for was on the last High Guard vessel, the Andromeda Ascendant. He made a second attempt at accomplishing his masters plans but failed which allowed Captain Dylan Hunt to see a recording of the Abyss commanding the Magog in their attack though he was unaware of who this entity was at the time. Afterwards, Jeger returned to his asteroid base and pleaded to the Abyss to spare him as well as give him another chance but the Spirit of the Abyss consumed the bounty hunter within itself before disappearing. (Episode: Harper 2.0)

The Abyss later sent another one of its agents who was a Human by the name of Satrina Leander who used a diplomatic event for the signing of the Systems Commonwealth mutual defense pact as an excuse to once again retrieve the data from the All-Systems University from Seamus Harper. (Episode: Into the Labyrinth)

The Spirit also began operating in the background to ensure the destruction of the New Systems Commonwealth. This saw it taking control of a Collector by the name of Paroo who had become the head of security. Through him, a campaign of conflict and chaos was created between various groups in order to bring about the disastrous battle at Enga's Redoubt between the Commonwealth fleet, Nietzscheans as well as other factions. At the same time, Paroo was used to take Tri-Jema of the Triumvirate to the All Forces Nullification Point in order to bring about her death. However, Captain Hunt arrived on the dying planet located in the region and fought with Paroo who revealed the existence of the Faustian pact he had made with the Abyss. The dying Paroo disintegrated as a result whilst Dylan Hunt and the remnants of the Commonwealth forces fled into Slipstream though the Spirit of the Abyss briefly manifested on the bridge where its menace was sensed by the crew just prior to entering realspace. (Episode: Answers Given to Questions Never Asked) Another agent of the Abyss was a civilian by the name of Citizen Eight who controlled a large industrial force at Ganglia Drift that serviced the Commonwealth fleet and he utilized him along with the Prescient in an attempt to oust Tri-Jema as Triumvir until Captain Hunt killed Eight. (Episode: Pieces of Eight) It also communicated to the cyborg engineer Kroton and commanded his return to the Abyss's forces though the vessel along with its android army was destroyed by the intervention of the Andromeda Ascendant. (Episode: Waking The Tyrant's Device) Collector Pish Tyran believed that the only hopes of surviving the coming Worldship was by allying with the Abyss and gaining power as a result. To achieve this goal, he believed that the means of defeating the Abyss lay in the Route of Ages and allied with Tyr Anasazi to find it. (Episode: Soon The Nearing Vortex)

In The Warmth of an Invisible Light, an alternate reality shows a universe where the Abyss embarked on a more shadowy conspiracy to corrupt the Commonwealth where it instilled itself with bullets used to kill the Triumvirate whereupon it influenced Seamus Harper to turn him into a dictator where he used the High Guard to usurp control of the government to bring it under his rule with a war being fought against resistance fighters led by General Rebecca Valentine.


Personality and attributes

The Abyss was known to possess feelings of complete hatred to everything but it was stated by the Magog that underneath this were feelings of love. In the eyes of this entity, life was suffering and chaos but the Abyss offered an alternative; a way of harmony, transcendance and death. (Episode: The Widening Gyre) It was known not to brook failure and often killed servants that had failed in their duty. (Episode: Harper 2.0) The Abyss was described as being an cold, invisible and insidious presence that was able to corrupt even good men. (Episode: The Warmth of an Invisible Light)

Powers and abilities

The Spirit of the Abyss was known to manifest at any location of its choosing. (Episode: The Widening Gyre) Its form had the ability of absorbing sentient beings and instantly killing them as a result. (Episode: Harper 2.0) In addition, it was shown the capability of manifesting balls of fire from its hands which was capable of being shot at enemies. (Episode: The Widening Gyre)


  • The Spirit of the Abyss was portrayed by actor Robert Saunders.
  • According to the unproduced episode "Coda" by Robert Hewitt Wolfe, the origin of the Abyss would have more thoroughly explained with it pre-dating the birth of the universe. The Abyss was notable for being a force for love, harmony and order which desired the nothingness that existed before the Big Bang. However, the action of the "Lucifers" led to the instigation of a war in heaven as they desired chaos, expansion and growth. The Abyss was known to had lost this conflict which led to the Big Bang and formation of the universe. However, the Abyss desired to return existence back to its original state thus engaged in a constant cycle of creation and destruction with the "Lucifers". In the Perfect Possible Future, the Abyss would have been defeated by Beka Valentine who would have wielded the Engine of Creation to merge with the cosmic entity.


  • Andromeda: "The Widening Gyre"

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